When i use Me(tm)'s Visual Equipment Script:
I get this error(im not using Netplay): Script "Visual Equipment" line 380: NameError occurred uninitialized constant Sprite_Character::Game_Netplayer
Heres the script:
Yes, i am having trouble "again" with this script, any help would be AWESOME! :biggrin:
I get this error(im not using Netplay): Script "Visual Equipment" line 380: NameError occurred uninitialized constant Sprite_Character::Game_Netplayer
Heres the script:
# â– Visual Equipment
# Author | Meâ„¢ / me@solarsoft.nl
# Version | 2.3.65
# Date | 18 / 11 / 06
# Credit | Raitaime - Geso Chiku
# â–¼ New in version 2.0.X
# - Now Compatible with N+
# â–¼ New in version 1.2.X
# - Now possible to use other maps then Visual Equipment
# - Fixed: Unable to load bug
# - Fixed: Guillaume update bug
# - Fixed: Guillaume Weapon not showing bug
# â–¼ New in version 1.1.X
# - Equipment visible in windows (using draw_actor_graphic)
# - Compatible with Guillaume777's Multi-Slot script version 6.2.1
# â–¼ Instructions (updated: version 1.0.0)
# Hello dear reader. Thank you for choosing my Visual Equipment
# script, based on the originals by Raitaime and Geso Chiku.
# This script contains new elements, and rewritten code, and copied
# code from the old scripts.
# â–¼ What does this script:
# - Shows the players equipment on map
# - Initial body value possible (skin, eyes and hair)
# - Up to 5 types of equipment. From weapons to accesoiry's
# - Shows NPC equipment on the map events if set
# - Compatible with Caterpillar and Squad Based Action Battle System
# - Compatible with Half Kaizer- and other different size-sprites
# â–¼ How to add your own graphics:
# - Make or locate the Visual Equipment - folder which should be in Graphics
# - You can choose to place your files here, or make submaps
# - Scroll down for the Get_file method in module Visual Equipement
# - Add a line like this: return ["FILENAME, HUE] if item_id = ID
# where Filename is the filename between quotes without extension
# Hue is the hue which the sprite should take (usually 0)
# ID is the ID number of the weapon/armor
# â— NOTE: Make sure you add weapons above the else, and the rest after it!
# â— NOTE: The equipment on a frog should match the frogs size, the equipent
# on a standard event should thus be 128x192.
# â–¼ How to give my character default skin, eyes and hair:
# - Add somewhere after you initialized $game_party the following lines:
# $game_party.actors[0].set_body(0, "FILENAME")
# $game_party.actors[0].set_body(1, "FILENAME")
# $game_party.actors[0].set_body(2, "FILENAME")
# - Change the line according to your needs, just replace the '' with the
# Filename. 0 is for skin, 1 for eyes and 2 for hair. If this is left
# empty (like what it is now) the body[0] will be replaced by the graphic
# set in the database. (So, no skin is set
# â–¼ How to add Equipment to the characters as in Events:
# - Add comments in this format:
# Comment: Visual Equipment
# Comment: Body | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Armor | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Helmet | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Weapon | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Accessory | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Shield | [charset] | [hue]
# - Replace [charset] by the filename without extension
# - Replace [hue] by the hue, default 0
# â— NOTE: please use: | (with spaces) instead of | (without spaces)
# â— NOTE: when no hue was found, the hue will be set to 0 (default)
# â— NOTE: when not entering the hue, remove the last collon. (ex. Body | [charset])
# â— NOTE: more/less maximum event equipments can be set at Visual_Equipment
# â— NOTE: Body/Armor/Helmet etc. can be replaced by ex. 1, 2, 3, 4
# â–¼ Additional Information...
# - You probably need to alter the script yourself a bit when usong 8 frames
# etc. I already did a little thing by adding the options frames and
# directions in the visual equipment module. Make sure any directions script
# is ABOVE this script, and copy the edits from Sprite_Character to this
# script or it won't work anyway.
# â–¼ Known compatibility issues
# - With extra equipments scripts, does not shows things in the extra slots
# - With Raitaimes shadow script, only shows character sprite, not equipments
# - With Only scripts like Netplay and Netplay+, only shows head/does not work
# - Only works with SDK version of Caterpillar
# â— NOTE: Merges can always be requested on the topic on rmxp.org
# showthread.php?t=9112
# Have fun and Take care,
# Meâ„¢
# â–¼ This script aliases:
# - Game_Actor > setup
# - Sprite_Character > initialize
# â–¼ This script rewrites:
# - Sprite_Character > update
# - Window_Base > draw_actor_graphic
# * SDK Log Script and Begin SDK Enable Test
SDK.log('Visual Equipment', 'Meâ„¢', 1, '12.09.06')
