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Limit : a tale from my imagination

Welcome to my thread. This is a story I wrote inspired by the manga "Blame!". I won't tell you what it's about because thats part of the fun. The whole point of this project is to provide a story that is fun for me to write and enjoyable for the reader. I give you bits and pieces of clues throughout that you have to piece together to find out whats going on in the plot.

I would like any feedback you can give me to make this a better project. Constructive criticism is welcomed. If you have the time what I would really like is your opinion of what is going on and what you think major characters or items are. I.E. what do you think a bioroid is? Also any direct questions I will not answer relating to the plot and characters, try to figure that out for yourself or discuss among peers.

I will try to update as much as I can, but unfortunately I'm about to take finals so I won't be able to update for a while. Well without further adu, enjoy!

Entry 001
Entry 001
Deep in a dark metal womb a young man floated. He was surrounded in a sapphire colored liquid, encased by a clear material. There he sleeps, there he floats....there he awakens. First surprise set in, the kind of feeling after you just woke up and don't know where or when, or even who you are. He began to remember. The fluid surrounding him began to drain accompanied by miscellaneous tubes and wires, dug into his skin retracting into the ceiling above. His small tube opened, leaving him gasping for air on the ground. He struggled to get up, only in vain for his limbs were too weak. Looking around, what he saw is a metal enclosure . It seems the tube he was just in was the only object of importance in the room. Wires and panels protruded all around, crisscrossing large plates of some metal. The floor was cold...so very cold to the touch. ?You are needed Sigmus? a stiff sounding voice rang out, in a quiet and somehow comforting tone. He knew the voice well. Again struggling to his feet he succeeded. ?Operations at 2%? the voice called out again.

Sigmus stared upward, ?How long has it been??
?436 years, 4 months, 2 days, 5 hours and 16 seconds? The voice answered.
Sigmus was a young man in appearance, looking to be in his twenties. He was tall and trim, yet muscular, currently he wore nothing. He staggered to a door that slid open to his presence, the metal sliding against itself in a smooth fashion. Light suddenly flooded the poorly lit room and struck the eyes of Sigmus, making him cringe. His eyes quickly adjusted to see a gigantic expanse. It was filled with mighty metal constructs reaching all the way to the metal sky hanging high above. The area seemed somewhat well maintained yet at the same time grungy. Slightly less prevalent was the large gathering of bodies surrounding him. He was higher than all the mumbling masses below, but not by more then a few feet. They wore mostly the same thing, cushioned hard suits or black suits stretching the length of all their body except the head. The crowd parted and Sigmus could see a figure approaching. It appeared almost as one would imagine a ghost, slightly see trough, floating above the ground with neither arms nor legs, a floating torso surrounded by shards of data flying around it. Long segments created circles while other unidentifiable spike like objects floated beside it, bobbing up and down as the figure came closer. ?Come with me.? It spoke to him.
He ended up near the center of the large enclosure. A larger, more ominous tower then the other stood in the center. The figure leading him stopped and turned to address him but Sigmus spoke first. ?What circumstances came about to awaken me Geo??
Geo spoke in a garbled half human, half electronic voice, ?Class A critical mission resources are required. But first we must speak to you in the chamber.? Geo led him into the building, deeper into the pits of a metal labyrinth. Inside they gave him clothes and led him once again to a large chamber. This time however, the space was occupied by 3 large pillars, surrounded by holographic images and scans, protruding rods with electric current coursing through them, and large tubes leading to the darkness up above or panels in the walls. Geo took his place at one of the platforms and another hologram formed in front of the pillar to the left. However the third stood there with no movement nor interaction at all.
?Where is Di?? Sigmus inquired.
?We are afraid that is the problem.? Both intelligences responded at once. ?It has cut off all communication and locked itself in the N.L.C.S.L.A. with a small group of follower's.?
?Weapon access?? Sigmus militarily inquired.
?Class 1 Distortion field Cannon authorized.?
?What are my objectives??
?Retrieve Di49 Intelligence or otherwise destroy to allow full access to systems A39 and B6?
?May I ask the importance of getting Artificially Constructed Caretaker Intelligence Di49 back??
?Recent events called to our attention require more matter manipulation access then we currently have. Access to required technology is restricted without defense Construct intelligence Di49. Current overrides may allow the creation of one Class 1 weapon system.?
Suddenly the hissing of moving parts could be heard. Metal cutouts began expanding from the walls and white flashes of light surged between them. Sigmus could feel his hair and clothes rise with the immense matter distortion being generated in the room. The cascading lights joined together into a bright fluctuating orb floating above the center of the room at about Sigmus' height. It exploded into an even brighter light then pulsated slowly back to its original size. It took shape into a large pistol, floating elegantly in center of the room. Taking it, Sigmus looked at the beings before him. ?I will return shortly.?
Entry 002
A Gigantic tower split in two, scattering a smoke of some sort oozing from inside. Sigmus scanned his memory for any information regarding the NLCSLA. From what he can recall, the Near Limitless Compressed Space Living Area was merely discovered by the Watchers. Until the break off by Di it was used as a storage area he was informed. The hissing continued, accompanied by a loud and deep roar from the moving tower. Inside Sigmus could see the gateway, a large door that looked sturdy enough to perhaps take a blast from the Distortion Cannon. Thinking again Sigmus dismissed this as a silly thought. The roar stopped as did the sliding tower parts. The hissing stopped as well. It was utter silence as the nervous people surrounded Sigmus, watching his entrance into the unknown. Finally the silence was broken by the click of locks sliding away. Large bolts blew themselves away and the gigantic door slid slowly open. Sigmus could see now why his Distortion Cannon thought seemed logical, the barricade was at least 20 feet deep, but he once again realized little or nothing could stop his gun. Sigmus stepped forward into the space opened by the large door, into the darkness he walked. He emerged on the other side and noticed its similarity to outside. It seems the internal size of the NLCSLA was set to be about as big as the outside, its large arched ceiling soaring high above. Grinding could be heard and Sigmus looked back to see the door close behind him.
For what seemed like hours Sigmus had walked but with no sign of life. The ramshackle city was obviously severely damaged. Large gaping holes and ruins of great buildings were a common sight. A screech accompanied by a change in pressure broke the monotony. Sigmus launched himself backwards to see a explosion engulf where he once stood. Tracing the silver sparks filling the air, Sigmus saw where the shot came from. Standing on the roof of a high building was a lengthy figure. It's arms and legs disproportionately large for its small torso. Light swirled around its mouth and a lance flew out once again. Sigmus sidestepped and an explosion rocked the ground behind him, whipping his clothes up in fury of wind. The creature jumped from the roof it was standing on to another one that was closer and slightly shorter. From here Sigmus could see its details better, it sat as a long limbed gray figure, with four camera eyes glaring at him. Its segmented body rose again and its head lurched forward with light gathering around it. Sigmus raised his pistol and leveled it at his attacker. ?Level 1 ? Low Output? He whispered. Suddenly a black line launched out of his weapon. The blast whipped through the air, so forceful the vibrations could be felt. Sigmus was almost knocked off his feet from the shot but regained balance. The solid black line did not meet its target. The metal material that made the building melted away like butter and whipped away from the shot. Everything but the outer extremities of the creature attacking Sigmus was swept away by an invisible tide. The shot continued until he could barely see it colliding with the ceiling far far above. The hit produced a vibrant explosion, filling the sky with an orange glow. Smoke billowed from the damaged building and sound of debris falling filled the air. Suddenly the top part of the building, the ceiling around the blast and even the air itself seemed to rip itself apart in a fire-less explosion. Satisfied, Sigmus began walking again and out of the corner of his eye saw a man peering around a corner. Sigmus turned his direction only to find nothing there. He ran, and slid around the corner to see the man running as fast as his legs could carry him. It was too late to catch him on foot, but Sigmus had other ways. He darted the the building the man rounded and jumped to the third story, diving through the window. Another leap sent him flying out the other side, landing gracefully in front of the timid man, frozen by terror. ?Where is Di49?? Sigmus inquired of the man.
?NO, stay away from me!? The man yelled back.
?Why is this sectors bioroids active??
?I know who you are! Stay away!?, The man took off down the street.
He made it only a couple of steps before a beam slammed into the side of his head. The beam incinerated his head and the resulting impact blast scattered the rest of his remains. Looking up, Sigmus saw what caused this, another bioroid standing above on a building. Two more joined it, jumping down from the building onto the floor. The impact of their metal bodies smashed into the ground, creating small craters. Two of them charged with outstretched arms and the third stood there, light collecting around its mouth. ?Level 1 - High Output? Sigmus said as a beam as wide as he was tall erupted from the barrel of his weapon. The dark beam crisscrossed with white lightning lashed forward, leaving a large semicircle ditch carved into the ground. The middle bioroids shot fired forth toward Sigmus but stopped dead in its tracks, wobbling to and fro, trying to defeat his shot. It failed, being ripped apart and shot back in the opposite direction and soon engulfed by the wave of destruction. Sigmus' shot continued and swallowed up all three bioroids in a deep darkness. Once again the surrounding materials exploded. Leaving a path of destruction as far as human eyes could see.
Sigmus glanced around looking for any remaining threats, his answer smashed through a wall and jumped at him. Another bioroid, this time taking him by surprise and slashing his shoulder. A small spray of red fluid spurt out from the impact. ?Level 1 ? Low Output.? Sigmus jumped back and released another black line from his gun, vaporizing the enemy and sending himself flying against the opposite building wall. The secondary blast scattered debris crashing against his body. Getting back up Sigmus checked his shoulder, the bleeding had stopped.
Entry 003
Entry 003
Sigmus was walking once again down a long hallway. Wires and panels again littered the landscape. He noticed blank panels displaying nothing but a red screen. To his side was transparent panels, showing numerous tubes with liquid supporting small segmented bodies suspended by large metal wires and connections. Sigmus stopped at a door, not opening at his approach. He raised his gun at the door but it slid silently open. Continuing on his journey, Sigmus stepped into the room, dark except for the light pouring through the door. He quickly adjusted to the darkness and saw a small figure hovering before him. ?Di, why are the bioroids in this sector active?? Sigmus questioned in a quiet tone.
?It is not my doing.? The hologram reported.
?Have you tracked the culprit??
?Negative, although it is an outside source.?, Sigmus' eyes opened wide at this statement.
?You are to come with me back to central district 1, as ordered by A.C.C.I.s Geo and Septum.?
?That is impossible, termination of this program has been attempted by mother systems.?
Sigmus stood in disbelief. ?Reasons!??
?Unkno...WARNING, Class 1 bioroid in the area. Please evacuate immediately.?
?Not an option, show me the records.?
?Unfortunately my matter manipulation functions have also been acquired by an outside source, I request once again for you to evacuate immedi...?
?Thats enough! Show me the records now?
?Understood.? Another hologram came to life in front of Sigmus. His eyes became wider at the data being taken in by the massive scrolling texts and pictures before him.
?I will take administrative action after...? Sigmus was cut off as a arm smashed through the side of the room into the pillar supporting Di's systems. Both holograms flashed and static flooded them. ?Level 1 ? Low output? Sigmus said, firing his weapon into the intruding arm. The blast blew a hole straight through leaving the arm hardly attached. The blast continued through the building out of sight, and the primary and secondary explosion could be felt reverberating through the structure. A loud screech could be heard followed by the entry of several bioroids jumping through the gaping hole in the wall and the retraction of the half destroyed arm from the building. ?Backup copy of Di49: Artificially Created Caretaker Intelligence requested!? Sigmus yelled running toward the tower in the center of the room, barely still standing.
?ID and security code required.? A monotonous voice retorted.
?Central Authority, Class 1 Newtype: Sigmus, voice override requested.? Sigmus answered back firing a shot into the attacking group, incinerating the bioroids, turning back their shots, and leaving an even bigger hole in the building.
?Authorized.? The voice responded back. Sigmus threw his arm out to grasp a small device that materialized beside him and jumped toward the hole in the side of the room. He peered out to see a towering giant staring at him with large red lenses. Numerous small locks released on the creatures head and popped off, releasing a cloud of smoke and revealing duel prongs charged with energy between them. Sigmus dove forward out the building, falling through the air to see the ground far below. Numerous lines of light erupted from the devices on the towering giant's head and rained on the building, tracing a line toward Sigmus. It was too slow however, Sigmus slammed into the ground creating a large dent in the floor. He ran forward and slid on his back under the over sized humanoid creature above him. ?Level 2 ? High output? The whole area lighted up as an enormous blast erupted forth. The sheer power of the shot's existence sent shockwaves ripping through the surrounding buildings and smashing a semicircle into the ground below Sigmus. The main shot engulfed the torso and arms of the creature above, the others parts simply vaporising from sight or being blown to the side with enough force to go through buildings far away. The shot continued up into the ceiling, and straight through it into compressed nothingness. Wind whipped across the area, scattering debris for miles away.
Entry 004
Entry 004
Sigmus staggered through the opened barrier to the outside of the NLCSLA. A crowd of people and the two A.C.C.I.s awaited him. ?I trust you had to destroy Di?? The A.C.C.I.s said to him in unison.
?No, I did not.? Sigmus said holding up Di's backup.
?Please hand it over.?
?Why did you try to terminate Di49?? Sigmus barked back. Both sagged their heads and sighed at him.
?Do not complicate matters Sigmus.?
?I hereby take administrative authority, disable all systems and relinquish control.?
?We can not do that.? Sigmus was stricken by the meaning of that sentence. Just then a flash of light came down from the sky. Sigmus glanced up and jumped back to dodge the blast. He raised his gun past them toward the central administrative tower, but stopped in hesitation. He looked around at the people surrounding him, all confused with what was happening.
?Hmph..? The A.C.C.I.s let out as another blast stuck down from the heavens and nailed Sigmus in the shoulder. A red burst of fluid came forth. Sigmus clutched his shoulder and took off towards the large tower in the center of the district, running right through the holograms. From far away the observers heard cracks and flashes of light as energy lanced from the sky to hit the running Sigmus. He darted around a corner, nearing the central office, but was stopped by 3 bioroids standing right in front of him. ?Level 1 ? Low output?, the shot went through the bioroids and passed to explode far beyond. Sigmus winced and removed his hand from his shoulder. More bioroids began appearing, traveling with great bounds of their over sized legs. A light shot out from one of them, piercing Sigmus' leg. He continued to run. The great bounds of the bioroids sent them in front of Sigmus, forming one last wall against him. Simultaneously, swirls of bright light surrounded the bioroids mouths. ?Level 1 ? Hight Output? Sigmus said. His weapon did nothing. A barrage of shots launched at once toward Sigmus. ?Limiter Release Level 1?, Sigmus mumbled. He raised his hand high in the air and brought it down in a large sweep carrying behind it a veil of hexagons. A semi-visible wall of floating shapes, steadied by the impact of multiple shots. The beams bounced harmlessly off of the barrier, glancing to the sides and slamming into near by buildings. The bioroids cycle between frames in its viewing capture, much like a video camera, is very high. In this case 10,000 cycles per second. In one cycle Sigmus was safely behind the barrier ; in the next, behind the bioroids. Four of the bioroids heads suddenly fell to the ground, the bodies falling lifelessly after them, streaming liquid erupting from their necks. The eye could barely see Sigmus flash, moving upward slightly, then disappear. Two more bioroids exploded in a hail of debris and liquid. Sigmus reappeared in front of one. It lunged at him stabbing toward a heart. Once again the eye could only see Sigmus in his new position, sideways to avoid the lunge. He grabbed the arm and head. The synthetic creature struggled to no avail as Sigmus effortlessly tore it in half. The others gathered around for another blast. He didn't let them however. The all erupted in a cloud of smoke and bursts of debris. Sigmus appeared inside the central administrative office.
?Stop this a once Sigmus!? The two floating holograms commanded.
?Administrative authority of ACCI units 1 and 2 has been revoked. I heed not to you.? Sigmus shot back. He dived toward the ACCI storage tower to the left. ?Limiter lock reestablished? He said, gripping onto the side of the tower. His hand smashed into the panel at its side, extending its internals and exposing the core of ACCI unit 1.
?STOP!? They once again demanded. Sigmus reached his hand in and grabbed the crystalline sphere in the middle, crushing it in between his fingers. One of the holograms flickered then disappeared.
?We are needed! Stop immediately!? The remaining ACCI exclaimed as bioroids began pouring into the room. Sigmus ignored the warning and jumped to the next tower, repeating the process. The second hologram flickered away. Suddenly the light once again swirled around the bioroid's mouths, building to a momentous swell, then dissipated and the bioroids dropped to the ground, lifeless.
Entry 005
Entry 005
Sigmus stood in the center of the same room, next to a floating hologram, reviewing data streamed across a suspended screen. A man entered the room looking nervous. ?Sigmus...the people are demanding to know what is happening. What should I tell them?? He let out.
?Apparently the A.C.C.I.'s data has been corrupted and rewritten by an outside source. The seem to have attacked Di in order to utilize his matter manipulation access for some unknown reason. Because of their illogical and unstable functions I have destroyed their processing units. I have also re-instituted Di into the network and reinstated administrative privileges to him. Unfortunately with the destruction of system 1 and 2 A.C.C.I.s, came the destruction of access to food, water and supply manufacturing.? Sigmus answered, not turning from his work.
?So what will happen now? How will we survive?? The man frighteningly yelled back.
?I will leave this area to find an 'Engineer' as well as try and find the outside source that corrupted and rewrote the A.C.C.I.s as well as took control of the bioroids.?
?You can't be serious! How do you know the ancient engineers even exist!??
?There is little else I can do...? Sigmus replied.
?I have reactivated your Class 1 Distortion Cannon, Sigmus.? Di interjected.
?Superb, tell the people I will be back as soon as possible.? Sigmus said, walking towards the exit.
?But Sigmus, you have no idea whats out there! For god's sake, any one to ever leave has never came back!? The man yelled after him. It was to no effect. Sigmus never even broke stride.

The door in front of Sigmus slowly opened, squealing from under use. He stepped through into a confined passage way, going for quite a while, according to reports it was nearly 5 miles long. Sigmus began walking down the long narrow metal corridor. Hours later he emerged on the other side and looked at his surroundings. He stood on a small platform about 5 feet across, suspended somehow in the middle of the air, one side touching the hallway he just emerged from. In front of him lay a metal wall, about 20 feet away, with no visible openings in the nearby vicinity. He stood in a great canyon. Looking down, he saw the walls extend down into darkness, far away. Looking up he saw the same, bland metal walls made of miscellaneously sized panels and the occasional box or spire jutting out, electricity surging down it. He could see the there were tracks on either side of the platform he stood on; it started moving up. Sigmus awoke to find that he was still moving upwards, the scenery still hadn't changed. He decided to rest further. He awoke again to find the platform still moving, the walls had changed slightly and were now covered with all sorts of miscellaneous tubes. Sigmus had determined his elevator of sorts had been traveling for about four days. The monotony stopped when the elevator finally stopped, right in the middle of that train of thought. He stood upright and turned around to see a larger hallway reaching far away and a curious little metallic being picking through a pile of scrap. It turned to look at him quizzically and hobbled energetically over to him, scanning up and down with its large red camera lens. It was about 3 feet tall, and slightly damaged from what Sigmus could tell. "Do you speak?"The robot inquired with a high pitched voice.
"Yes. Could you tell me where an engineer is?" Sigmus responded.
"An engineer? Your a funny creature." The little machine let out, hobbling away. Sigmus turned away and started walking down the hall.
One last bump for the road. Any comments at all would be helpful. If it is simply to long for a reader to commit the time to, please inform me.

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