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Life's Purpose

I'm a Christian, and I can honestly say that I don't know. God never says why he created us. A test of power, an experiment, just for fun, or for some higher purpose, I have no idea. All I can say is live life the way you want to, and whatever happens will happen. As long as you don't harm others in the process of living your life, I really don't give a damn.
kaze950":zqd89j4n said:
I'm a Christian, and I can honestly say that I don't know. God never says why he created us. A test of power, an experiment, just for fun, or for some higher purpose, I have no idea. All I can say is live life the way you want to, and whatever happens will happen. As long as you don't harm others in the process of living your life, I really don't give a damn.

It was just something he came up with one afternoon after he got stoned.

Seriously though, I thought the Bible was pretty clear that his purpose in creating the world was so that he'd have someone to "love" him, or worship him. Depending on what day of the week it is, I usually find this either incredibly emotive, (The Lonely God?) or impossibly arrogant and egocentric.
i think if i created everything that ever was and everything that ever will be, i'd be wanting a few eons of kudos, too. heh

anyway, don't be an existentialist emo. the purpose of life is what you make of it. if you dig yourself a shitpit, then wallow. if you dig yourself a bed of roses, blossom.

my life sorta sucks right now, but by 30, it'll be pretty good.  so i wake up every morning for that. i hate living in the future, but that's sorta the only option when you're young and relatively broke/in debt most of the time.



The purpose of life is to be the best person you can to satisfy our Lord, God. We are here to be Tested before we enter His Kingdom. Always follow your Bible and consult with your local priest if you need any guidance on the Path to Heaven.
I think the purpose of life is to make it continuous, to breed. We still have the bodies of hunters, in 5000 years there isn't that much that has hapenned (evolution-wise). At that time, the only thing you cared about was FOOD, not the purpose of life. We are just atoms and electric brain signals, but arranged in a way that even after generations and generations, they are still arranged the same way (put aside hair color). Or else we wouldn't exist and answer the question.



Man, I really hate people that treat Atheists as if a lack of religion means they have no moral guide, nothing to enjoy in life, and nothing to motivate them to be kind. Life is deep whether or not you believe in a god. It is possible to love without religion, to enjoy the company of your family without religion, and to be spontaneously kind to people -- all without religion! Atheism doesn't make someone dead inside, just as religion doesn't make people into bald eunuchs!

Personally, and this is my opinion as a Muslim and occasional dabbler in Buddhist philosophies, I believe the the purpose of life is to learn. Learn from your mistakes, learn from your successes, and learn from others. There's nothing that doesn't carry something new to learn in it somewhere; even a catastrophe can teach you how to deal with catastrophe, at the least. Then, you apply what you've learned to help other things that are struggling along just like you are. "Aid all sentient beings."

And, hey, if we get reincarnated after we die, that ties into things pretty well.

You'll notice, though, that people are capable of learning regardless of their religion or lack thereof. Just as I don't believe a just god would send perfectly kind people to hell for not believing in it, I don't believe that not believing in one robs life of its purpose.

A friend of mine says the meaning of life is to "balance creation and destruction." Honestly, I don't get what she's getting at, but it sure sounds cool, don't it?



You make the base assertion that somehow being without religion equates to purposelessness. People define their own purpose in life, or fail to; the latter often result to religion. It's like, churches are the Wal-Mart of life purpose. Too lazy, confused or ignorant to define for yourself what constitutes a well-lived and fulfilling life? Come on down to Purpose Mart, we have a Purpose for every personality, one size fits all! Like the food we sell in the food court it's bland, lacking distinguishing characteristics, and it will make you feel fulfilled without actually giving you any fulfilment.

I realize you removed that statement from your OP, but it got quoted and it's implicit anyway as I've come to understand a few things about your belief system. I was raised religious, and I found it the most baseless, hollow and empty experience in my life, spiked with encounters with foul, selfish, power-hungry individuals who were not above any low to further petty little schemes. Like, woo, slandering eachother to get an official, but non-paying, position in church administration. Often religious people mask their real ambitions with a veneer of selfless religious purpose, in my experience in many different churches of many different varieties in many different towns. They use religious groups as a means to personal achievement, because they lack the ability, confidence, or intellect to achieve in other fields or because they simply can't belong to any organization unless they're pursuing a position of authority. I'm not implying by any means that you or any other participant in the forum is one of those people, I am familiar enough with them to know them when I see them though. I'm also not implying that every church is infested with these people, but they're a disease that spreads easily and rapidly and I've never personally witnessed any religious organization without at least a few of them. Religion is an easy route to personal power and control over other people's lives, and for reasons beyond my understanding there are many people in the world who define their fulfilment around how many people they can boss around.