if SDK.state('Visual Equipment') == true
# *** module Visual Equipment
# This module handles the image name and equipment draw order processing
module Visual_Equipment
# * Configuration
# Width : The default file width.
# Heigth : The default file heigth.
# Event_equipments : How many comments will be used after Visual Equipment
# Frames : How many frames do the sprites contain (left right)
# Directions : How many directions do the sprites contain (up down)
# Guillaume777 : Set to true if you are using Guillaume777's script
Width = 128
Height = 192
Event_equipments = 5
Frames = 4
Directions = 4
Guillaume777 = false
# * Gives the file name which corresponds to the item ^^
def get_file(type, item_id)
case type
when 5
# Weapons should have type 5
return [false,0] if item_id == 1
# Body Armors should have type 1
return ["sur_top",0] if item_id == 2
return ["sur_bottom",0] if item_id == 1
return ["sav_top",0] if item_id == 4
return ["sav_bottom",0] if item_id == 3
return ["hir_top",0] if item_id == 7
return ["hir_bottom",0] if item_id == 6
return ["hir_shoes",0] if item_id == 13
return ["brwn_top",0] if item_id == 8
return ["brown_gloves",0] if item_id == 14
return ["adv_top",0] if item_id == 10
return ["adv_bottom",0] if item_id == 12
return ["adv_shoes",0] if item_id == 11
return ["bl_top",0] if item_id == 9
return ["mage_robe",0] if item_id == 5
return ["brd_top",0] if item_id == 15
return ["brd_bottom",0] if item_id == 16
return ["brd_cap",0] if item_id == 17
return ["str_bottom",0] if item_id == 18
return ["str_top",0] if item_id == 19
return ["str_gog",0] if item_id == 20
# Helmets should have type 2
# Assesoiry's should have type 3
# Shields should have type 4
return [false,0]
# * Set the order or drawing the equipments / returns the id of the item
def get_itemid(order_i,actor)
return -1 if Guillaume777 == true
return -1 if actor == nil
case order_i
when 0 # Body (Skin/Eyes/Hair)
return actor.body
when 1 # Body Armor / Trousers
return actor.armor3_id
when 2 # Helmet / Top
return actor.armor2_id
when 3 # Assesoiry / Extra
return actor.armor4_id
when 4 # Shield
return actor.armor1_id
when 5 # Weapon
return actor.weapon_id
# * Set the order or drawing the equipments / returns the ids of the items
def guill_itemid(type, actor)
return [] if Guillaume777 != true
return [] if actor == nil
case type
when 0
return actor.body
when 1...4 # Includes originial armors (armor1_id ... armor4_id)
return actor.armor_ids
when 5 # Includes weapon 1
return actor.weapon_ids
# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# * Aliases
alias tm_visualequipment_gameactor_setup setup
# * Public instance variables
attr_accessor :body
# * Setup
# actor_id : actor ID
def setup(actor_id)
@body = []
# * Set's a actors body
# thing: 0 should be Template (Skin)
# 1 should be Eyes
# 2 should be Hair
def set_body(thing, value)
# If value is not the 'remove' code.
if value != nil and value != ''
# Put the filename into the body array.
@body[thing] = value
# Clear the filename in the body array.
@body[thing] = nil
# * Get's the needed equipments / Also determines ordeR!
def get_equipments
return [] if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
# Empty's equipments array for use
equipments = []
# Add the skin/default char and eyes to the array
equipments.push([@body[0][0],@body[0][1]]) if @body[0] != nil
equipments.push(["#Characters/#{@character_name}", @character_hue]) if equipments.size != 1
equipments.push([@body[1][0], @body[1][1]]) if @body[1] != nil
# Add the hair to the array, if any is set
equipments.push([@body[2][0], @body[2][1]]) if @body[2] != nil
# Add the equipments, if there is a file for the equipments
for equipnumber in 1...5
# First, get the item_id of the equipment
item_id = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(equipnumber, self)
# Second, get the filename and hue of the file attached to the id
item = Visual_Equipment.get_file(equipnumber, item_id)
