it's fundrasier time!!
With not only Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts right around the corner, but also the announcement of Enterbrain's newest game-making engine, Action Game Maker (specifically its ability to port games to Xbox Live), I'm more desperate than ever to get my hands on an Xbox360! Being a poor struggling college student, I need your help! Even though this topic is in NFG, I'm entirely serious!
Send Paypal Donations to:
Progress: [||||||||||] ($250 -- 200%)
Members who donate will go onto my "good" list, putting you on good terms with me. Which means that I'll keep you in mind when looking for a game to review or if I see that you have a particular resource request that needs to be filled. Plus, you'll be contributing to the community (I seriously intend to get an XNA Creators Club account and play with the Xbox Live capabilities of the new program and review them and stuff).
But that's not all! You guys are only expected to come up with half of the price for the Xbox! Instead of trying to raise a full $250, all I'm shooting for is $125! That's right -- I'll pay for the second half out of my own pocket! Only $5 from 25 active members! Come on, crew! We can do it! (I am so terribly and awesomely corrupt.)
it's fundrasier time!!
With not only Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts right around the corner, but also the announcement of Enterbrain's newest game-making engine, Action Game Maker (specifically its ability to port games to Xbox Live), I'm more desperate than ever to get my hands on an Xbox360! Being a poor struggling college student, I need your help! Even though this topic is in NFG, I'm entirely serious!
Send Paypal Donations to:
Progress: [||||||||||] ($250 -- 200%)
Members who donate will go onto my "good" list, putting you on good terms with me. Which means that I'll keep you in mind when looking for a game to review or if I see that you have a particular resource request that needs to be filled. Plus, you'll be contributing to the community (I seriously intend to get an XNA Creators Club account and play with the Xbox Live capabilities of the new program and review them and stuff).
But that's not all! You guys are only expected to come up with half of the price for the Xbox! Instead of trying to raise a full $250, all I'm shooting for is $125! That's right -- I'll pay for the second half out of my own pocket! Only $5 from 25 active members! Come on, crew! We can do it! (I am so terribly and awesomely corrupt.)