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Modern Substitute (PA)

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I needed Modern NPCs for my Game so I'm making some myself. You don't have to credit me. A thanks may be nice tho.


http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/7470 ... ernng6.png[/IMG]


http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/6519 ... ernof7.png[/IMG]


http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/9246 ... ernat7.png[/IMG]

Some of them may be alittle off because they were just quick edits. May edit 006-F06 alittle more later.

added more...
RTP is chubby guys.
Some people are a bit chubby. At least the Americans in my family.

Ha ha. (I refuse to use "lol".) I've never been to America so I wouldn't know.

Personally I think they're fine, good actually for RTP. Like to see more in the future.



Yeah if you want a realistic modern age you probably need some chubbies.  Also, your avatar is nuts, Brainstorm.  Did you make it?
Yeah, I gotta say, I love the crap out of your avvie. The NPC's are chublets, but that's okay. They're not fat! They're American!



Unholy God of necromancy!  January '07?  You went back a YEAR to pop off a comment about Stallone?  Call the exorcist immediately.
Calibre":vxwefp5e said:
Wasn't January 6th 2007 pretty long ago.
Weird... that was my birthday.
*twilight zone music*

OK, on to the resources. The back views of the shirts look strange around the waist to me, but I can't quite place it. That's really it.
gratheo":1c7qmf2c said:
Weird... that was my birthday.
*twilight zone music*

OK, on to the resources. The back views of the shirts look strange around the waist to me, but I can't quite place it. That's really it.

Yeah especially weird that a 1 year old types so well.  :tongue:

I'm having it a guess here that I don't think the resources still need analysing!  :lol:
Nphyx":2upl41qt said:
Unholy God of necromancy!  January '07?  You went back a YEAR to pop off a comment about Stallone?  Call the exorcist immediately.

...And yet that one got more comments today than my post from last night, which has none! XD Oh well, I guess that's life for ya...
Ugh... Yes I made my own avatar... ^_^ It makes me happy that you... like it?

And yeah... This graphic doesn't need any analysis because it's almost 14 months old.

Aaaaaand I know what you mean. I remember I just copypasted the front onto the back.
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