Anyway that was a bit of a tangent, but my point is twofold: one, religion is not the only way to define purpose in life, and two religion often fails to provide the purpose it promises - or that defined purpose simply becomes a structure within which to pursue more personalized goals.

My personal purpose in life? To be the best person I can be, defined in terms of how I interact with others, who's lives I've helped improve, and how well I've met my own needs and goals, which in my personal case are financial and social independence in a field that enables me to do work that I love and give others the benefit of my skills and talent (such as they are). My purpose ends the day I die; I require neither eternal reward nor the guarantee of eternal punishment for the people who offend me. I don't feel the need to leave a legacy, as I believe the value of a person's life is intrinsic, and expressed in the way they live while they're alive, not in how people talk and think about them after they pass. I believe that no divine judgement can compare to or be as personal as the judgement a person passes on themselves in the private parts of their mind, and that as they face death the defining moments in their lives will be the ones that they dwell on, for better or worse. In that sense I hope to be able to look back and think about the good things I did, and have few things to regret or feel ashamed of.
Diaforetikos":2cojq6w5 said:
Life is enjoyable to me. I just think of not only now, but also my future. If you were told you could receive a great sum of money, but you had to never sin and wait until you were 40, would you wait?
Nope! Unlike you seem to assume of everyone without Jeezus, I don't see much long term value in money. I'd like to be comfortable, but meh.
Diaforetikos":2cojq6w5 said:
What is your personal purpose? Do you wake up, just letting life come at you? Or do you set your goal for that day based on what you are meant to do. No purpose is a wasted life.
You lead one sad motherfuckin' life.
Diaforetikos":24upoaqa said:
Life is enjoyable to me. I just think of not only now, but also my future. If you were told you could receive a great sum of money, but you had to never sin and wait until you were 40, would you wait?

Pfft, you don't need money to be happy.

Also, define sin. If by sin you mean going against the bible, then that's pretty religion-biased, like people swearing an oath on a bible when they aren't christian or whatever. I mean, your definition of sin might be different to other peoples.

If by sin you mean having a good time, then why wait 40 years when I can do that now?

Life is just life, and whether you follow a doctrined path or not, just make the most out of it. Even if there is or isn't something after, doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself once in a while.



Diaforetikos":og01jjix said:
Life is enjoyable to me. I just think of not only now, but also my future. If you were told you could receive a great sum of money, but you had to never sin and wait until you were 40, would you wait?

Let's reverse that question:
If you were promised a large sum of money at the age of 40 as long as you followed someone else's moral code until that time, would it be worth it?

Say I declare that it's immoral to attend religious institutions, socialize with religious people, withhold sex from your partner till marriage, engage in heterosexual relationships, believe in anything that hasn't been proven to the highest objective standard with empirical evidence, and eat fish.

Anyone who can hold strictly to these morals (or ask me very nicely to forgive their transgressions) gets 100 million dollars when they turn 40. Would that reward be worth losing your friends and family, having premarital sex with men, denying all faith and superstition, and, erm, giving up seafood? It might be to some amorous gay atheist vegetarians, but for you it would be impossible.

Material rewards, whether millions of dollars later in this life or gigantic gem-covered golden mansions in an improvable eternity, do not create happiness or fulfillment in the present, especially when the price is going against one's basic feelings and beliefs.

Also, it's seriously uncouth in the Symposium to revise an earlier statement in a way that removes the parts that people are responding to. If you change your position, please say so in a reply and leave your post intact :) The edit button is for adding new information without doubleposting and fixing simple spelling mistakes, not fundamentally changing your post.
Well, there are really two purposes in life.  The first, the collective purpose, is to advance our species through reproduction and sharing our experience or achievements.  This purpose is ingrained into the body of anything that's living, or it won't be living for very long.  The second is a personal purpose, which is more what you want us to discuss, I think.  Everyone has their own reasons for getting up in the morning.  Most of us just want to have fun and enjoy life, which is what we should be doing.  I'd rather enjoy this life than be wrong about a heaven and hell existing and wasting my life by centering everything around a religion.

