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Manage text files with event commands

This script gives a little control to create and modifiy text files to eventers.
You can create a file, erase it, append text, add or remove a specific line.
Also you can configure the files extensions and paths.

You can ask for bugs, suggerences, compatibilitzations and any other things.

You can get the code in this simple web. Im going to use it on now because it saves alot of time updating posts and other things.



# Manage text files with event commands

# By gerkrt/gerrtunk

# Version: 1

# License: GPL, credits

# Date: 05/01/2011

# IMPORTANT NOTE: to acces the more actualitzed or corrected version of this 

# script check here: [url=http://usuarios.multimania.es/kisap/english_list.html]http://usuarios.multimania.es/kisap/english_list.html[/url]







This script gives a little control to create and modifiy text files to eventers.

You can create a file, erase it, append text, add or remove a specific line.

Also you can configure the files extensions and paths.




1. First of all you have to create the text file. You do this with the

script command newTxt. That will create a new text file called at your will.


2. Then you can erase it using delTxt or modify it and continue to append contents

using appTxt, that add new text after the existent one. 


You can also check for the rest of the functions to do other things:


newTxt(name, text). This command create a new text file named 'name' and adds

the text 'text.


delTxt(name). This deletes the text file of the specified name. 


  newTxt("test", "Initial text") --> Creates a test.txt file with  Initial text inside.

  delTxt("test") --> Erases it


appTxt(name, text). Appends at the end of the file a new text. If you make

a newTxt over a file that already exist it will be overwritten.


  With the file called "test":

  "start of file and line 1

  line 2


  end of file and line 4


  If you do a appTxt("test", "Append \n me \n))  it will result in:


  "start of file and line 1

  line 2


  end of file and line 4






addLine(name, text, line). Insert a line of text in the specified position of 

the file. A line means a piece of text thats beyond two \n (or the end of start 

of the file). The insert moves all the lines after the one you are pushing, so:


  With the file called "test":

  "start of file and line 1

  line 2


  end of file and line 4


  If you do a addLine("test", "test line \n", 2) it will be inserted where the

  actual line 2 is, so it will result in:


  "start of file and line 1

  test line

  line 2


  end of file and line 4




delLines(name, lines). Deletes a list of lines from the file named 'name'.

Works in a similar way that the add line but deleting them. It also

accepts more lines to erase:



  With the file called "test":

  "start of file and line 1

  line 2


  end of file and line 4


  If you do a delLine("test", [2,4])  it will result in:


  "start of file and line 1




-------SPECIAL CARACTERS------------


You can add new lines marks and tabulations marks using these codes:


\t (tab)

\n (newline)


This works internally for the system, but the reader doesent see ethese symbols 

but their true meaning. So if you write:


text = " testing \n \ttabulating it"


It will read as:



  tabulating it




Texts_file_path: Ifor you put this to empty "", it wont create a folder.

Also you have to add the \\ at the end of the folder name.


Texts_file_extension: You can changue the extension of all the text files.





# Configuration

module Wep

  Texts_file_path = "Text Files\\"

  Texts_file_extension = ".txt"









# Create Folder for text files

if Wep::Texts_file_path  != ''

    Dir.mkdir(Wep::Texts_file_path) if !FileTest.directory?(Wep::Texts_file_path)



class Interpreter


  # * newTxt

  # creates a new text file

  # name: file name, text: text to write in the file


  def newTxt(name, text='')

    file = open(Wep::Texts_file_path + name + Wep::Texts_file_extension, 'w')

    file.write text





  # * delTxt

  # deletes a  text file

  # name: file name


  def delTxt(name)

    File.delete Wep::Texts_file_path + name + Wep::Texts_file_extension




  # * addLine

  # insert line in text file

  # name: file name, text: text to write in the file, line: line number(-1 internal)


  def addLine(name, text, line)

    # Extract a array of lines from the file and insert text

    line_arr = File.readlines(Wep::Texts_file_path + name + Wep::Texts_file_extension)

    line_arr.insert(line-1, text)

    # Save it

    file = open(Wep::Texts_file_path + name + Wep::Texts_file_extension, 'w')

    file.write line_arr





  # * delLines

  # deletes lines in text file

  # name: file name, lines: array of line numbers to erase(-1 internal)


  def delLines (name, lines)

    # Extract a array of lines from the file and insert text

    line_arr = File.readlines(Wep::Texts_file_path + name + Wep::Texts_file_extension)

    # Delete specified lines

    lines.each do |index|



    # Save it

    File.open(Wep::Texts_file_path+name+Wep::Texts_file_extension, "w") do |f| 

      line_arr.each{|line| f.puts(line)}





  # * appTxt

  # appends text to a  text file

  # name: file name text: text to append


  def appTxt (name, text)

    file = open(Wep::Texts_file_path + name + Wep::Texts_file_extension, 'a')

    file.write text





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