# Put the item into the array if a file name was found
equipments.push(item) unless item == false or item == nil
# Return all the equipments
return equipments
# * Get's the needed equipments / Also determines ordeR!
def guill_equipments
return [] if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
# Empty's equipments array for use
equipments = []
# Add the skin/default char and eyes to the array
equipments.push([@body[0], @character_hue]) if @body[0] != nil
equipments.push(["#Characters/#{@character_name}", @character_hue]) if equipments.size != 1
equipments.push([@body[1], @character_hue]) if @body[1] != nil
# Gets wepaons and armors
weapons = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(5, self)
armors = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(2, self)
# Add the hair to the array, if any is set
equipments.push([@body[2], @character_hue]) if @body[2] != nil
# Add the equipments, if there is a file for the equipments
for armor_id in armors
# Get the filename and hue of the file attached to the id
item = Visual_Equipment.get_file(1, armor_id)
# Put the item into the array if a file name was found
equipments.push(item) unless item == false or item == nil
# Add the equipments, if there is a file for the equipments
for weapon in weapons
# Get the filename and hue of the file attached to the id
item = Visual_Equipment.get_file(5, weapon)
# Put the item into the array if a file name was found
equipments.push(item) unless item == false or item == nil
return equipments
# ** Sprite_Character
# This sprite is used to display the character.It observes the Game_Character
# class and automatically changes sprite conditions.
class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
# * Aliases
alias tm_visualequipment_spritecharacter_initialize initialize
# * Object Initialization
# viewport : viewport
# character : character (Game_Character)
def initialize(viewport, character = nil)
# Make an body array
@body_id = Array.new(3,nil)
# How many id's are there?
if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
number = 5
elsif Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
number = G7_MS_MOD::WEAPON_KINDS.size + G7_MS_MOD::ARMOR_KINDS.size
# Make the equipment array
@equips_id = Array.new(number,0)
# What kind is the character?
if character.is_a?(Game_Player)
@actor = $game_party.actors[0]
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
@actor = $game_party.actors[character.actor_id]
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
@actor = character.actor
elsif character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
@actor = character
elsif character.is_a?(Game_Event)
@actor = 'event'
@actor = nil
tm_visualequipment_spritecharacter_initialize(viewport, character)
# * Did the equipment changed?
def changed_equipment?
return false if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
# According to the kind of the actor, the check is made...
if character.is_a?(Game_Player) or character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
for equipment_id in 1...5
item_id = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(equipment_id, @actor)
if @equips_id[equipment_id] != item_id
return true
body = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(0, @actor)
for i in 0..3
if @body_id != body
return true
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
return (@actor != @character.actor ? true : false)
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
return (@actor != $game_party.actors[@character.actor_id] ? true : false)
elsif @character.is_a?(Game_Event)
return (@page != @character.page ? true : false)
return false
return false
# * Did the equipment changed?
def guill_changed_equipment?
return false if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
# According to the kind of the actor, the check is made...
if character.is_a?(Game_Player) or character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
weapons = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(5, @actor)
armors = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(2, @actor)
for id in 0..armors.size
start = id
return true if @equips_id[id] != armors[id]
for id in (start+1)..weapons.size
return true if @equips_id[id] != weapons[id]
body = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(0, @actor)
for i in 0..3
return true if @body_id != body
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
return (@actor != @character.actor ? true : false)
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
return (@actor != $game_party.actors[@character.actor_id] ? true : false)
elsif @character.is_a?(Game_Event)
return (@page != @character.page ? true : false)
return false
# * Update known equipment
def update_equipment
return false if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
# Remember tile ID, file name and hue
@tile_id = @character.tile_id
@character_name = @character.character_name
@character_hue = @character.character_hue
# If the actor isent supported, return immideatly
return if @actor == nil
# According to the kind of the actor, the update is made...
if character.is_a?(Game_Player) or character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
for equipment in 1...5
@equips_id[equipment] = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(equipment, @actor)
body = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(0, @actor)
for bodypart in 0..3
@body_id[bodypart] = body[bodypart]
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
@actor = @character.actor
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
@actor = $game_party.actors[@character.actor_id]
elsif @character.is_a?(Game_Event)
@page = @character.page
# * Update known equipment
def guill_update_equipment
return false if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
# Remember tile ID, file name and hue
@tile_id = @character.tile_id
@character_name = @character.character_name
@character_hue = @character.character_hue
# If the actor isent supported, return immideatly
return if @actor == nil
# According to the kind of the actor, the update is made...
if character.is_a?(Game_Player) or character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
weapons = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(1, @actor)
armors = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(2, @actor)
for id in 0..armors.size
start = id
@equips_id[id] = armors[id]
for id in (start+1)..weapons.size
@equips_id[id] = weapons[id]
body = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(0, @actor)
for i in 0..3
@body_id = body
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
@actor = @character.actor
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
@actor = $game_party.actors[@character.actor_id]
elsif @character.is_a?(Game_Event)
@page = @character.page
# * Update
def update
# If something changed...
if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or
@character_name != @character.character_name or
@character_hue != @character.character_hue or
changed_equipment? or guill_changed_equipment?
