I have a strange problem. Im using one of my scripts in one project, it aliases game system and adds a array to it. The script works fine in any other project, but the problem comes with this.
It say that the array is undefined. Knowing that the aliasement is well written i suppose thats a compatibility problem. I have a lot of things out there... and i suppose that for some reason the aliased init isnt called. I tested deeply making a testing p and it still doesnt show up....
My dilema is... i dont know from where to start, thats why im asking if anybody have dealed with something like this. ¿You know what means that? ¿Any ideas?
Here is the script, anyway. It gives me the error in make_encounter_count, saying that [] is a invalid method for a nil class. Thats why i say that its just not calling that alias.
Note that i already searched for other aliasing of the same name and its ok.
It say that the array is undefined. Knowing that the aliasement is well written i suppose thats a compatibility problem. I have a lot of things out there... and i suppose that for some reason the aliased init isnt called. I tested deeply making a testing p and it still doesnt show up....
My dilema is... i dont know from where to start, thats why im asking if anybody have dealed with something like this. ¿You know what means that? ¿Any ideas?
# Modifiy combat step rate command
# By gerkrt/gerrtunk
# Version: 1
# License: GPL, credits
# Date: 4/1/2011
# For the latests updates or bugs fixes of this script check here:
# [url=http://usuarios.multimania.es/kisap/english_list.html]http://usuarios.multimania.es/kisap/english_list.html[/url]
This script adds a lost feature from old rpgmakers: the changue combate rate
command. It also lets you restart it.
modify_step_count(new_step_count, map_id): This lets you changue the basic value
of step counts calculation. You have to pass first the new steps value.
If you dont pass a map id value it will use the map where you are.
restart_step_count(map id): This restarts the actual step count, putting it
in a similar initital value. If you dont pass a map id value it will use the
map where you are.
-Note that the script tries to save the actual steps of the player and add
that in the new step count. You can anulate that calling the restart method
before modifing it.
-The information is saved when you save the game and its permanent.
modify_step_count (56) --> This changues the steps count of the actual map
to 56.
modify_step_count (5, 34) --> This changues the map 5 to 34 steps count.
class Interpreter
# * Restart Encounter Count
# alias gameplayer method and check map id
# If you want to not save the actual steps, use it
def restart_step_count(map_id=-1)
# If the map id is -1, mark of actual default map, use actual map_id
if map_id == -1
map = $game_map.map_id
# If not, changue the id specified
map = map_id
# Call the real method
# * Modify Step Count
# add or update a new step count in list and call apply in gameplayer
def modify_step_count(value, map_id=-1)
# If the map id is -1, mark of actual default map, use actual map_id
if map_id == -1
map = $game_map.map_id
# If not, changue the id specified
map = map_id
# Add or update value.
$game_system.moded_steps_counts[map] = value
# Apply it
$game_player.apply_step_count(value, map)
class Game_System
attr_accessor :moded_steps_counts # List of new steps counts pushed
alias gs_init_wep_msc initialize
def initialize
@moded_steps_counts = []
class Game_Player
# * Get Encounter Count
def encounter_count
return @encounter_count
# * Restart Encounter Count
def restart_step_count(map)
# If exist a modified rate use it
if $game_system.moded_steps_counts[map] != nil
n = $game_system.moded_steps_counts[map]
# If not use bd one. It needs to load it.
bdmap = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map))
n = bdmap.encounter_step
@encounter_count = rand(n) + rand(n) + 1
# * Apply Step Count
def apply_step_count(value, map)
# First calculate the number of steps using base map/moded array - actual
# If exist a modified rate use it
if $game_system.moded_steps_counts[map] != nil
n = $game_system.moded_steps_counts[map]
# If not use bd one
bdmap = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map))
n = bdmap.encounter_step
# Rest it, and make that cant be negative.
c = (@encounter_count - n).abs
# Create the new count adding the actual steps
@encounter_count = rand(n) + rand(n) + 1 + c
# Make sure that its at less 0
# * Make Encounter Count
# moded to check for moded steps rates
# no es reseteja cuan surts del mapa x ho pot ser x una altre cosa
def make_encounter_count
# Image of two dice rolling
if $game_map.map_id != 0
# If exist a modified rate use it
if $game_system.moded_steps_counts[$game_map.map_id] != nil
n = $game_system.moded_steps_counts[$game_map.map_id]
# If not use bd one
n = $game_map.encounter_step
#p 'encounter fet, n', n
@encounter_count = rand(n) + rand(n) + 1
Here is the script, anyway. It gives me the error in make_encounter_count, saying that [] is a invalid method for a nil class. Thats why i say that its just not calling that alias.
Note that i already searched for other aliasing of the same name and its ok.