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magivolve beta

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Story -- well this story is basicaly about a team of friends that decide to investigate the game addict case which has cause many mysterious deaths and murders. This is no ordinary team of friends they have been studying martial arts since they were young so their power is beyond normal but is it enough to solve this mysterious case

charecters -------->

Keyeske  age 27 ------ Keyeske  Is a very laid back character but his life is that of a poor young man working from job to job to pay the bills, he often gets distracted by games and often forgets to pay his bills leaving his mother to carry his weight. keyeske is a good martial artist second to the best student at master jays

Chikara  age 24 ------ chikara is a girl from the county that meet keyeske thru the internet she is now his fiance, since she and her parents couldnt get along she decided to move with keyeske and start a life with him even thou they are poor they manege to be very happy even thou she often pays keys bills. shes also a martial artist she actually first meet key as master jays but that was a few years back they didnt start a serious relation ship untill talkin on the internet

Reulo  age 26 ------ hes basically a playboy with women but hes also a hard gamer and keyeskes game rival they have been friends since child hood

Luci age 13 ------- keyeske and reulo have known luci since she was young only thing that intrest her is martial arts and fighting thats it




basically its just me right now but im looking for a coder to make original scripts

Demo --------------------------------------->

The download link doesn't work for me. Use a file hosting service or something.

I have a hard time to place this game. Let's look at the story.
Story -- well this story is basicaly about a team of friends that decide to investigate the game addict case which has cause many mysterious deaths and murders. This is no ordinary team of friends they have been studying martial arts since they were young so their power is beyond normal but is it enough to solve this mysterious case

The answer to the last question would be no because 1) if it's a case that involves mysterious deaths and murders I'd send Sherlock Holmes, not Bruce Lee and 2) while martial arts can help you to defend yourself, it won't keep you alive for long if you purposefully engage dangerous people. This is however fine since there is this thing called suspension of disbelief. The problem is that the story section seems to take it very serious. Also, what's up with the 13 years old girl? Did the adults seriously bring a 13 years old girl with them into a danger zone?

Then there's the screenshot which indicates that they will travel to another world. This seems out of nowhere.
Interesting... I think. :x

Could you give us a little more detail about the story?  What you have is sort of fine, but it doesn't really give us much info about the game itself.

Also, think you could put your pics behind a spoiler tag?  You have quite a few of them.

why is there a throne in the kitchen?  Why are the walls to the right filled up with shit, one of which is supposed to be place on the floor.  Why are they trying to raise crops in the middle of the house.  Why are they blocking a window with a tv? And why is the treasured anime artwork left above the kitchen sink.

The text box is a great caption for this map.
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