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Making name input (Scene_Name) "live" (Spriteset_Map shows)

I want the name input window to work as a 0 opacity window with the current map displayed and updating in the background. Basically characters and such moving around while the player is inputting a name.

I added "self.opacity = 0" to both Window_NameEdit and Window_NameInput... both windows are now invisible. CHECK

However I tried adding "@spriteset = Spriteset_Map.new" to Scene_Name as well as the update and dispose... but I'm still getting a black background. Any ideas?
Ah, yeah I didn't think about that. *palmface* So you have to edit the scenes in the SDK? I'll try that, thanks.

EDIT: Oh, so close! OK, the map is showing fine but it's still not updating. I put an event in there and set it to
random movement to test it out but it stops moving when the name input begins and resumes once it's over.

I'm sticking "@spriteset.update" in the update section of Scene_Name in the SDK but it's not working as intended.

EDIT2: Ah-ha, I stuck "$game_map.update" in there as well and it works. Sweet!

EDIT3: Wow OK so here's a tricky question... how do I have the spritemap update without code beyond the "name input processing"
event occur until the name input process is over? I know when you have a text message event sprites on the map will update
and move around but code AFTER the text message event will not occur until the text message is over.
What's probably happening is the events on the map are 'restarting' with your $game_map.update.

Instead of starting a new Scene, and trying to add all of the Map functionality into Scene_Name, Why not remain in the same Map scene, and change the interpreter to just call the Window_NameEdit & Window_NameInput windows instead of making a new scene.
i.e. make the name change function work just like the message function.
Copy the update method from Scene_Name into Scene_Map, and rename it "update_name", then add some logic to Scene_Map to use that update method when the name windows are active.

Make sense?

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