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Little Itty Bitty Unarmed Battler Change Script

Geez, I am requesting a lot from you guys this past week, and I've nothing to give in return just yet. I promise I've got something good coming up (and it WILL be completed! ;) )

So, I had this problem before where I couldn't figure out how to get the battlers to change weapons based on the weapon equipped because having the else in the conditionals in a common event would cause it to lag. Getting rid of the 'else' statements in the conditionals in the common events caused the lag from it to disappear. Yay! Except for one thing: I can't make the battler change when the person is unarmed. Darn.

So what I'd like to do is ask if anyone could show me how I'd code this out. Basically, all I need is the if statement, which I imagine would go something like "if actor 1 has no weapon equipped". Then I'd put that into my common event and have it change it to an unarmed battler.

Any ideas?

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