And if your beliefs interfere with your life, you're an idiot.  Live in this life, not the next one, which may or may not exist.  If you believe everything a book tells you, you're an idiot, too.  Have your own ideas.  THINK.
Life has no purpose.

Sure some people here are like "we'll influence the world in a tiny way!" but really you're delusionally grasping at straws.  In a couple of trillion years when every single thing in the universe has died and disappeared to heat death nothing will matter.
Dissonance":2ei0wuey said:
Life has no purpose.

Sure some people here are like "we'll influence the world in a tiny way!" but really you're delusionally grasping at straws.  In a couple of trillion years when every single thing in the universe has died and disappeared to heat death nothing will matter.

With this thinking, what's the point in living?  We should just all kill ourselves now, completely ignoring the hopeful fact that we'll be able to find and get to another habitable planet before our current planet is destroyed.  And how do you know the universe will die?  We don't know anything about the universe's creation (although we have a few ideas), so I hate it when people try to say shit like this.

If you haven't noticed, I'm highly against this type of thinking.  It's extremely depressing.  I'd much rather believe something that keeps me happy.  And that's not disregarding the facts, because we don't have any.  You can believe it if you want, though.  I, personally, could never live believing that we have no purpose, but that's just me.



Guardian1239":2ng05vc7 said:
Dissonance":2ng05vc7 said:
Life has no purpose.

Sure some people here are like "we'll influence the world in a tiny way!" but really you're delusionally grasping at straws.  In a couple of trillion years when every single thing in the universe has died and disappeared to heat death nothing will matter.

With this thinking, what's the point in living?  We should just all kill ourselves now, completely ignoring the hopeful fact that we'll be able to find and get to another habitable planet before our current planet is destroyed.  And how do you know the universe will die?  We don't know anything about the universe's creation (although we have a few ideas), so I hate it when people try to say shit like this.

If you haven't noticed, I'm highly against this type of thinking.  It's extremely depressing.  I'd much rather believe something that keeps me happy.  And that's not disregarding the facts, because we don't have any.  You can believe it if you want, though.  I, personally, could never live believing that we have no purpose, but that's just me.
He's right. Dissonance, you go first. I'll make the Kool-Aid for you.
Yes, yes. This is what i want.

Ok, so for the comment regarding the money, substitute money for something you love. No.1 treasure. I was generalizing with money, but now I'm making it personal. Be it family, drugs, death, what ever you love the most. Where your heart really lies. Would you do it?

Mr. N":3pg387ik said:
Diaforetikos":3pg387ik said:
Life is enjoyable to me. I just think of not only now, but also my future. If you were told you could receive a great sum of money, but you had to never sin and wait until you were 40, would you wait?

Let's reverse that question:
If you were promised a large sum of money at the age of 40 as long as you followed someone else's moral code until that time, would it be worth it?

Say I declare that it's immoral to attend religious institutions, socialize with religious people, withhold sex from your partner till marriage, engage in heterosexual relationships, believe in anything that hasn't been proven to the highest objective standard with empirical evidence, and eat fish.

Anyone who can hold strictly to these morals (or ask me very nicely to forgive their transgressions) gets 100 million dollars when they turn 40. Would that reward be worth losing your friends and family, having premarital sex with men, denying all faith and superstition, and, erm, giving up seafood? It might be to some amorous gay atheist vegetarians, but for you it would be impossible.

Material rewards, whether millions of dollars later in this life or gigantic gem-covered golden mansions in an improvable eternity, do not create happiness or fulfillment in the present, especially when the price is going against one's basic feelings and beliefs.

