Alright, this really bothers me, I think you mean to say "plane," not "plain."
Saying that one "believes in logic"...that's fairly interesting, actually. I've heard some religious idiots talk about believing in science, which is a false statement because it compares objective and disprovable science to subjective, undisprovable religion. But to say that one believes in logic? That may be more true. Logic itself is a human construction. It's logical to bring an umbrella when it might rain. Why is that? Because we say it is. We believe it is logical. Most people believe in logic to some extent (everyone, really). The natural extension of logic is science, but like every other human thing, logic is subjective and relative to our individual experience. So, while something may seem logical to one person, it doesn't to another. Science goes a long way towards normalizing logic, with its centuries of development and its focus on objectivity, but logic in itself is still open to individual interpretation.
To clarify, one does not "believe" or have "faith" in science; it's an objective art which is, for the most part, beyond individual interpretation. One does, however, either agree with science or not; this is a subjective choice based on personal definition of logic. Those that disagree with science have little faith in logic for whatever reason. Personally, I see no reason why God must be illogical, and why He wouldn't use what science tells us as tools for constructing the universe. There's no reason why God can't have created the universe with a Bang.
There are still many things science can't explain, mainly about the topic of discussion. There is no objective way to discover what happens after death; all that we logically know is that once someone dies, he or she cannot come back to life. The common rational belief is that dead people can't talk to us, either, though some people doubt this. All we can do is believe in one thing or another, and it's not because it's true, but more because we want to think there's something good waiting for us and the ones we love after death.