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metal gear solid gameplay + extra

I need scripts to simulate the gameplay of MGS 3: snake eater.
Those scripts are:

Camo Index:
A small window in the upper-right corner the gives a percentage of how good you are camouflaged. The higher the percentage, the enemies will not be able to notice you.

New Menu, with the following options:

Well, when an enemy attacks you (for example, with a grenade), then you can be wounded (broken bones, burns, ...)
There must be an option to cure these wounds with items (disinfect, sutures, bandages, serum, styptics, knife, splint, burn ointment, stomach medicine)

Here you can edit your camouflage (will be armours).
Jungle Camouflage will work better in tall grass and near trees, the standard green camouflage will work well in small grass, Snow Camouflage will work well on white surfaces and the Black camouflage will work well in black enviroments.
This part in the script must be customizible, for if I wanted to add camouflages.
The idea I had was with a variable, example:

if varaiable camouflage >20
if enemy is 8 spaces or closer away from player
==>start alert

So my idea is, if your camouflage is 20%, then the enemy can see you from 8 spaces away (1 space is 1 square on the map)
you can use this scale:


so if your camo index is 10%, guards can see you from 10 spaces or closer, and they can start the alert fase.


With this function, you can use the classic conversation system, where the user must input a frequency to contact one of his friends. There will be a frequency that is used to save.
All frequencies must end with 2 ciphers after the dot, so not 156.2 but 156.20
To navigate trough the comunication menu, you use the left and right arrow to change the frequency, and when you press the down arrow, you see a list of the frequencies you have used, to contact someone.

you can see a map of the area where you are.
The things that are marked on the map is the position of the player.

So the things you must realy change is the steps, gold and time window (they must be gone!!!)
so when you go to your menu, on the left there is a picture of our hero (picture or battler, you may choose) and on the right the options: Cure, Camouflage, Call, map
In the cure menu, on the right is the picture of our hero, on the bottom the injuries, and on the right the medical suplies.

to cure a bullet wound:
use your knife to dig out the bullet
use the disinfect to...disinfect
use styptic to stop the bleeding
us sutures to close the wound
then use a bandage

to cure a burn:
use ointment
use a bandage

to cure a broken bone:
use a splint
use a bandage

to cure stomach aches (food poisoning)
take stomach medicine

to stop venom (normal poisoning)
inject serum.

food poisoning and venom have the same effect, slowly draining your health.

food poisoning can be get if food has been longer in your inventory (in cure) then an hour (or two hours) and then you eat the food.
venom can be get from spiders, scorpions, venom arrows,...


on the field:

Here comes a sort of battle system, but it is also possible with eventing, so tell me if it's possible to make this with scripts, or if you don't want to...

there are only two weapons in the game, and those ar the survival knife and the silenced gun, used to hunt for food and to kill enemies.
When you kill an animal, it's body "fades" away, and an item apears (food, duh)
food can be used in the cure menu to replentish your health.
when you're in front of an enemy, you don't have much chance of defeating him with your knife, so by holding a button, a small menu apears to choose a different wepon, the gun, and by releasing the button, you confirm.
But when you're behind the enemy, with your knife or gun equiped, you'll take him in a chokehold.
When you press the attack button once, you'll scare him, and maybe he drops something for you.
When you push the attack button for the second time, you'll shoot him/cut his throat

and here comes something new, I want a system, if you have your gun equiped, you press a button, and suddenly the screens fades black, you get a crosshair, and you see the picture (or battler) of your enemy
and you have ten seconds to shoot somewhere on his body.
This would be very hard, so instead of one picture or battler, you could use more (like battlers for every arm,...)
This is just an add-on, if this is too hard, you do not have to do this.
But it would be fun, so you could shoot on his hand so he would drop his gun, or on the radio on his shoulder, so he can't raise the alert.

And the there is special camouflage, the ultra-famous box!!!!!
this would give you a +10 bonus in camouflage, but if the enemy see you moving while you have the box equiped, then he starts shooting on the box.

However, when an enemy dies, you will have to hide his body, if other enemies see him, then the alarm will be raised

The alert fase
This would be very hard to make.When a guard raises the alarm, all the guards on the map will go to the area where the alarm was raised,
where the guard used his radio to contact HQ.
You must quickly hide and wait till the alert counter has reached zero, then all the guards go back to there original place.
so when an enemy sees you, the ?-emote apears above him and the he will walk to the place where he tought he saw something,
If you haven't hide yourself and he sees you then, the !-emote will apear above him and a message will apear:

"HQ, We have an intruder!"

However, when the message apears, you must be able to move, so you have the chance to escape.
and, when the !-emote apears, when you use the button to change your weapon (you know, the button you have to hold to change weapons) and take your gun (ATENTION!!!, while changing weapons, the game is paused!!!!!)
the you can still do the "shooting challenge" (see above) and try to shoot his radio.

When an enemy is dead, you can go to his body, when you press the action button (space or enter...), then you drag his body.
When his body is in tall grass, in the shadow or in a closet, other guards will not find him.
Again, for tall grass, shadow and closets, it is the easiest way to use the same terain tags as for the camouflages.
so, when the alert was raised, al the guards will go to the area where you were at that time.


The HUD is very simple:


This is the HUD.
Ow yeah, when you're WOUNDED, your maximum energy will be lowered, thus the bar becomes smaller.
There are no levels in this game and the standard energy for the normal difficulty is 100
for the easy difficulty is 250
for the hard difficulty is 50

Now, the sight of the enemy when he saw you.
The enemy always looks straight in front of him.
so, the closer you are, the harder they will shoot...

again, I use a scale:


easy enough...


By Daman.tm[/FONT]
You're essentially asking for someone to script your entire game, which will be a fairly mighty undertaking. I'm not saying nobody will do it, I'm just saying not to get your hopes up too much.

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