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Massive game making contest: $10k top prize

RPG Maker Web have just announced an Indie Game Making contest in collaboration with the Humble Indie Bundle. I won't bore you by copying the details here, check the page: http://contest.rpgmakerweb.com/

The game does not need to be made in RPG Maker.

The prizes are crazy, and it's a month long contest over June. I for one am interested in entering, and if anyone else is I'd love to set up some sort of help-each-other-outie section here for anyone participating.

Prizes: http://contest.rpgmakerweb.com/index/prizes

I will also set up some worthwhile prizes of my own for anybody here who enters but doesn't win.
I am very up for entering this however due to a combination of lack of time, motivation and my own projects, I most likely won't.
With that being said, I wouldn't mind collaborating with any of you if you want help from me. I don't expect anything in return. I just enjoy giving my creative help. :)

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