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Lyra's Melody - The Song She Whispered to Me


(click to listen: Lyra's Melody main theme)

When Ralle Peregrine was a child, he began to hear a mysterious melody in his head. Around the same time, his childhood sweetheart, Lyra Shire, began to lose her hearing.

As they grew up, Ralle became a guitarist to accompany the strange melody that only he hears whenever he closes his eyes. By then, Lyra had gone completely deaf.

He wrote many songs for her, but she could hear none of them.


One day, when Ralle was playing that particular tune at his usual spot, a wagon came by and stopped. Out came a man; a wanderer named Traviston Estel, with a piece of rye hanging out of his mouth.

That of which he soon spat out, as he took out a music box, echoing the very melody that Ralle has been hearing all these years.

Bewildered, Ralle questioned him of the origin of the song - but the man did not know. In fact, it has been something that has been stuck in his head ever since he was a child as well, so he had the music box custom-made to keep it inside.


Upon hearing about Lyra's deafness as they conversed, the man spoke of the possibility for means to cure her in the big cities far, far away. For the sake of the common song of unknown origin they shared, Traviston offered to take them with him, as he was heading there himself.

Thrilled at even the remotest possibility of curing her, the couple took up the offer. And so began a journey, filled with obstacles, that uncovered a past that spanned centuries.

But they only had one wish,
For that one day, Lyra would finally be able to hear the songs Ralle wrote for her.


<Lyra's Melody - The Song She Whispered to Me> is a light hearted fairytale RPG/adventure game, with an aim of creating an interactive cinematic experience through a focus on story, atmosphere and music. Game-play will be more present than in its slightly darker counter part, Quintessence - The Blighted Venom. However, no battle system implementation is expected at the moment, as the game-play will be comprised of mini-games and puzzles.

Portrait work-in-progress for Lyra and Ralle:


Site: http://www.FreebirdGames.com/

Demo v0.1 Download: Click Me
*The demo can be played via either mouse-only or keyboard-only. Playing with mouse-only is recommended.
*Please play in full screen only (or read the .txt heads up in the folder).
*Around 20 minutes in length total. The existing content is still a WIP as well, but the base is set.

Thank you very much for reading!
Feedback & suggestions always welcomed and much appreciated.
First, i almost didn't try it since it doesn't have a battle system. But i'm glad i tried it :biggrin: i got to the windmill before saving and quiting, it was at 11 min.
Your cenimatics are awesome. I really like your character expresions/animations. The music was very pretty, and i like the relationship you set-up between the main characters.
K, i made a list of some problems;

map w/ windimll, bridge by mill is missing bottom peice (by the tree)

my computer needs upgraded and goes slow with rmxp, so i don't know if it's that or not, but the text took FOREVER to scroll by. it's ok for the cenimatic parts but everywhere else it gets annoying to wait for the text (i'm a fast reader), if we could press button to see all text in box.

bottom of 'g' is cut off in text boxes. at first i thought it was the font, but in one box it was severely cut off.
Thank you for the feedback, blake! c: Thanks for the heads up on the cut off 'g's and the missing tiles, I'll get that filled in - the demo's pretty rough as far as mapping errors go.

And ah, that's a good point about the text speed; I think I'll make it instant-on-click for explorational texts and the like.



I just downloaded and I will play it tomorrow morning :)
Looks really nice so far, Reives.

I like how his last name is 'peregrine'. Does that reflect on his character at all?
The pics you put up are gorgeous. Do I spy our favourite trio of heroes as little children- though Vikon (Vikon look-a-like?) looks older ;D
I downloaded this when you first posted the download in Quintessence's thread and I though it was great. Though I didnt play alot, about ten mins maybe.
Your games are so beautiful, I will keep following this one.

Good luck.
Thanks guys. c: The characters from the other game do make cameo appearances in there - right now they're there as the audience in the opening scene, and two in child form as residents in the village. I might change it in the future, though, as it may feel random to see them in an unrelated context like that. And nope Fen, Peregrine doesn't really reflect his character that much.

There's a bit of a big problem with how things are in the current demo; it's lacking a hook. Hopefully, I'll be able to insert in the future with some short foreshadowing inserted in the intro.

Here's a piano recording of its main theme:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XV1Z_7e ... annel_page
Ooh, good, you finally posted it in it's own topic over here. I played the demo a while ago, when it first came out, and it beats Quintessence in my opinion. The only errors I found in it are one already mentioned over on Freebird Games. The mountain tiles you can walk through to get onto the sky, and how you can walk over everything in the witches' house the first time round.

What's the swan about? I'm guessing that in the actual game it acts as a transport to get to the cave over the river, am I right? By the way, love the appearance of the faceless girl (Leah).

Can't wait for the next version.

Thank you for viewing

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