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minkoff animated battle system help

My enemies with the ID 33 and up gets a sprite problem :S when i fight any of them they happen to just show half of their body :S
Aslo my actor1 attacks when he is standing on the monster... when he is supposed to stand beside him and then attack :S
That only happens to actor 1 :S
EDIT: I use 11 pose sprite on actors and 4 pose on enemy

Here is my config script :D hope u guys can fix it ^^ add me to msn if u want to see it in a picture :D darkstrker1337@hotmail.com
# ** Animated Battlers - Enhanced   ver. 10.5                      (01-20-2007)
#  * (1) Configuration:  The Sprite Battler Class (initialize system)

  #   ****                     ARROW CONTROLS                        ****   #
  # * Just moves the targetting arrow around
  MNK_ARROW_X             = 14      # The x position for your target cursor
  MNK_ARROW_Y             = 10      # The y position for your target cursor
  #   ****                    GENERAL CONTROLS                       ****   #

  # * Default Battler Style Switches
  DEFAULT_ENEMY           = false   # If true, these switches allows the use
  DEFAULT_ACTOR           = false   # of default battlers for actors/enemies
  DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID        = [100]     # Ids of enemies using default battlers
  DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID        = []     # Ids of actors using default battlers
  DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ACTOR  = false   # If true, restores the old 'red fade'
  DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ENEMY  = false   #   collapse effect (using spritesheets)