# First, update the information known
if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
elsif Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
# Then update the graphics
# Set visible situation
self.visible = (not @character.transparent)
# If graphic is character
if @tile_id == 0
# Set rectangular transfer
sx = @character.pattern * @cw
sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch
self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
# Set sprite coordinates
self.x = @character.screen_x
self.y = @character.screen_y
self.z = @character.screen_z(@ch)
# Set opacity level, blend method, and bush depth
self.opacity = @character.opacity
self.blend_type = @character.blend_type
self.bush_depth = @character.bush_depth
# Animation
if @character.animation_id != 0
animation = $data_animations[@character.animation_id]
animation(animation, true)
@character.animation_id = 0
# * Update Tile
def update_tile
# If tile ID value is valid
if @tile_id >= 384
self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name,
@tile_id, @character.character_hue)
self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 32, 32)
self.ox = 16
self.oy = 32
# If tile ID value is invalid (and thus a character is in that place :
# Create an Equpment awway
equips = []
# If handling a event
if @character.is_a?(Game_Event) == true and @actor == 'event'
# Check for comment input
parameters = SDK.event_comment_input(@character, Visual_Equipment::Event_equipments, 'Visual Equipment')
if parameters.nil?
# Just draw the graphic
equips.push(["#Characters/#{@character_name}", @character_hue])
# Catch the equipments
for possible_item in 0..Visual_Equipment::Event_equipments-1
item = parameters[possible_item].split(" | ") rescue ['none']
hue = item.size > 2 ? item[2] : 0
equips.push([item[1], hue]) if item[1] != 'none'
equips.push(["#Characters/#{@character_name}", @character_hue]) if possible_item == 1
# If handling the player
elsif @actor != nil and @actor != 'event'
if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
equips = @actor.get_equipments
elsif Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != false
equips = @actor.guill_equipments
# Dispose old bitmap
self.bitmap.dispose unless self.bitmap == nil
# Draws the character bitmap
bmp = RPG::Cache.character(@character_name, @character_hue)
self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(bmp.width, bmp.height)
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height)
# If character fits the size
if equips.size > 0 and bmp.width == Visual_Equipment::Width and bmp.height == Visual_Equipment::Height
for graphic in equips
next if graphic[0] == nil or graphic[0] == false or graphic[0] == "false"
if graphic[0].include?("#Characters/")
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.graphic("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.equipment("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
self.bitmap.blt(0, 0, graphic_equipment, src_rect, 255)
elsif equips.size > 0
for graphic in equips
next if graphic[0] == nil or graphic[0] == false or graphic[0] == "false"
if graphic[0].include?("#Characters/")
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.graphic("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.equipment("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height)
self.bitmap.blt(0, 0, graphic_equipment, src_rect, 255)
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height)
self.bitmap.blt(0, 0, bmp, src_rect, 255)
# Divide the drawings into pieces ^^
@cw = bitmap.width / Visual_Equipment::Frames
@ch = bitmap.height / Visual_Equipment::Directions
self.ox = @cw / 2
self.oy = @ch
# ** Window_Base
# This class is for all in-game windows.
class Window_Base < Window
# * Draw Graphic
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y)
return if actor == nil
# Get the equipments
if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
equips = actor.get_equipments
elsif Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != false
equips = actor.guill_equipments
# Set the basement
bmp = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name, actor.character_hue)
cw = bmp.width / 4
ch = bmp.height / 4
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
# Draw the equipments
if equips.size > 0 and bmp.width == Visual_Equipment::Width and bmp.height == Visual_Equipment::Height
for graphic in equips
next if graphic[0] == nil or graphic[0] == false or graphic[0] == "false"
if graphic[0].include?("#Characters/")
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.graphic("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.equipment("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, graphic_equipment, src_rect, 255)
elsif equips.size > 0
for graphic in equips
next if graphic[0] == nil or graphic[0] == false or graphic[0] == "false"
if graphic[0].include?("#Characters/")
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.graphic("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.equipment("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, graphic_equipment, src_rect, 255)
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height)
self.contents.blt(0, 0, bmp, src_rect, 255)
# *** module RPG
module RPG
# *** moduel Cache
module Cache
# * Load equipment
def self.equipment(filename, hue)
self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Visual Equipment/", filename, hue)
# * Load graphic
def self.graphic(filename, hue)
self.load_bitmap("Graphics/", filename, hue)
# * Load GUI
def self.gui(filename,hue=0)
