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Message Systems add-on-Updated!!! New xp and vx code

216 Colors
Version: 1.2(xp) 1.1(vx)
By: Plague180


This script makes it so there are 216 diffrent possible colors for Window_Base, i made this as a add on for dubealex's AMS. i find all the time when i am working on games that the color i want doesnt exist or maybe i wanted a slightly diffrent shade of blue or this or that, so i re-wrote Window_Base :) i hope at least one person other then me can use this.

  • Allows you to use 216 diffent colors(Font)

Here si what the new demos do, you choose a number and it shows you what color that might be:


i will eventully comment out all the colors.


*Apparently im a ass, so ya its gone, email me if you want this script*


The Instructions you have might be diffrent depending on what message system you use, but im pretty sure it should work with all of them. another note: i used a version of the ams ive had for at least a year or two so i dont recomend using it. i know there is a new version, well updated version that has been posted recently.


Known to work with:
Xp: Dubealex Ams
Vx: Neo Message System


-should work with everything...on second thought idk about the sdk, my guess is not. i dont use it so let me know if it does.

-I copied it into a vx project and i didnt have any issues, but i just bought vx yesterday so i dont have any idea how one would go about using it in xv

Credits and Thanks

#1:SephirothSpawn: For exsplaining to me how to set up the cache and module.
#2:Dubealex: For Making a Message System i love.

Author's Notes

I will try to comment out the colors if i get some free time soon.

Terms and Conditions

Feel Free to use it, i would like credit if at all possible, but dont worry i wont hunt you down if not(unless my commanding officer will let me :P)
Updated, now there is a version just for vx which works with hp_gauge_color and stuff yey!

-updated the xp version with one or two minor changes
-Made vx verion
-new demos for both makers that make more sence!
I'm barely slipping under the necropost line to give some feedback here... I hope it's apprechiated :p

Anyway... the idea itself is not bad at all. However, I wonder if there's any reason you have to spell every color out, as the first thing coming to my mind when I hear '216 colors' is html color code (which, judging from your color values, is what you're using), which should be pretty easily calculateable from the input number. When you're there, you can just as well advance it to be able to use all 16.7 million colors that way (though i'd suggest using hex input for that, instead of an id... ^^" which is btw included in alex' message system)

Other than that, a few notes on coding style (you had it coming ^^):
First of all, don't ever name your code elements after yourself, it makes no sense. If I look at a code, try to decypher what a method/variable name is, and it primarily tells me 'Plague180' before an informative 'Color', I throw the script away, as it's creator's objective apparently wasn't to create a good script, but one to make himself utterly famous. I don't say that's the case here, but it doesn't really look like you tried to write convincing code either ;)
Also, sorry to tell you, but you didn't rewrite Window_Base, you just redefined a few methods within that class. Your code isn't even Window_Base, as the first you put in there is your module. Also, you definately need a
 or [rgss] tag around your code to not mess up identation.

Please don't get discouraged by the amount of non-positive feedback here, but my mission on .org is to hunt down all the non-caring and improve their scripting! So yeah, don't feel offended or anything, as it's all meant constructive, and I feel like you need some direction with your scripting.
:) i full heartly agree, i updated the script long ago, but never posted it because i dont think anyone other then myself and the freind i wrote it for will ever use it. as for the being famous thing, i dont really care about that :) no one needs to know plague180.

p.s. it was necro posting since i posted it last march not this march i just noticed lol

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