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Megalukes Particle Engine

Megalukes Particle Engine
by Megalukes
Credits to arevulopapo.

Scripts RGSS, Resources, Tutorials and Translations by Lucas Felix is licensed under a
Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Compartilhamento pela mesma Licença 2.5 Brasil License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Santuário RPG Maker

Please don't post this script in other sites or comunity without autorization.

Based on Juan J. Sánchez idea, I decided to develop this script. It allows you to use particles effects from New Particle Engine in any RPG Maker scene. Since I was bored because my Visual Basic just stopped working it was very cool and relaxing to code this one '3'

How to use: To use this script, if you are used with New Particle Engine, it's gonna be easy to get its syntax,
In the scene begining, you need to use "include Megalukes" command right after "class scenename". Doing this, you will have access to the module's methods to control the particle effects.

- Inside main method, add the init_particles method
- Inside the update method, add the update_particles method
- Still inside main method, don't forget to add the dispose_particles method, if you don't do this all the particles will stay in the screen after you change to another scene.

Now you can set particle effects in the scene update method.

add_effect(effect, x, y)
effect: this is the particle you're gonna use. (Available in this version: 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'smash', 'fire', 'fire2', 'sparks', 'smoke', 'cells', 'blood' and 's')
x: particle X position
y: particle Y position

Don't forget you need to know how to handle basic RGSS and understand how RM scenes work to use this script.


Demo 1.0

- Juan J. Sánchez for his request
- arevulopapo for the New Particle Engine script

See ya \o\
i must add that its called "Particle Engine by arevulopapo" i called it new particle engine when i gave it to you because i made some changes to the version that was sent to you, im not sure which of my versions i gave you, but it should say that it was edited by me so the original author doesnt get mad. just a mild legal thought.

edit. i can get you the original

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