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Menu Foods killed my dog


my mother foudn out too late. She didn't have a recipt and he died last night of kidney failure. at 8pm. he was buried today or so I Was told.

Not much to be done about it. He was a smal dog about 12 years old. Very strong. Fought through parvo and many other serious illnesses.
The idea that dog food kiled him seems anticlimatic. I mean, it shoudl ahve been him losing to a bigger dog at least. I saw him get under a big black dog and bite at his throat once. Back when he was younger.

http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t145 ... oto004.jpg[/IMG]

there he is a few days before he died. the only picture we have of him. MY mom is very traumatized by this. I raised him from a pup. he was with her through his adult hood. She needed him moee than me. Where she lives she had no one else around really. She is too far away for me to visit often.

Don't let this happen to you.
This scandal with Menu Foods is on the cover of every newspaper in Connecticut today. I called my girlfriend to make sure her dog Lucy wasn't being fed with it. Never though I'd be so happy to hear the words "Kibbles and Bits." I hope that company is sued up to their eyeballs; there's no telling how many pets across America may die from this, even if the stuff is being recalled now.

I'm so sorry for your loss, Soavi. Those of us who have become attached to animals know full well that losing a pet can be just as awful as losing a loved one.
Menu Foods is a supplier of the components used in many pet food products.

Anyway, I hear as of now only 12 died so far(terrible luck on your part, man), although it's been a few days since I've heard that figure.

As for me... well, we couldn't really care for the case of my cat. She's 21, she's had a very good, long run. She doesn't have much longer anyway as it is. WHY COULDN'T THEY TAKE HER INSTEAD! Heh.

Well, hopefully it went quickly, poor dog.
That's terrible. I too have a small dog, she's pretty much part of the family. I can't imagine what it's gonna be like when she's gone.

Sorry, man.



I have a large dog, and we are thinking of putting her dow because of her age and the fact that she seems to think the basement is a bathroom. Still, I sympathize with your pain. It's never a good thing to lose a long-time friend, even if they aren't human.
We had 3 dogs pass away a while back when this scandal was going on, one died over night he seemed like he had a cold or something then my dad's dog which was our indoor dog the other 2 were outside, she was acting weird and stuff so we took her to the vet and they said she was suffering of kidney failure and had to put her to sleep, then my dog who was outside he was acting very funny he only stood there couldnt move shaking like crazy and foaming at the mouth or slobeering so we had to call the vet in on that and had him put down so we burried all three dogs together since they were all blood related which was a very hard time for us and when we heard about the pet foods doing this to the dogs and we heard the symptoms and such and we think they died because of the food but we burned the bags and reciepts it came with so we actually had no proof it killed our dogs but when I heard that I was even more upset and I still wish they pay for what they did... Plus around me I heard on the news they keep updateing the lists and all and some places around me are still selling the same name brands that's on the lists and I was like O.O; and I couldnt believe it. Plus it's a very big shame that many pets died because of the contamidated pet food. And I really wish those people do pay for putting the stuff on the shelves what I think they should do and hope they do is try to screen all the pet food that comes in like take tests on the brand and such so this doesnt happen again. But I dont think they will do something like this but never know, and I am very sorry about your lost FoxDemonSoavi I hope everything is well with you. Its a very hard thing to lose a pet cuz they are just like family. :(

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