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Loyalty/Love stat

Ok in my game thers is a sort of dating simulator where in certain areas You can hit on the female party members. You do this to show you care and depending on the out come will afect there performance in battle. So if it ggoes bad damage, stats and spell efects rae cut in half, if its good it will stay and if its REALLY good it goes up 50%. if this is posible too make or even make sumthing similar then that would be awesome. Also if posible to display a small Heat Icon by the femal characters craked for bad, red for good and kinda of bulging red and shiny for REALLY good. thanx to anyone who can take the time to do this for me I would REALLY Apreiciate it:)
oh thanks ^_^ I thought this toppic had died a while back ago. I actualy got sum1 to help me do it with events but that script will proboly com ine handy too for showing the characters affection state in the menue. ^_^

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