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Memorize BGM Fix...



Hey all, I have yet another request!
This one should not be too hard (I could be wrong though, I dont know much about scripting) But what I request...

Is something that Modifies the Memorize/Restore BGM and makes it remember the spot that the the music was memorized.

By this, I mean to the nearest second, or something, not exactly.

I ned this for a spell that I have which, when cast, blanks out the screen and the music and reveals things that are hidden.

I am useing a Common event, and I have it set to Memorize the BGM, and then after the spell is complete, restore it, only problem is, that when it restores it, it restarts the song.

Please, can anyone help?





Can't be done without completely rewriting the (hidden) Audio class.

I tried doing just that at one point, but while I could get the other dll calls to work, I had no luck with volume control. Which was a pretty big flaw, so I abandoned the project.



I gave what I'd done so far to Selwyn, and I'd be happy to give it to anyone else who wants to take a shot. However, the dll calls that are supposed to control volume simply do not seem to have any effect.
Strange. Well at any case, I wouldn't mind a copy. If all else fails, maybe I could help understand some of it and learn a bit of API. I understand some of the basic format, but there some mental block that keeps me from figuring it out. Maybe I just don't get the whole dll functions and parameters and all documentation just confuses me. Time to learn C or something. :p

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