# ** Game_Event
# This class deals with events. It handles functions including event page
# switching via condition determinants, and running parallel process events.
# It's used within the Game_Map class.
class Game_Event < Game_Character
# * Public instance variables
attr_reader :page
# * End SDK Enable Test
# â– Visual Equipment
# Author | Meâ„¢ / me@solarsoft.nl
# Version | 2.3.65
# Date | 18 / 11 / 06
# Credit | Raitaime - Geso Chiku
# â–¼ New in version 2.0.X
# - Now Compatible with N+
# â–¼ New in version 1.2.X
# - Now possible to use other maps then Visual Equipment
# - Fixed: Unable to load bug
# - Fixed: Guillaume update bug
# - Fixed: Guillaume Weapon not showing bug
# â–¼ New in version 1.1.X
# - Equipment visible in windows (using draw_actor_graphic)
# - Compatible with Guillaume777's Multi-Slot script version 6.2.1
# â–¼ Instructions (updated: version 1.0.0)
# Hello dear reader. Thank you for choosing my Visual Equipment
# script, based on the originals by Raitaime and Geso Chiku.
# This script contains new elements, and rewritten code, and copied
# code from the old scripts.
# â–¼ What does this script:
# - Shows the players equipment on map
# - Initial body value possible (skin, eyes and hair)
# - Up to 5 types of equipment. From weapons to accesoiry's
# - Shows NPC equipment on the map events if set
# - Compatible with Caterpillar and Squad Based Action Battle System
# - Compatible with Half Kaizer- and other different size-sprites
# â–¼ How to add your own graphics:
# - Make or locate the Visual Equipment - folder which should be in Graphics
# - You can choose to place your files here, or make submaps
# - Scroll down for the Get_file method in module Visual Equipement
# - Add a line like this: return ["FILENAME, HUE] if item_id = ID
# where Filename is the filename between quotes without extension
# Hue is the hue which the sprite should take (usually 0)
# ID is the ID number of the weapon/armor
# â— NOTE: Make sure you add weapons above the else, and the rest after it!
# â— NOTE: The equipment on a frog should match the frogs size, the equipent
# on a standard event should thus be 128x192.
# â–¼ How to give my character default skin, eyes and hair:
# - Add somewhere after you initialized $game_party the following lines:
# $game_party.actors[0].set_body(0, "FILENAME")
# $game_party.actors[0].set_body(1, "FILENAME")
# $game_party.actors[0].set_body(2, "FILENAME")
# - Change the line according to your needs, just replace the '' with the
# Filename. 0 is for skin, 1 for eyes and 2 for hair. If this is left
# empty (like what it is now) the body[0] will be replaced by the graphic
# set in the database. (So, no skin is set
# â–¼ How to add Equipment to the characters as in Events:
# - Add comments in this format:
# Comment: Visual Equipment
# Comment: Body | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Armor | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Helmet | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Weapon | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Accessory | [charset] | [hue]
# Comment: Shield | [charset] | [hue]
# - Replace [charset] by the filename without extension
# - Replace [hue] by the hue, default 0
# â— NOTE: please use: | (with spaces) instead of | (without spaces)
# â— NOTE: when no hue was found, the hue will be set to 0 (default)
# â— NOTE: when not entering the hue, remove the last collon. (ex. Body | [charset])
# â— NOTE: more/less maximum event equipments can be set at Visual_Equipment
# â— NOTE: Body/Armor/Helmet etc. can be replaced by ex. 1, 2, 3, 4
# â–¼ Additional Information...
# - You probably need to alter the script yourself a bit when usong 8 frames
# etc. I already did a little thing by adding the options frames and
# directions in the visual equipment module. Make sure any directions script
# is ABOVE this script, and copy the edits from Sprite_Character to this
# script or it won't work anyway.
# â–¼ Known compatibility issues
# - With extra equipments scripts, does not shows things in the extra slots
# - With Raitaimes shadow script, only shows character sprite, not equipments
# - With Only scripts like Netplay and Netplay+, only shows head/does not work
# - Only works with SDK version of Caterpillar
# â— NOTE: Merges can always be requested on the topic on rmxp.org
# showthread.php?t=9112
# Have fun and Take care,
# Meâ„¢
# â–¼ This script aliases:
# - Game_Actor > setup
# - Sprite_Character > initialize
# â–¼ This script rewrites:
# - Sprite_Character > update
# - Window_Base > draw_actor_graphic
# * SDK Log Script and Begin SDK Enable Test
SDK.log('Visual Equipment', 'Meâ„¢', 1, '12.09.06')
