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Mixing Items/Alchemy script

I searched the forum for something like this with no result :-/ so here is what I need:
1)I need a script, that I can call from a common event that when I call it, a new page/menu appears that has this form:
"A" Item is made by x"B" + y"C" items
Fire Bomb is made by 1 x Potion and 5 x Black Powder

2)On this page (which btw I imagine to look simple,using the menu skin)
I'd like to have the ability to create the A Item if the amounts of B and C are in my inventory, and then these items being deleted as they've been used.

3)The list has to be like 10-10 items long if possible.

4)Lastly the best thing would be, for the list of items to form this way:
When I get a new skill (that I will choose) a new item will appear.
I get the skill "Fire", the item Fire Bomb will be available

It would be best to work this way, since I'm using "RTAB-skills that consume items" script and have some ideas based on it.

I hope I was clear..

Thanks in advance :)

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