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Lucid Awakening 2 (Pre-Alpha Demo)

Why hello there, RPG Maker world! It's been a while, I missed you <3 I promise I really have been working on a sequel to my game, Lucid Awakening, and just to prove it, I'm releasing a demo.

The Broken world has been made Complete. In this world, dreaming is considered a sign of evil--of one who is cursed. Three people are brought together by forces from the world where darkness is born--Zeke, a cursed Dreamer trying to discover who he really is; Silas, an ex-member of the Zion Spector Alliance who wants answers; and Terra, a girl found sleeping in the dark world. They must join together to free a lost soul from the past and to restore justice to a divided society; as long as they aren't stopped by the violent monsters known as the Veil-born or a secret organization of Spectors, people who can see the Veil.


FONT (install in your C:\Program Files\Windows\Fonts folder)

-This is a PRE-ALPHA demo, which means it isn't even in Alpha stage yet...which means, not everything is fully functional. This demo was mostly made just as a STORY DEMO.
-You can report bugs if you want...but chances are, I already know about them (i.e. in Redstone all the locations are available from the start and Fountain and Bazaar don't even work).
-I DO want feedback, but please try to keep it to story, design, and content feedback. Like I said, most technical issues are going to be resolved later on.
-I'm trying as hard as possible to make this game understandable to newcomers to the series, but also have a LOT of stuff to please fans. As you may have guessed, this is a very hard thing to balance.
-This is pretty much exactly how the beginning of the full game will be. However, the end of the demo when the logo comes up is basically where the full game will REALLY begin.
-I apologize for not having the awesome job change system functional in this demo...but again, this is a STORY demo.
-Pay attention at the end of the demo in the last scene before the logo comes up, there are some pretty cool little details you will probably like if you played Lucid Awakening. Hint: returning character working with new character, and two transformations.

Character design--Coyotecraft

I need help with a big part of my game:
I describe what I need in that thread. It's a job change system that this whole game is kind of going to rely on...soooo I need it. Please let me know if you can help me out!


Awesome Bro

anyway I like the look of everything.
- XP charcters in VX.
- battle system looks nice.

I didn't get far... I got my azz handed to me by the rats.

they're kinda of powerful for that early and for someone
JUST introduced to the game. But I know its not alpha like
you said so I'll ignore it. (I will continue)

I noticed a few dialoge was cut off in a few places,
nothing major, but something I think you might wanna
double check.

The battle encounters being based of of the dark circles is nice.
Got caugh off guard by the moving once.
Haha oh yeah the rats are hard =P in the final game, normal battles will be about that hard because I want the game to keep you on your feet and be challenging and take strategy. But yeah, not that early on...I'll make sure to fix that.

If you remember, can you tell me which dialogues were cut off? Before releasing I did a quick play through and caught a lot of those, but I figured there would be some left.


Awesome Bro

This is EXACTLY how you would see these pics when playing...
I didn't modify anything...




Little things like this through out the entire tutorial... Like I said, they aren't BIG things, but still noticable.
@coyote: Oh...yeah I think I forgot to put the font in there -___- RMVX doesn't do that automatically does it? I'll put up a link. Btw, I meant to email you last night, but I was so tired I forgot. I'll also put a credit line for you in the post =)

@eventing_guy: Crap. On my computer they looked fine. I thought RMVX always displayed in the same resolution...that's really weird.
The font that I installed from the font folder was Umeplus gothic. From eventing_guy's snapshot I realized you're using the blackchancery font from the first game. I'm using a different computer so I didn't have it installed already and it wasn't in the font folder. I had to download LA1 to get it.
Wow, you did an amazing job with the cut scenes. The way you ended the demo gave me goosebumps, that fast transition to the title was pretty slick.

I didn't explore too much. I only found one bug in the beginning during the first "S" action button sequence. As the icon was moving I moved Tobi up a square so when he ran past the guard the move wasn't complete and it didn't go to the next room.
Thank you! I kind of pride myself on my cutscenes, that's the thing I'm best at. That title transition thing is something I planned from the very beginning haha I was very excited to do that. I spent a good 45 minutes making the logo and doing that whole transition thing...it took forever to get all the timing right and everything. The thing is that I want that to actually stay that way for the final game, because that is where the game REALLY starts. I was inspired by Kingdom Hearts 2 where you don't get the logo until about 3 hours into the game.

I'll check out that bug right now....
Hey, if you look at the bottom of my first post, you will see a link to a script request page I made a long time ago. It's a job change system that I really want for this game. If someone can help me out PLEASE let me know.
I've been like the biggest LA fan since the first LA1 demo. I was so happy when I downloaded this for I've been waiting forever for this.

I thought it was really really good and I noticed a lot of improvement. Your cut-scenes rock! The ending was perfect as well! I can't wait until you release the final version.

Thank you for viewing

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