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Materia-like System

Is there some sytem where you can equip items in your weapon that power it up, I had this sustem in my mind where you put small orbs in weapons so it changes element and stuff.

Like, I have this Windbased Weapon, and I put an special orb in it and it changes to a fire based weapon and gets a powerup, I take the orb out of the weapon and it's back normal...You have an orb an put it in, and you weapon can poison the enemy, and every weapons has three slots, and the last equipped gets high priority:
Fire with +5 dmg/Water with poison/Thunder with +5 dmg becomes a weapon with +10 dmg, poisoned and thunderpowered.

It should be editable from a materia code I saw once.
I could do something like this. It shouldn't be too hard at all.

But I will make the number of items equipment can hold customizable, as that's what I do.

Give me a week or so, because I am starting/finishing up a FFVIII system.

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