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Monster Album - Bestiary

Album Monster - Bestiary
By: Rafidelis - Version: 1.0


This script creates an album of monsters, or one where bestiario are presented
characteristics of the monsters of the game.
As soon as you battle in the game, all the monster battles are added to the Bestiary, but you can also add monsters without the need to fight to see that the instuctions in the script.


(*) Display a background image for each Monster
(*) Displays a default background image for the monsters who do not receive a background image separate action.
(*) If you do not use images, is used the option "Crop Battler", which creates a sort of frame with the edges of the battlers monsters.
(*) Window with Data Bestiary, such as percent complete.
(*) Easy creation of the description of the monsters Bestiary (See Instructions)
(*) Fast and easy customization.


Using Background Image:

Without the option to use background image, it creates a 'framework' in the monster battler.





Well, all instructions are in the script, but the main one I'll post here for everyone to understand.

1st Paste the script above the Main, right in the following section, edit the constants in Module Rafidelis::Bestiary_System if you wish.
2st Creating the outline of a monster, using the 'History' tab in 'Enemies' Database.

Note: If you already use a script that uses the command 'History', and want another way to describe the creation of monsters, please contact me.

1st With the RMVX opened, press the F9 key or open the Database icon in the toolbar RPGMakerVX, select the tab Enemies.
2st In the lower right corner, the command 'History' type a description of the monster of the following ways:

(1) -
"This and the description of a monster, with only 1 line."
Thus, the description of the monster takes up only one line, this is a practical and simple way to add descriptions


  d = [] # Never forget to add this line

  d [0] = "This is the first line of the monster"

  d [1] = "This is the second line of the description of the monster"

  d # never forget this line also

Thus the description of the monster can contain up to 2 lines, note that the first and last line should always be write.The # are ignored.

Terms and Conditions

- If you use this script, you do not have to include my name in credits, but I'd like you to give the deserved credits; D
- You can use this script on non-commercial games, if you want to use in some commercial game, please get in touch with me and we entered into an agreement.
- You can distribute / modify / edit this script, but can not withdraw the name of the author and not the link to the forum ReinoRpg.
- Enjoy D;



This looks very nice. I like the fact that if you don't have a background image, it creates a frame for the monster. Very nice work.



Hey everybody!
I'm kinda new to scripting, but I tried this bestiary and it's awesome! However, I'd like to know if it's possible that the bestiary is not accessible from the beginning, that you need to get to a special point or to get a special item first to unlock it, example: Pokédex, it's the bestiary and you don't have it from the beginning, you have to get it from Oak first. Is that possible? It should have something to do with this line if I'm not mistaken:
# Switch that control the exibition of Bestiario option,in menu
Menu_Switch_ID = 1

Thanks in advance for any help x3

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