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Mario Kart PC



(this should be easy) Okay...I need a script for the items and the weapons...And maybe for them to go.....if you think of anything else that mario kart has on it Add it in aswell...Thanks!
-edit- And i need a Script for the cam to stay behind them and stuff like that so you can only see the back of the Go-kart
Ok you can just make left and right graphics for RMXP, just in the behind view, then use Mews Mode07 script and tilt the world so it looks like the behind camera.
You could keep the controls the same way, make the characters speed higher if you want. The rest of the "racers" could be on pathfinding, and it would take a little scripting to put items in. You could make little boxes as events, on player touch, but the rest...would require scripting. Some could be done by events ex: speed boost would be something like:

(player touch)
player speed = 6
wait 100 frames
player speed = 4 (normal)
A few other suggestions:
Use the pause screen script(just search it)
If I think of anything else Ill tell you



Yeah i figured the Speed boost thingy.....but i dont get about how to make the behind thingy....i thought but how would you make the map? Thanks for the help anyway!
-edit- Yeah....That doesnt stay behind the car.....it just makes it flatter...The Race makes a circle!....so yeah...You wanna join my Crew...you would be a great help

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