  # * Animation Frames and Animation Speed
  MNK_SPEED               = 4       # Framerate speed of the battlers
  MNK_RUSH_SPEED          = 1.5     # Melee/Skill/Item motion speed of the battlers
  MNK_POSES               = 11      # Maximum # of poses (stances) in the template
  MNK_FRAMES              = 4       # Maximum # of frames in each pose
  MNK_FRAMES_STANDARD     = 4       # Standard # of frames played in each pose.
  # Individual Spritesheet Control Center
  MNK_POSES_ENEMY         = {1 => 4}  # ID and # of poses for each enemy
  MNK_FRAMES_ENEMY        = nil       # ID and # of frames for each enemy
  MNK_POSES_ACTOR         = {2 => 4}  # ID and # of poses for each actor
  MNK_FRAMES_ACTOR        = nil       # ID and # of frames for each actor.
  # * Wooziness Rates
  MNK_LOW_HP_PERCENTAGE   = 0.25                    # Health% for WOOZY pose.
  MNK_LOW_HP_ACTOR        = {7 => 0.50, 8 => 0.75}  # Ind. health% for actors.
  MNK_LOW_HP_ENEMY        = {1 => 0.50}             # Ind. health% for enemies.
  MNK_LOW_HP_FLAT         = true                    # If true, flat rate hp
  #   ****                   POSE CONTROL CENTER                     ****   #
  # Editable Template (Some people wanted to change their template design)
  MNK_POSE1   =   1   # Sets the 'Ready Pose'  (MNK_POSE1)   #1 in your template
  MNK_POSE2   =   2   # Sets the 'Struck Pose' (MNK_POSE2)   #2 in your template
  MNK_POSE3   =   3   # Sets the 'Woozy Pose'  (MNK_POSE3)   #3 in your template
  MNK_POSE4   =   4   # Sets the 'Block Pose'  (MNK_POSE4)   #4 in your template
  MNK_POSE5   =   5   # Sets the 'Charge Pose' (MNK_POSE5)   #5 in your template
  MNK_POSE6   =   6   # Sets the 'Retreat Pose'(MNK_POSE6)   #6 in your template
  MNK_POSE7   =   7   # Sets the 'Attack Pose' (MNK_POSE7)   #7 in your template
  MNK_POSE8   =   8   # Sets the 'Item Pose'   (MNK_POSE8)   #8 in your template
  MNK_POSE9   =   9   # Sets the 'Skill Pose'  (MNK_POSE9)   #9 in your template
  MNK_POSE10  =  10   # Sets the 'Victory Pose'(MNK_POSE10) #10 in your template
  MNK_POSE11  =  11   # Sets the 'Defeat Pose' (MNK_POSE11) #11 in your template
  # Editable Template (for Custom Actor Spritesheets)
  MNK_APOSE1   =   {2 => 2} 
  MNK_APOSE2   =   {2 => 2}   # Hilda is using a Charset graphic as a battler.
  MNK_APOSE3   =   {2 => 2}   # The battler was copied into the Battler folder.
  MNK_APOSE4   =   {2 => 2}   # This setup allows you to use Charactersets for 
  MNK_APOSE5   =   {2 => 2}   # battlers battlers.
  MNK_APOSE6   =   {2 => 3} 
  MNK_APOSE7   =   {2 => 2} 
  MNK_APOSE8   =   {2 => 2} 
  MNK_APOSE9   =   {2 => 2} 
  MNK_APOSE10  =   {2 => 1} 
  MNK_APOSE11  =   {2 => 4} 
  # Editable Template (for Custom Enemy Spritesheets)
  MNK_EPOSE1   =   {1 => 2} 
  MNK_EPOSE2   =   {1 => 2}   # Did the same to the ghosts.  Note that enemies have
  MNK_EPOSE3   =   {1 => 2}   # no victory pose.
  MNK_EPOSE4   =   {1 => 2}   
  MNK_EPOSE5   =   {1 => 2}   
  MNK_EPOSE6   =   {1 => 3} 
  MNK_EPOSE7   =   {1 => 2} 
  MNK_EPOSE8   =   {1 => 2} 
  MNK_EPOSE9   =   {1 => 2} 
  MNK_EPOSE11  =   {1 => 11}  # Setting the ghost to an invalid pose erases it.
  #   ****               EXPANDED POSE CONTROL CENTER                ****   #
  # Non-Default Poses (can expand beyond the default 11 poses here)
  # (New system mimics the revised Template system.  Can use 'custom' sheets)
  # The first value in each set indicates the index number  in a spritesheet.
  # This value is  overrided by a value  in one of the other two accompanying
  # arrays... one for actor battlerss, the other for enemy battlers.
  # To define a pose linked to a specific battler, the syntax is...
  # '' hash array '' = { battler.id => pose# }
  # Where Aluxes and the Ghost (RTP)  would be  the 1st battlers (per array),
  # and the pose# would be the pose in your spritesheet.
  # Combinations in the  hash arrays  are possible,  so if the MNK_POSES_DYING_E
  # array has {1 => 5, 9 => 2},  then the GHOST (enemy #1) would be using the
  # 6th pose (index 5) and the 9th enemy battler would be using the 3rd pose.
  MNK_POSES_SETUP       = 7          # Choose animation pose for 'preparation'
  MNK_POSES_SETUP_A     = {2 => 4}
  MNK_POSES_SETUP_E     = {1 => 4}    
  MNK_POSES_CASTPREP    = 4          # Set 'casting' pose for skill preparation
  MNK_POSES_CASTPREP_A  = {}          
  MNK_POSES_CASTPREP_E  = {9 => 3}    
  MNK_POSES_DYING       = 6          # Choose animation pose for dying throws.
  MNK_POSES_DYING_a     = {}          
  MNK_POSES_DYING_E     = {9 => 5}    
  MNK_POSES_ESCAPE      = 2          # Set 'coward' pose for fleeing monsters)    
  MNK_POSES_ESCAPE_A    = {}         
  MNK_POSES_ESCAPE_E    = {9 => 5}   
  MNK_POSES_CRITICAL    = nil        # Set pose for BIG hits 
  MNK_POSES_CRIT_A      = {}
  MNK_POSES_CRIT_E      = {9 =>5}
  MNK_POSES_WINNING     = 4          # Set winning (Victory Dance before pose)
  MNK_POSES_WINNING_E   = {}         
  # Looping Poses
  # These arrays merely hold the ID  of actors or enemies whose poses loop at
  # the end of combat.  Enemies have no 'winning' animation pose.
  MNK_LOOPS_WINNING         = [7]     # Actor IDs if their victory pose loops
  MNK_LOOPS_DEFEATED_ACTOR  = []      # Actor IDs if their defeat pose loops
  MNK_LOOPS_DEFEATED_ENEMY  = []      # Enemy IDs if their defeat pose loops
  # Non-Default Pose Hashes (poses dependant on .id values)
  # (New system mimics the revised Template system.)
  # The first hash in each set  indicates the id number (be it skill, item or
  # otherwise, and the pose it brings up.   These mimic the 2nd array type in
  # the above Non-Default poses.   As such, a hash value of {1 => 10) for the
  # MNK_POSES_WEAPONS hash would make  the 'Bronze Sword' use the 10th index (or
  # 11th spritesheet) pose... aka the 'Defeat' pose.
  # To define an advanced pose linked to a specific battler, the syntax is...
  #  = { battler.id => { item/skill.id => pose#  } }
  # ...so this gets  more complicated.   But this does allow  each battler to
  # have his or her own unique pose, regardless of spritesheet type.
  MNK_POSES_CASTED     = {61 => 6}  # Set a specific skill to use a pose
  MNK_POSES_CASTED_A   = {}         
  MNK_POSES_STATUS     = {3 => 3}   # Set status values to poses here
  MNK_POSES_STAT_A     = {}  
  MNK_POSES_STAT_E     = {}
  MNK_POSES_SKILLS     = {57 => 7}  # Default: #57(Cross Cut) does 'Attack'
  MNK_POSES_ITEMS      = {13 => 4}  # Default: #13(Sharp Stone) does 'Block'
  MNK_POSES_ITEMS_A    = {}         
  MNK_POSES_ITEMS_E    = {}         
  MNK_POSES_WEAPONS    = {}         # Didn't set any weapons to any poses
  MNK_POSES_WEAPS_E    = {}         # Non-functional (Enemies don't use 'em.)
  # Non-Default Pose Hashes (Hits & Critical Hits)
  # (Just like above, but pertains to specific hits and critical hits)
  MNK_STRUCK_WEAPS     = {}         # Set a specific 'Struck' to a weapon attack
  MNK_STRUCK_WEAPS_A   = {}         
  MNK_STRUCK_WEAPS_E   = {}         
  MNK_STRUCK_SKILLS    = {}         # Set a specific 'Struck' to a skill
  MNK_STRUCK_SKILLS_A  = { 7 => { 7 => 4 }}
  MNK_STRUCK_ITEMS     = {}         # Set a specific 'Struck' to an item attack
  MNK_CRIT_WEAPS       = {}         # Set a specific 'Critical Hit' to a weapon
  MNK_CRIT_WEAPS_A     = {}
  MNK_CRIT_WEAPS_E     = {}       
  MNK_CRIT_SKILLS      = {}         # Set a specific 'Critical Hit' to a skill
  MNK_CRIT_SKILLS_A    = {7 => {7 => 10 }, 5 => {7 => 7}}
  MNK_CRIT_ITEMS       = {}         # Set a specific 'Critical Hit' to an item
  MNK_CRIT_ITEMS_A     = {}
  MNK_CRIT_ITEMS_E     = {}