if SDK.state('Visual Equipment') == true
# *** module Visual Equipment
# This module handles the image name and equipment draw order processing
module Visual_Equipment
# * Configuration
# Width : The default file width.
# Heigth : The default file heigth.
# Event_equipments : How many comments will be used after Visual Equipment
# Frames : How many frames do the sprites contain (left right)
# Directions : How many directions do the sprites contain (up down)
# Guillaume777 : Set to true if you are using Guillaume777's script
Width = 128
Height = 192
Event_equipments = 5
Frames = 4
Directions = 4
Guillaume777 = false
# * Gives the file name which corresponds to the item ^^
def get_file(type, item_id)
case type
when 5
# Weapons should have type 5
return [false,0] if item_id == 1
# Body Armors should have type 1
return ["sur_top",0] if item_id == 2
return ["sur_bottom",0] if item_id == 1
return ["sav_top",0] if item_id == 4
return ["sav_bottom",0] if item_id == 3
return ["hir_top",0] if item_id == 7
return ["hir_bottom",0] if item_id == 6
return ["hir_shoes",0] if item_id == 13
return ["brwn_top",0] if item_id == 8
return ["brown_gloves",0] if item_id == 14
return ["adv_top",0] if item_id == 10
return ["adv_bottom",0] if item_id == 12
return ["adv_shoes",0] if item_id == 11
return ["bl_top",0] if item_id == 9
return ["mage_robe",0] if item_id == 5
return ["brd_top",0] if item_id == 15
return ["brd_bottom",0] if item_id == 16
return ["brd_cap",0] if item_id == 17
return ["str_bottom",0] if item_id == 18
return ["str_top",0] if item_id == 19
return ["str_gog",0] if item_id == 20
# Helmets should have type 2
# Assesoiry's should have type 3
# Shields should have type 4
return [false,0]
# * Set the order or drawing the equipments / returns the id of the item
def get_itemid(order_i,actor)
return -1 if Guillaume777 == true
return -1 if actor == nil
case order_i
when 0 # Body (Skin/Eyes/Hair)
return actor.body
when 1 # Body Armor / Trousers
return actor.armor3_id
when 2 # Helmet / Top
return actor.armor2_id
when 3 # Assesoiry / Extra
return actor.armor4_id
when 4 # Shield
return actor.armor1_id
when 5 # Weapon
return actor.weapon_id
# * Set the order or drawing the equipments / returns the ids of the items
def guill_itemid(type, actor)
return [] if Guillaume777 != true
return [] if actor == nil
case type
when 0
return actor.body
when 1...4 # Includes originial armors (armor1_id ... armor4_id)
return actor.armor_ids
when 5 # Includes weapon 1
return actor.weapon_ids
# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# * Aliases
alias tm_visualequipment_gameactor_setup setup
# * Public instance variables
attr_accessor :body
# * Setup
# actor_id : actor ID
def setup(actor_id)
@body = []
# * Set's a actors body
# thing: 0 should be Template (Skin)
# 1 should be Eyes
# 2 should be Hair
def set_body(thing, value)
# If value is not the 'remove' code.
if value != nil and value != ''
# Put the filename into the body array.
@body[thing] = value
# Clear the filename in the body array.
@body[thing] = nil
# * Get's the needed equipments / Also determines ordeR!
def get_equipments
return [] if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
# Empty's equipments array for use
equipments = []
# Add the skin/default char and eyes to the array
equipments.push([@body[0][0],@body[0][1]]) if @body[0] != nil
equipments.push(["#Characters/#{@character_name}", @character_hue]) if equipments.size != 1
equipments.push([@body[1][0], @body[1][1]]) if @body[1] != nil
# Add the hair to the array, if any is set
equipments.push([@body[2][0], @body[2][1]]) if @body[2] != nil
# Add the equipments, if there is a file for the equipments
for equipnumber in 1...5
# First, get the item_id of the equipment
item_id = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(equipnumber, self)
# Second, get the filename and hue of the file attached to the id
item = Visual_Equipment.get_file(equipnumber, item_id)
# Put the item into the array if a file name was found
equipments.push(item) unless item == false or item == nil
# Return all the equipments
return equipments
# * Get's the needed equipments / Also determines ordeR!
def guill_equipments
return [] if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
# Empty's equipments array for use
equipments = []
# Add the skin/default char and eyes to the array
equipments.push([@body[0], @character_hue]) if @body[0] != nil
equipments.push(["#Characters/#{@character_name}", @character_hue]) if equipments.size != 1
equipments.push([@body[1], @character_hue]) if @body[1] != nil
# Gets wepaons and armors
weapons = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(5, self)
armors = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(2, self)
# Add the hair to the array, if any is set
equipments.push([@body[2], @character_hue]) if @body[2] != nil
# Add the equipments, if there is a file for the equipments
for armor_id in armors
# Get the filename and hue of the file attached to the id
item = Visual_Equipment.get_file(1, armor_id)
# Put the item into the array if a file name was found
equipments.push(item) unless item == false or item == nil
# Add the equipments, if there is a file for the equipments
for weapon in weapons
# Get the filename and hue of the file attached to the id
item = Visual_Equipment.get_file(5, weapon)
