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Max of 3 ppl in party

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

you shoul beable to have more the 4 people if you rasie the number to 5 because the defult battle system and menu is only meant for 4 people so maybe you should costomize so they can fit more people
Actually BlueScope you can, but you can't modify the database, but you can change the values of the stuff in the database with scripts (In this case the variable is $data_system.party_members). What I did is modify the initial party members with a script and then save the system data close the project reopen the project and got this effect in the database


But It wouldn't let me change the fifth or sixth entry I can only delete them
I also created a script that modifies all skills and then saves them . I'm still running tests, because doing this could corrupt some files, but well it's a nice secret I stumbled upon. but I'm still questioning if doing something like this violates the license, its not editing the program itself but the original Data files (System, Skills, Items, etc) included with the project itself.

EDIT: after reading the license a few times it doesn't say anything about modifing the data files in the Data Folder...
Hehe, oh well thats as close as you could get, but you could add that in Scene_Title after the data loads (but not save the data) then you can start out with more than four party members instead of using events to do it :)

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