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Mega Man X sprite WIP, RTP style

I was going to try and make a Mega Man X RPG...and what was the first thing I needed? Why, X himself!
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b142/ ... /Xtry1.png[/imgzoom]

I'm not too sure on this, there's a lot of things I don't like about it...but I can't figure out the problem.
So I figured I might as well post it somewhere for people to laugh at critique it.
This is a work in progress, and there is a lot of room for improvement.
Suggestions would be appreciated. Oh, and when I'm done it will be available public use, after all...it's not my character!

well for starters you are off to a great start. if you are using RTP style take care not to indulge in every little detail as there is not a lot of room to work with.

I don't know what those white circles are on his chest. I don't see the reference in the picture you provided. think of his chest armor like football chest pads (american style). Megaman is a cyborg and is built in layers. draw out his bottom layer first which is the light blue sections. then overlap it with the armor. its best to go in sections (i.e. shoulder armor, legs, hand cannon) work in layers and it should be pretty easy. also I know that there are some megaman sprites and rtp ones out there possibly at charas-project website.

you are off to a great start.
@SamusK: Thanks! The "white circles" on his chest are actually supposed to be blueish, but a different color blue than any of his others blues. I guess I should fix that, they don't look right. I kinda like that layers idea, though by layers do you mean something like in Gimp, where you can go back and edit the other layers? I always use Paint to make sprites, but I suppose I could try such a transition. Or I could just make the basic outline first, and then add the armor later, which is what I think you meant...

Anyway, here's a close-up reference picture, to show a better view of his chest armor, and to show that he doesn't always have the buster, in case some people thought he did (I'm going to make the sprite have both hands normal, but perhaps for some cutscenes he will pull out his buster...)

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