  #   ****                   FRAME CONTROL CENTER                    ****   #

  # * Frames Control 
  MNK_FRAMES_PER_POSE    = {}               # Set #of frames to pose(by index)

  # Advanced Individual Pose/Frame Hashes   # Advanced Individual Poses  uses
                                            # hashes within hashes. As a demo 
  MNK_POSES_FR_ACTOR = {}                   # you can see that enemy #1 has 2
  MNK_POSES_FR_ENEMY = {}                   # sets of controls:  index 0 (for
                                            # a ready pose is set to 1 frame,
  # while index 3 (block) is set to 'two' frames.   Likewise, for the actor's
  # hash, Actor #7 (Gloria) has only 1 control hash.   It sets index pose '0' 
  # (the ready pose again) to use four frames of animation (even though I had
  # set the ready pose to just use '2' with the MNK_FRAMES_PER_POSE hash earlier.

  #   ****                   MOVEMENT CONTROL CENTER                 ****   #
  # * Offset / Battler Overlap System
  MNK_OFFSET            = 0       # How much additional space between battlers
  MNK_OFFSET_ACTOR      = {1 => -50}
  MNK_OFFSET_ENEMY      = nil
  # * Forward Step System (Final Fantasy-Style)
  MNK_STEP_ATTACK       = false   # If true, battler steps forward to attack
  MNK_STEP_SKILL        = true    # If true, battler steps forward to use skill
  MNK_STEP_ITEM         = true    # If true, battler steps forward to use item
  # * Movement Arrays (Arrays for skill/weapon/item IDs that affect movement)
  MNK_MOVING_ITEM       = [1]     # Examples are items that need to be applied.
  MNK_MOVING_SKILL      = [61]    # Examples are martial-arts and sneak attacks
  MNK_MOVE2CENTER_ATK   = []      # Moves battler to center based on weapon id!
  MNK_MOVE2CENTER_ITEM  = [5]     # Moves battler to center for a big item atk!
  MNK_MOVE2CENTER_SKILL = [7]     # Moves battler to center for a big skill atk!
  # * Remember, do not supply Skill or Item ID#'s that have 'None' scopes into
  #   either the MNK_MOVING_ITEM or MNK_MOVING_SKILL hashes.  These skills &
  #   item attacks have no target and would cause an error when trying to find
  #   an enemy to move towards.

  #   ****                STATIONARY CONTROL CENTER                  ****   #
  # * Stationary Battlers (simple True/False settings)
  MNK_STATIONARY_ENEMIES = false    # If the enemies don't move while attacking
  MNK_STATIONARY_ACTORS  = false    # If the actors don't move while attacking
  # * Arrays filled with skill/weapon/item IDs that halt movement 
  MNK_STATIONARY_ENEMY_IDS = []       # Enemies that don't RUN during melee attacks
  MNK_STATIONARY_WEAPONS = [17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] # (examples are bows & guns)
  MNK_STATIONARY_SKILLS  = []       # (examples are bows & guns)
  MNK_STATIONARY_ITEMS   = []       # (examples are bows & guns)

  #   ****               TRANSPARENCY CONTROL CENTER                 ****   #
  MNK_TRANSLUCENCY      = 127      # Degree of transparency
  MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ACTOR = []       # ID of actor at translucency settings
  MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ENEMY = [1, 9]   # ID of enemy at translucency settings
  MNK_PHASING           = true     # If battlers fade in/out while charging
  MNK_PHASING_ACTOR     = [1, 2]   # IDs of actors that fade in/out if charging
  MNK_PHASING_ENEMY     = [9]      # IDs of enemies that fade in/out if charging

  MNK_FADE_IN           = true     # Battler fades in if replaced or transparent

  #   ****                CUSTOM FEATURE CENTER                      ****   #
  MNK_MIRROR_ENEMIES    = true     # Enemy battlers use reversed image
  MNK_CALC_SPEED        = false    # System calculates a mean/average speed
  MNK_AT_DELAY          = true     # Pauses battlesystem until animation done.
  MNK_ADV_OFF_TURN      = 1        # Number of turns before enemies turn around.

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