# Put the item into the array if a file name was found
equipments.push(item) unless item == false or item == nil
return equipments
# ** Sprite_Character
# This sprite is used to display the character.It observes the Game_Character
# class and automatically changes sprite conditions.
class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
# * Aliases
alias tm_visualequipment_spritecharacter_initialize initialize
# * Object Initialization
# viewport : viewport
# character : character (Game_Character)
def initialize(viewport, character = nil)
# Make an body array
@body_id = Array.new(3,nil)
# How many id's are there?
if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
number = 5
elsif Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
number = G7_MS_MOD::WEAPON_KINDS.size + G7_MS_MOD::ARMOR_KINDS.size
# Make the equipment array
@equips_id = Array.new(number,0)
# What kind is the character?
if character.is_a?(Game_Player)
@actor = $game_party.actors[0]
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
@actor = $game_party.actors[character.actor_id]
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
@actor = character.actor
elsif character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
@actor = character
elsif character.is_a?(Game_Event)
@actor = 'event'
@actor = nil
tm_visualequipment_spritecharacter_initialize(viewport, character)
# * Did the equipment changed?
def changed_equipment?
return false if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
# According to the kind of the actor, the check is made...
if character.is_a?(Game_Player) or character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
for equipment_id in 1...5
item_id = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(equipment_id, @actor)
if @equips_id[equipment_id] != item_id
return true
body = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(0, @actor)
for i in 0..3
if @body_id != body
return true
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
return (@actor != @character.actor ? true : false)
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
return (@actor != $game_party.actors[@character.actor_id] ? true : false)
elsif @character.is_a?(Game_Event)
return (@page != @character.page ? true : false)
return false
return false
# * Did the equipment changed?
def guill_changed_equipment?
return false if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
# According to the kind of the actor, the check is made...
if character.is_a?(Game_Player) or character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
weapons = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(5, @actor)
armors = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(2, @actor)
for id in 0..armors.size
start = id
return true if @equips_id[id] != armors[id]
for id in (start+1)..weapons.size
return true if @equips_id[id] != weapons[id]
body = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(0, @actor)
for i in 0..3
return true if @body_id != body
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
return (@actor != @character.actor ? true : false)
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
return (@actor != $game_party.actors[@character.actor_id] ? true : false)
elsif @character.is_a?(Game_Event)
return (@page != @character.page ? true : false)
return false
# * Update known equipment
def update_equipment
return false if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
# Remember tile ID, file name and hue
@tile_id = @character.tile_id
@character_name = @character.character_name
@character_hue = @character.character_hue
# If the actor isent supported, return immideatly
return if @actor == nil
# According to the kind of the actor, the update is made...
if character.is_a?(Game_Player) or character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
for equipment in 1...5
@equips_id[equipment] = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(equipment, @actor)
body = Visual_Equipment.get_itemid(0, @actor)
for bodypart in 0..3
@body_id[bodypart] = body[bodypart]
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
@actor = @character.actor
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
@actor = $game_party.actors[@character.actor_id]
elsif @character.is_a?(Game_Event)
@page = @character.page
# * Update known equipment
def guill_update_equipment
return false if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
# Remember tile ID, file name and hue
@tile_id = @character.tile_id
@character_name = @character.character_name
@character_hue = @character.character_hue
# If the actor isent supported, return immideatly
return if @actor == nil
# According to the kind of the actor, the update is made...
if character.is_a?(Game_Player) or character.is_a?(Game_NetPlayer)
weapons = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(1, @actor)
armors = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(2, @actor)
for id in 0..armors.size
start = id
@equips_id[id] = armors[id]
for id in (start+1)..weapons.size
@equips_id[id] = weapons[id]
body = Visual_Equipment.guill_itemid(0, @actor)
for i in 0..3
@body_id = body
elsif SDK.state('Caterpillar') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Party_Actor)
@actor = @character.actor
elsif SDK.state('SBABS') == true and @character.is_a?(Game_Ally)
@actor = $game_party.actors[@character.actor_id]
elsif @character.is_a?(Game_Event)
@page = @character.page
# * Update
def update
# If something changed...
if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or
@character_name != @character.character_name or
@character_hue != @character.character_hue or
changed_equipment? or guill_changed_equipment?
