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Mission/Quest Selectior

I'm looking for something where you can select different quests, via some sort of shop type place, and when you select a quest you cannot select another one until you beat the one you have. Basiclly, a sort of mission selector (Like in Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced, if you've played it), that appears like a shop, but doesn't cost money. Anyway this can be done? And if it has, can someone show me the script.
I've requested this in the past and Trickster said he's been working on it, whterh or not he's still working on it or has completed it is beyond me though, but He should have something by now I asked several months ago and am still waiting on it. ..so hopefully you and I are somewhere in the light of this soon I hope.
Yes I've been working on it, the Scene is basically complete All I have to finish are a few windows and clean up my code a bit. Hopefully I will be finished with this sometime this week.

Ah well Here are some screens
Stuff not shown in the screenshots
1) Map updates in the background while the scene is running
2) Windows are transparent


This is no way the final product if you see somthing that should be changed tell me, since you will be the one using the script, not me (unless I start my own project) ;)

And the icons are from FFTA
Looks really good.

Basiclly, in my game, you are bounty hunters. Therefore, after accepting a mission, you complete it, and once you go back to the building where you can get missions from, it gives you the reward screeen (In my game, it's just gold), and you can't do the mission again. Is that basiclly what the script your making does?

Anyway, I think this script will be useful for a lot of people, not just Lockheart, and I, so I hope the final script is really good :)
Yes and most of the features can be turned on/off

All of the things I have done

- Resembles the same system from FFTA
- Mission Shop
- Requirements (Cost, Items, Mission Skill Level)
- Mission Skill System
- Skills required to take on a mission
- Popularity and Repuatation (reduces/increases cost of mission)
- Levels
- Rewards for completing the mission
- Penalty for failing the mission
- Cancellation fee for aborting the mission
- Missions that appear randomly
- Missions that appear only when you completed other missions
- Maximum number of missions you can take at once
- Level up window for skill level up
- Areas (different areas offer different missions)
- For simplicity accepting a mission turns on an in game switch

I have basically three things left to do
Finish up the Description Window (to allow for many rewards)
Wrap up some loose ends and clean up
Construct demo
Ok, I should be completely finished with this within the week, just a few more bugs to work out and options to add in the script, If anyone is interested I could post a demo and you could help me finish betatesting the system.
Ok, cool you may downlload the file here


Info you may or may not want to know, but I just will say it just in case
1)I decided to load the data through a text file
2)This script does use the in-game switches, for simplicity, (any script of this nature would have to use them), and those are defined within the text file
3)The demo itself is the base of my Test Bed Although there is only one other script in there aside from the battle system/status window
4)And don't try adding the script to your project
5)There are three missions to play with at this point two of them work possibility all three will work
6)My Mapping skills are a bit rusty :P

options I need to finish
# Set this to the maximum number of missions to take at once
# or nil for infinite
# Enable Mission Skills
I have a question not directly related to this script, but text files aren't encrypted when you make a gamedisk, right? So can't people just edit them all to make the game easier?

Now, about the script, so do you get like experience in certain areas (the skills), and define how much for each for each mission? And what all can you choose as rewards?
tensuke said:
I have a question not directly related to this script, but text files aren't encrypted when you make a gamedisk, right? So can't people just edit them all to make the game easier?

Now, about the script, so do you get like experience in certain areas (the skills), and define how much for each for each mission? And what all can you choose as rewards?

The file is name Missions.rxdata and is readble by notepad when you encrypt the game the file does get encrypted with it but the game will not be able to open it, there is a constant within the script that will fix that by saving the data (to another file) so that it can be read when the game is encrypted

By completing missions like in FFTA, there are options that set those amounts, rewards can be skill up, reputation up, popularity up, items, and gold
I love the battle system in this demo. The mission system is amazing. Another amazing script by Trickster. However, I don't think I'll use this mission system, because I don't want too many complex scripts in my game. I have to choose sometimes between what to use and what not to use because of script compatibility issues. I'll definitely use the battle system though. This is really close to the battle system I've been looking for. A front view, with moving sprites.

Sorry, rambling:lol:

Trickster: Would it be ok to request add-ons for the battle system in the demo?
RMdude333 said:
I love the battle system in this demo. The mission system is amazing. Another amazing script by Trickster. However, I don't think I'll use this mission system, because I don't want too many complex scripts in my game. I have to choose sometimes between what to use and what not to use because of script compatibility issues. I'll definitely use the battle system though. This is really close to the battle system I've been looking for. A front view, with moving sprites.

Sorry, rambling:lol:

Trickster: Would it be ok to request add-ons for the battle system in the demo?

you can wait until I have my Test Bed ready, but the battle system I created is really a few features of other battle systems I've seen, there is a better version of it in the completed version of the script you can use character sets for this battle system or use the battle character set templete
Well, I don't know if this would be quick or not, but the only add on I'm looking for at the moment is for the enemies to be walking character sets too. I don't know where to modify it.

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