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Modern/Survivalist Game Over

After puttering around with new brushes in Photoshop, I came out with this game over. In my opinion, it'd work best with a horror/survivalist type game like Silent Hill. I can also see it at the end of a modern/futuristic game that has that gritty factor.

This is my first time making a game over screen, so hopefully you won't be too disappointed.


If you use this, please credit me somewhere in your game. I'd also love to hear from you if you decide to use it :)

Any thoughts/opinions?
Thank you for the comment, I'll see what I can do about the letters :)

Here's a title to possibly go along with the game over:

looks like someone carefully painted the biohazard sign with blood and then got killed. It looks alright but the rivits could be a bit smaller and try to get some tones on that red.



I like the end screen :D Title screen could use some work, like the handprint, but other than that it's good :)

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