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Marion (Wumpi) vs Lucian (Yggy) ...again.

Who win???

  • Wumpleberry

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Yggypoo

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters



The thunderbolt struck but with a lot less damage than one would expect, Mismagius had amazing special defence. The magical pokemon recovered quickly.

Marion frowned, paralysis was a pain but it at least didn't affect Mismagius' considerable special attack.

"Mismagius!" Marion shouted, covering her ears. "Use Dark Pulse!"

A low hum filled the air as the purple mist surrounding Mismagius became thin rings, enlarging as they shot toward the Luxray in waves with huge force considering they resembled simple smoke rings. As they did the humming became higher and louder until it was an awful, piercing screech. Marion could still hear it clearly even though her hands, she truely hated the sound.

((Flipping a coin for paralysis, so far it's blessed me.))
Luxray quick attacked forwards through the first ring, flipped through the second, and was slammed viciously by the rest. Lucian frowned but overall was unconcerned. Luxray pulled himself up and turned to its master for further instruction.

"Meh, just use Thunder." he ordered. Hopefully the paralysis would continue to hold his opponent down until Luxray had struck enough to force it into submission.

Luxray charged energy into its mane again, and instead of releasing it charged up more. When Lucian thought the Gleam Eyes pokemon would explode from the contained power, the lightning was released into the sky, where a massive bolt came down. The size was astounding - if the Thunder attack was a tree, the thunderbolt was a twig.



Marion counted quickly in her head. Every time the Luxray attacked the damage done by the burn would reduce its health by an eighth. After the attack it was readying it would have attacked three times now meaning that not counting damage done by the dark pulse its health would be reduced to about three eighths. If she could outlast it, the burn alone would take it out.

Problem being, Mismagius couldn't outlast it. The special attacks were nothing but that Shadow Claw from Lucario, even at lowered strength, had damaged it a lot more than Marion had initially noticed.

"It was sweet of you to preted you were okay so I wouldn't worry, Mismagius, but you messed up my calculations real awful. If I hadn't just noticed I could've got you hurt." She said, sighing. "Use curse for me, okay?"

As the electric pokemon charged energy, the mist around Mismagius started forming into countless black needles.The thunder tore down from the heavens with an enormous crackand the needles flew forward at the same time, tearing through the ghost as the thunder struck it.

Mismagius let out an awful wail, Marion wanted to call it back right away but had to wait until she was sure curse had taken effect. As soon as she saw the needles at the sides of the arena, she recalled the ghost.

She would need to train Mismagius some more, she thought as the curse needles shot forward again in reaction to Luxray's attack, shooting toward Luxray at high speed, the ghost was completely unused to battling people more skilled than the challengers at Ecruteak. Still, curse and the burn would take thier toll. Curse would remove about a quarter of the Luxray's health every time it attacked and the Burn would remove an eighth. It had attacked through the burn three times now and the curse had hit once, meaning it had lost at least five eighths of its health even assuming that dark pulse's damage was negliable.

And the combined burn and curse would deal about three eighths.

"Fearow, all you have to do is last!" Marion shouted, throwing the Fearow's pokeball out into the arena. Fearow landed, still sleeping, in a crumpled heap.

Oh right, sleep.
Game over, right? The Fearow was asleep, unable to avoid Thunder, and Luxray was in fine condition. So why did Marion seem so calm?

"Fearow, all you have to do is last!"

What did that mean? Did she know something he didn't? He did a quick problem in his head. Mismagius had started at about 60-70% of its max energy. Luxray had been in peak condition. Right off the bat, Luxray had been burned. The burn reduced its energy to about 85 or so percent. Thunder Wave and Thunderbolt had hit next, so Mismagius had dropped to approximately 40-50%.
Dark Pulse had done horrible damage, much more than Lucian had expected, dropping Luxray to 60-70, plus burn wounds makes about 50%. Thunder and Curse had struck, making the final score Luxray 25%, Mismagius 10%. Marion had decided to protect her Pokemon and recall it, sending out Fearow.
Now Lucian was confused. She knew one Thunde rwould end the match, right? The burn from Will'o'Wisp wouldn't defeat Luxray. So why wasn't she panicking?
There's only one thing I can do. Lucian smiled grimly And that's charge straight forwards.

"Luxray, use Thunder!" he demanded, and the Gleam Eyes warrior charged and released the same energy it had before into the sky... and then collapsed. Lucian shouted in surprise. What had just happened? He was positive he had calculated right. Why did this happen?

Curse. Lucian realized. Dammit! He had forgotten the move worked differently for ghosts,and he had payed for it. The announcer was standing up.

"This match's winner, and the winner of the Pokemon Pro Cup is..."


Thunder tore down from the sky, slamming into the dozing bird, It awake and let out a loud swack before lowering its head onto the ground again, fully unconcious. the announcer stood stunned, unsure what to do. Every pair of eyes in the stadium stared at him as he opened his mouth.

"This match's winner, and the winner of the Pokemon Pro Cup is... a tie." he declared at last. Despite himself, Lucian smiled as he recalled Luxray. He hadn't won, but he hadn't lost either. As he and Marion walked into the midfield to recieve their prize, he reached out his hand.

"Lucian." he introduced himself. "It was a pleasure."

And it was, he realized. He had had fun. Next year, though, there would be no tie. He would crush everyone in his way! But for now, he would settle. For now.



Marion sighed, recalling Fearow. She hadn't honestly expected it to last, not against a strong electirc type. Maybe if Fearow hadn't been asleep it would have been able to use endure and last that one more turn.

Oh well. She'd done far better than she had expected herself to. She'd only entered to test herself, not expecting to get past the first round. A tie in the final was incredible compared to anything she had expected before coming. She reached out and shook Lucian's hand, smiling.

"Same." She said with a grin. "I'm Marion. We have to have a rematch sometime, okay?"

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