...and here we... go.
Malice: Ttof isn't an rpg. It's a stage based action game.
Neora Lee is an 'outsider' that lost his bride in the battle for Utopia. In this battle he also lost his memories and the ability to control his chronological flukes. Now he uncontrollably changes from child to adult. In the battle to reclaim everything that makes him 'him' you are forced to fight for your memories.
Malice: Ttof isn't a traditional rpg. It's actually a stage based Action game. Meaning it doesn't focus on story at all. Not even a little bit. You beat a stage, you get pieces of your memory back. You make it to the final stage, you beat the boss. Confetti falls. You shrug and play another game. By the way. Each stage is twenty minutes long.
Malice: Ttof isn't a traditional rpg. It's actually a stage based Action game. Meaning it doesn't focus on story at all. Not even a little bit. You beat a stage, you get pieces of your memory back. You make it to the final stage, you beat the boss. Confetti falls. You shrug and play another game. By the way. Each stage is twenty minutes long.
Neora Lee. Main Character
Malice. Final Boss
Malice. Final Boss

Stage 1: Download
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