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Looking for a paid scriptor

Hey all,
So I have been seeing as everyone has, a lot of people making Pokemon fan games. I myself would not mind having the system either just to mess around with.
So I was thinking of sponsoring the creation of the system and then releasing it publicly for free.
So, I was hoping I could get some quotes from all you scriptors for hire.
Please PM me your estimates, DO NOT reply within this topic.
I would like the system to include all of the Pokemon and Poke Items scripted in and these:

The battle system:
possible 2 monsters fight 2 monsters
http://www.pokemon2002.net/GBA/n/GBA_ga ... vs2_01.jpg[/img]
Your monsters would work off of the Actors in the database. So people can add monsters like they would program an Actor. This would make it easy to work with for people who do not know RGSS. Same with skills and Items. EXP might have to be programmed in the RGSS for each Actor/Monster.
And enemy monsters can work off of the stats programmed into the Actors. All some one would have to do to make a bad Pikachu was type the name into a new Enemy, "Pikachu" and the script would read that and setup a enemy Pikachu with whatever lvl it would be.

The Menu System:
http://www.pokemon2002.net/GBA/n/GBA_to ... inmenu.jpg[/img]
Not sure all of the functions in the new menu systems, but it would all have to be remade.

The Map System:
http://www.pokemon2002.net/GBA/n/GBA_to ... vi_map.jpg[/img]
This would track the players location in a map. The RGSS could read where the player is from the map names and then display in on the map. So whatever the map is named, that is what will show up on the map.

And the PokeDex:
This would be programmed in the RGSS, but read from a separate script for easy editing

Keep in mind, I have not played the new games, but this wil immitate them. Paying the rom wil show you what wil need to be there as far as these 4 things go
Everything else, people can make add-ons
I would not be pressed for time, say, I WANT THIS IN A MONTH! I know these things take time ;)
Please PM me your estimates for the entire system (no monthly fees)
Any quotes made in this topic I will request to have removed




Are you looking for just the appearance, or do you want everything under the hood, too? That is, battle algorithms, EVs and IVs, and all the goodies that go on behind the scenes in a real pokemon game? If you are, it might help if you included an explanation of what they all are.
I for one have been requested of this several times. I am sure than rather you paying for everything, that there would be plenty of people willing to chip in some money to help you get this out, especially if it is public.

Anyways, I found quite a few sites that I found useful if you are going to the do the system how it should (I for one would like to see or do it as it should, in its entirety). Some of these include algorithms and such. Prexus did provide one of these, I just don't remember which one.


Contacting you via PM with more information

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