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Mimic template

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Hey! I could not stay away until i finished this thing so here's the male for criticism and all that crap.^^
It's called Mimic template because well.. you see :), thought i could beat that lame ass VX template so i made my own.


And some examples (simple, female hair sort of incomplete) and the first frames for the Child and Female too, fem frontal frames and all standing frames complete fyi.
Hey man, it looks nice ^_^ The only thing I wasn't fond of was the face; it's the kind of face that would creep me out if I stared at it for more than 20 seconds xD. I tweaked it a bit and I think it looks a bit better:

I think the biggest thing was the smile.
It is better that way, changed! :D
Female mouth changed to how you see it on the character example too.

Good day folks. :grin:

E- Woo! Another example, picked the character out as i checked out the projects section ^^, i really need to start making more female characters too. These are better looking lips for the fem too.
E-Had to improve a few small things.
Hey you know i can't stop until i'm the king ^^, but i want to work with this one for a while.
These are just as easy to work with as the smaller ones but allow for more detail, now i can add more variations of my favorite facial feature too..scars hahaha.
Same here, i hate VX ^^
Feel free to mess arousnd with the eyes too, plenty of space for screwing around on the face, here's the first i'll be creating for you folks..yaarr!
Still a w.i.p

damn forgot to add on top that the extra line of pixels above the eyes are meant for eyebrows, you don't really need to take advantage though as it looks good as is :wink:
Just a little spam for this template thread ^^
A wip yeh, but zoom in anyway.
E- Damn this was supposed to be an edit.. ah well.
The ceiling tile is complete, want that dark look for it.

E- final look for the frontal, and now i go go.
After i read your message i edited a little and i may have something, i'll upload a pic if this thing works out, thanks ^^

Blam! How ju like dis eh? ^^
Much better so thanks for the wake up man :cheers:, i'm still going to leave the older look up though, works nicely as an alternate body type :wink:
E- Side added, next time i'll upload the whole sheet, and child arms now thinner.
so yeah this template rocks. now die.

*jk funny eh?*

Do you have a blog a deviantart acount? or anything? IF NOT, please create a webpage :|
Lol yeah it was :tongue:
A web page of my many templates and incomplete works would be pretty cool Hah

I think i will work with this one more than any of the others, but i don't want to say what i have in mind yet ^^
:eek: I'm really liking that tileset! And the best part, it fits the Wapoke style so I can just take those ground tiles and edit the objects to be smaller to get a tileset going (that is, if you don't mind) ^_^
I think the template's going great, but the female's mouth looks odd with it touching the bottom of the head; at first I thought she was sticking out her tongue xD
No problem man ^^, i was going to use the tileset for my own game attempt but since i've been making you wait for the child i'll pm you the tile for the area when i have some more completed, been working on the cliff and other pieces that's why i've been slacking off a bit,.. you know if anything you can just use the template i'm going to be using too bud, much less work for you in the end, but up to you.
I'll pm you meng.

Bad..or maybe good news..
I'm dropping this template :), no biggie since nobody was real giddy for it eh? Instead i'm going to remake my Tyke 2 template and release that to you lucky people XD.
If anyone is interested in completing this than drop a pm.

I'll have a mod lock this mofo now.
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