# First, update the information known
if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
elsif Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 == true
# Then update the graphics
# Set visible situation
self.visible = (not @character.transparent)
# If graphic is character
if @tile_id == 0
# Set rectangular transfer
sx = @character.pattern * @cw
sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch
self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
# Set sprite coordinates
self.x = @character.screen_x
self.y = @character.screen_y
self.z = @character.screen_z(@ch)
# Set opacity level, blend method, and bush depth
self.opacity = @character.opacity
self.blend_type = @character.blend_type
self.bush_depth = @character.bush_depth
# Animation
if @character.animation_id != 0
animation = $data_animations[@character.animation_id]
animation(animation, true)
@character.animation_id = 0
# * Update Tile
def update_tile
# If tile ID value is valid
if @tile_id >= 384
self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name,
@tile_id, @character.character_hue)
self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 32, 32)
self.ox = 16
self.oy = 32
# If tile ID value is invalid (and thus a character is in that place :
# Create an Equpment awway
equips = []
# If handling a event
if @character.is_a?(Game_Event) == true and @actor == 'event'
# Check for comment input
parameters = SDK.event_comment_input(@character, Visual_Equipment::Event_equipments, 'Visual Equipment')
if parameters.nil?
# Just draw the graphic
equips.push(["#Characters/#{@character_name}", @character_hue])
# Catch the equipments
for possible_item in 0..Visual_Equipment::Event_equipments-1
item = parameters[possible_item].split(" | ") rescue ['none']
hue = item.size > 2 ? item[2] : 0
equips.push([item[1], hue]) if item[1] != 'none'
equips.push(["#Characters/#{@character_name}", @character_hue]) if possible_item == 1
# If handling the player
elsif @actor != nil and @actor != 'event'
if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
equips = @actor.get_equipments
elsif Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != false
equips = @actor.guill_equipments
# Dispose old bitmap
self.bitmap.dispose unless self.bitmap == nil
# Draws the character bitmap
bmp = RPG::Cache.character(@character_name, @character_hue)
self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(bmp.width, bmp.height)
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height)
# If character fits the size
if equips.size > 0 and bmp.width == Visual_Equipment::Width and bmp.height == Visual_Equipment::Height
for graphic in equips
next if graphic[0] == nil or graphic[0] == false or graphic[0] == "false"
if graphic[0].include?("#Characters/")
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.graphic("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.equipment("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
self.bitmap.blt(0, 0, graphic_equipment, src_rect, 255)
elsif equips.size > 0
for graphic in equips
next if graphic[0] == nil or graphic[0] == false or graphic[0] == "false"
if graphic[0].include?("#Characters/")
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.graphic("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.equipment("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height)
self.bitmap.blt(0, 0, graphic_equipment, src_rect, 255)
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height)
self.bitmap.blt(0, 0, bmp, src_rect, 255)
# Divide the drawings into pieces ^^
@cw = bitmap.width / Visual_Equipment::Frames
@ch = bitmap.height / Visual_Equipment::Directions
self.ox = @cw / 2
self.oy = @ch
# ** Window_Base
# This class is for all in-game windows.
class Window_Base < Window
# * Draw Graphic
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y)
return if actor == nil
# Get the equipments
if Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != true
equips = actor.get_equipments
elsif Visual_Equipment::Guillaume777 != false
equips = actor.guill_equipments
# Set the basement
bmp = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name, actor.character_hue)
cw = bmp.width / 4
ch = bmp.height / 4
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
# Draw the equipments
if equips.size > 0 and bmp.width == Visual_Equipment::Width and bmp.height == Visual_Equipment::Height
for graphic in equips
next if graphic[0] == nil or graphic[0] == false or graphic[0] == "false"
if graphic[0].include?("#Characters/")
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.graphic("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.equipment("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, graphic_equipment, src_rect, 255)
elsif equips.size > 0
for graphic in equips
next if graphic[0] == nil or graphic[0] == false or graphic[0] == "false"
if graphic[0].include?("#Characters/")
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.graphic("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
graphic_equipment = RPG::Cache.equipment("#{graphic[0]}", graphic[1].to_i)
self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, graphic_equipment, src_rect, 255)
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height)
self.contents.blt(0, 0, bmp, src_rect, 255)
# *** module RPG
module RPG
# *** moduel Cache
module Cache
# * Load equipment
def self.equipment(filename, hue)
self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Visual Equipment/", filename, hue)
# * Load graphic
def self.graphic(filename, hue)
self.load_bitmap("Graphics/", filename, hue)
# * Load GUI
def self.gui(filename,hue=0)
# ** Game_Event
# This class deals with events. It handles functions including event page
# switching via condition determinants, and running parallel process events.
# It's used within the Game_Map class.
class Game_Event < Game_Character
# * Public instance variables
attr_reader :page
# * End SDK Enable Test
Yes, i am having trouble "again" with this script, any help would be AWESOME! :biggrin: