i remember seeing this guy a few months ago. i think calling him a douchebag is a little much though guys! alright, so his reasoning is flawed and his ideas are dumb, but he's eleven years old for chrissake. the problem here is with the adults that encourage him and inflate his ego to massive proportions. he's just imitating what he sees other reviewers do, especially in the way he talks, so nothing he says is really original at all.
i really hope nobody takes him seriously. the idea of making kids famous because they are kind of good at doing something and makes adults go "oh my god, this is incredible because he's only five/seven/eleven years old!!" is stupid. it sets them up for failure when they realize they can't compete in the real world and what they did as a child was all an elaborate facade.
i really hope nobody takes him seriously. the idea of making kids famous because they are kind of good at doing something and makes adults go "oh my god, this is incredible because he's only five/seven/eleven years old!!" is stupid. it sets them up for failure when they realize they can't compete in the real world and what they did as a child was all an elaborate facade.