Also, it's seriously uncouth in the Symposium to revise an earlier statement in a way that removes the parts that people are responding to. If you change your position, please say so in a reply and leave your post intact :) The edit button is for adding new information without doubleposting and fixing simple spelling mistakes, not fundamentally changing your post.
Freak the idea of material things and go where the heart is. I did change it up. The focus of the forum wasn't where I wanted it to be so I changed is as with what I am doing right now. I didn't know if it was ok to double post. Calm down. Its not that serious. Anyways, If I have seen things that no one else could show me, felt things that I've have never experienced before, I would do it. But not for the money. Money was a generalization and I apologize for it. If it were my true heart, and my family was taken away from me until I reached 40, then yes I would do it. But under those guidelines. I wasn't brainwashed into religion. I have felt things that you can't explain. I've heard stories from my best friends mom about her trips to Africa with my pastor. They were almost hit by a truck. The truck crashed. It was on the news in Africa. They said they felt something within the two seconds the truck was going to hit them, and they survived. The truck was driving in the wrong lane.  Why would she lie to me about something like that. She has no reason to impress me. No reason to force me to continually believe in what I believe. Exorcisms. Witch doctors spoke against my pastor. He said he felt the presence and prayed and the witch doctor said he felt a force to powerful for him. This was in Africa. Two separate trips. Now if believing in some random invisible man, doing things against my beliefs meant I would get to see my family, I would do it.

Now don't go saying, "So if I believed, I would have to sacrifice my family?" No. I am just replacing the belief in God with a belief in achieving your greatest treasure.

I don't know if I stated my purpose in life. It states in the book of Genesis that we should be fruitful and multiply. That was a basic outline of what I am doing. I wake everyday trying to find someone to help. Mostly at work where I meet a lot of people. In the bible it says focus on helping others. That way your a blessing through God, then God can help bless you. Very simple principle. So I try to do that at least once a day. But not with intention to have God help me, but for me to help others. That is enough to make my day. I like seeing someone smile. Hopefully they see my beliefs through me and maybe they can do the same. I also believe in reaping what you sow. So by doing this, I am also benefiting myself. No I'm not perfect. I mess up all the time. I gossip, cuss, hate, lie and sometimes hold grudges. But my whole purpose in life is to help others, help others.

I'm gonna repost this video. Like I said, skim through it and watch what you find interesting and leave a comment. The video was pretty much what got me thinking about this topic.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7154170413



Diaforetikos":1k4u9j7d said:
Yes, yes. This is what i want.

Ok, so for the comment regarding the money, substitute money for something you love. No.1 treasure. I was generalizing with money, but now I'm making it personal. Be it family, drugs, death, what ever you love the most. Where your heart really lies. Would you do it?
No I don't think my general feelings would change if you offered me anything at all, I don't love material things, I use them. I recognize the difference between the positive experience using an object elicits and the ownership of the object itself; if I can have the object at some great sacrifice that costs me the enjoyment of the object, the object itself holds no value to me. People have a hard time understanding that philosophy when posing the typical question "would you do X for a million bucks", i.e. what's the price I'd take in exchange for debasing myself in some way. Most just don't understand the concept that a million bucks, or any other material reward, holds no value to me on its own. If you want to define the reward in more esoteric senses, the sort of thing immaterial thing I desire is the exact sort of thing you can't just reward me with, because it involves my reflections on my own life, the things I've learned and how I've improved. Unless you suppose for a moment that retroactively making me forget the sacrifice itself in favor of some more personally desirable life, but I'd rather pursue that life on my own than rely on a supernatural force to make me *believe* I had had it at an arbitrary future point.

Freak the idea of material things and go where the heart is. I did change it up. The focus of the forum wasn't where I wanted it to be so I changed is as with what I am doing right now. I didn't know if it was ok to double post. Calm down. Its not that serious.
If it was *serious* I'd have issued you a warning, I'm just saying it's impolite to modify your post after people have already quoted, replied to and discussed it. Just don't be habitual about it.
Anyways, If I have seen things that no one else could show me, felt things that I've have never experienced before, I would do it. But not for the money. Money was a generalization and I apologize for it. If it were my true heart, and my family was taken away from me until I reached 40, then yes I would do it. But under those guidelines. I wasn't brainwashed into religion. I have felt things that you can't explain. I've heard stories from my best friends mom about her trips to Africa with my pastor. They were almost hit by a truck. The truck crashed. It was on the news in Africa. They said they felt something within the two seconds the truck was going to hit them, and they survived. The truck was driving in the wrong lane.  Why would she lie to me about something like that. She has no reason to impress me. No reason to force me to continually believe in what I believe. Exorcisms. Witch doctors spoke against my pastor. He said he felt the presence and prayed and the witch doctor said he felt a force to powerful for him. This was in Africa. Two separate trips. Now if believing in some random invisible man, doing things against my beliefs meant I would get to see my family, I would do it.

