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Making an Anime intro

Think I mentioned elsewhere in this forum that I've started work on a fan animation for Life is Strange. So I figured I'll make a topic to follow its creation! I'm essentially combining Life is Strange, with the anime intro to one of my favourite shows... Neon Genesis Evangelion! It's early days yet, and I've already spotted a couple changes needed already (and already changed one of those)! The end length will about 1:30ish, so I have a long ways yet; and this is arguably the quickest part...

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Got a lovely update today! Shortly after posting this topic, I realised I had some issues with the way I was progressing with the project, so instead decided to go at it in a new approach. So I took the opportunity to improve some elements of the animation, with a couple new bits.

But more importantly! I have finished my head rotation for Max Caulfield. Now I just got to sync it up to the actual main scene. Here's a video showing the rough speed it's likely to rotate at...

That head took me waaaay too long. Really killed the joy of this animation, not going to lie. So. Tedious.
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Made some progress about a week ago I didn't post. Though I'll be taking a break from the project for now; likely to pick it back up with the Remasters near the end of the year. Felt I should quit procrastinating and pump out some game dev again, haha.


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