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Looking for a good header artist

Hey guys,

I'm in the process of fine tuning my latest website venture (no really) but seem to be lacking on the big header banner front. Thusly, I was wondering if anybody here would be up for giving me a hand with a bit of photoshop work.

Essentialy, the aim is to go for the "collageesque" look you see around places. A good example of the style is on the Bloc Party fan forum;

http://www.blocparty.net/forum/template ... _image.jpg[/IMG]

Any help is much appreciated.
Silent Alarm... I'm a little confused, how did Madmax know what to give a shot at? I don't see where you have said what the site is about, the design specifications, measurements or anything like that at all. All you mentioned here is the style you'd like it seems to me?

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