Now don't go saying, "So if I believed, I would have to sacrifice my family?" No. I am just replacing the belief in God with a belief in achieving your greatest treasure.

I don't know if I stated my purpose in life. It states in the book of Genesis that we should be fruitful and multiply. That was a basic outline of what I am doing. I wake everyday trying to find someone to help. Mostly at work where I meet a lot of people. In the bible it says focus on helping others. That way your a blessing through God, then God can help bless you. Very simple principle. So I try to do that at least once a day. But not with intention to have God help me, but for me to help others. That is enough to make my day. I like seeing someone smile. Hopefully they see my beliefs through me and maybe they can do the same. I also believe in reaping what you sow. So by doing this, I am also benefiting myself. No I'm not perfect. I mess up all the time. I gossip, cuss, hate, lie and sometimes hold grudges. But my whole purpose in life is to help others, help others.

I'm gonna repost this video. Like I said, skim through it and watch what you find interesting and leave a comment. The video was pretty much what got me thinking about this topic.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7154170413
I've seen a wealth of NDEs, I'm not entirely sure why I'd want to watch another. I'm not completely convinced one way or other what exactly causes the phenomenon in terms of the precise mechanics in the brain since nobody yet has adequately reproduced or dissected it, but I've done enough psychotropics in the past to have had some profoundly strange experiences (in safe environments, and I don't recommend them to ANYONE here or otherwise for the simple reason that I don't encourage others to endanger themselves).

As for the rest of your post, I don't think most people get "brainwashed" into religious belief, that implies that there was a non-religious belief preexistant which was somehow destroyed and replaced. I don't even hold people at fault for claiming supernatural experiences, I just expect them to back it up with extraordinary evidence if they want me to believe it. If you told me you saw bigfoot I wouldn't say "no you didn't", I'd just say "I doubt it" - same goes for other extraordinary claims. I don't think your mom has a reason to lie about her encounter in Africa, I just doubt the accuracy of her observations.

The human mind is very easily deceived and far from good at recording or remembering experiences objectively, especially when those experiences are traumatic. A different person in a similar situation might claim aliens used a force field to protect them, or that the spirits of the air came to their aid, or that they were supernaturally lucky, if they were so inclined to believe. It's likely that nothing at all happened, and the truck simply missed, either by random chance, the efforts of the driver, or impact of the terrain. An extremely curious rational person may spend some time examining what happened in excruciating detail to discover the facts, a religious or otherwise faithful person would be inclined to attribute the experience to supernatural intervention, and most people would probably write the whole thing off and be thankful they're safe. Unless she caught the whole thing on camera and there was obvious evidence that the truck teleported away or was shoved to the side by some outside force, I'm inclined to believe that she believes what she says, but not at all inclined to believe that her subjective interpretation had anything to do with reality.

As far as witch doctors and exorcisms, the effects of witchcraft and the efficacy of exorcism have been more thoroughly and consistently reproduced and debunked than perhaps any other supernatural claim. Here's a great little video I ran into a while ago that illustrates debunking voodoo dolls:

It's easy to believe in these things when you have limited evidence, they seem very real. Unfortunately (or fortunately) they are not supernatural, they're more like hacks for the brain, that have been practiced by people knowingly or unknowingly because they do work when the subject believes it will work. Exorcism is useless for curing mental illness as far as clinical experiments are concerned. It can also be extremely traumatic and more often harms than helps, especially when it's forced. I have a friend who's deeply religious mother was convinced he was possessed at the age of 5 because he acted out constantly, and subjected him to a violent, abusive and highly traumatic exorcism that haunted him for much of his life. For the same reason that witchcraft works on the gullible, exorcism can work on the gullible; so can faith healing. I have had several family members who have stopped taking medications because they had been so thoroughly convinced that they'd been supernaturally healed that they ignored even obvious physical symptoms for quite a while.

I have known many people who became irrationally fearful of some object, room, or situation, and after an exorcism ritual experienced relief. My grandmother swears up and down that she feels spiritual presences constantly and attributes all kinds of normal everyday events to spiritual forces. If it's voluntary and provides comfort I don't really have a problem with it, but what would be more preferable is to teach them that these fears are entirely psychological in nature and that they don't require the assistance of religion to be free of them.

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