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Map Screenshot Image Maker Script

@Sir Ver: Have you checked that your chest displays properly in-game? Are you sure the priority is set properly on your fence? I'm not ruling out that I handled priorities wrongly but I need to be sure there's a problem before spending hours pulling out my old project files and digging through priority handling scripts.

Also, no chance for screen tone. RGSS just isn't built to do that kind of advanced filtering directly on the bitmap; the best I could do is the built-in alpha-channel blend mode, rather than the comparatively simple multiply blend mode, and grayscale is a completely different beast. If you're just trying to produce a mockup screenshot, you can always import the image into Photoshop and create a new layer, set to Multiply blend mode, and fill it in a solid color with the RGB value in your screen tone. To get the grayscale in Photoshop, use Hue/Saturation on the primary layer and reduce saturation to match the "gray" value of the screen tone.
I've updated the download to a new version 3.1 which should hopefully fix the priority issues above. For one thing, it uses the tile layer as a "tiebreaker" when sorting tiles by Z-value, under the hypothesis that Ruby's unstable sort algorithm was sometimes causing layers to appear out of order. Secondly, the Z value of map tiles compared to character tiles was tweaked a bit. I've also clarified some of the error handling, but I don't think that's affected anybody yet since I haven't heard error reports.
Could you please send me the MapMaker.log file? I will definitely look into your error.

Be aware that because this program runs as a separate project, none of your custom scripts will have any effect on the output. If you know how to script you can make a new project and copy the MapMaker.rxdata over the Scripts.rxdata in the new project to change the scripts to match your sprite sheet layout.
thankyou :cry: your a life saver, this is by far the most helpfull script ive ever seen , truly amazing :thumb: , btw your download doesnt seem to work so i download @neo-bahamut one
So, did you unzip the package into the project directory for the game for which you want to take map images? Then run MapMaker.exe? What happens after that?
Update! It's been a while, but somebody was interested in this and tracked down a bug that I think is the same one MarioSuperStar experienced. The project would crash if a map had an event with the "Player Touch" start condition. I've uploaded a new version, 3.2, for which this problem has been solved. Thank you Alsehr for the bug tracking.
I´ve a Problem with the MM3

It seems like the Tool is ignoring the "Always on Top" Flag of Events. All my AoT Events are hidden by tiles :/
That sounds about right. I never tested that flag as I haven't used it. It's been a while since I've looked at this project but I'll see about recognizing "Always on Top".
"Always on Top" events are now fixed. I also put in Selwyn's Resolution Change script so that the window can be larger. Simply download and reinstall the Map Image Maker from the first post in this topic.

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