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liberal sex ed [the modern era sickens me volume 1]



thats actually misinterpreted science? i was always under the impression, through my own observation, not being taught it, that beat competency being shown at a young age is an indicator of a strong bio-rhythm, and therefore a stronger brain.

but on topic- oral and anal sex have nothing to do with virginity, because the medical definition of virginity refers to the hymen being intact.
From the cancerweb medical dictionary definition of virgin:

1. Being a virgin; chaste; of or pertaining to a virgin; becoming a virgin; maidenly; modest; indicating modesty; as, a virgin blush. "Virgin shame." "Innocence and virgin modesty . . . That would be wooed, and unsought be won." (Milton)

2. Pure; undefiled; unmixed; fresh; new; as, virgin soil; virgin gold. "Virgin Dutch." "The white cold virgin snow upon my heart." (Shak) "A few ounces of mutton, with a little virgin oil." (Landor)

3. Not yet pregnant; impregnant.

1. A woman who has had no carnal knowledge of man; a maid.

2. A person of the male sex who has not known sexual indulgence. "These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins." (Rev. Xiv. 4) "He his flesh hath overcome; He was a virgin, as he said." (Gower)

3. <astronomy> See Virgo.

4. <zoology> Any one of several species of gossamer-winged butterflies of the family Lycaenidae.

5. <zoology> A female insect producing eggs from which young are hatched, though there has been no fecundation by a male; a parthenogenetic insect. The Virgin, or The Blessed Virgin, the Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord.

<botany> Virgin's bower, a name given to several climbing plants of the genus Clematis, as C. Vitalba of Europe, and C. Virginiana of North America.

I'd say oral and anal sex pretty much cancels 2 or 3 of those.



now the quest is to define virgin, and virginity.

for sake of length, lets start from the bottom.

3-you cant get pregnant from anal sex. no matter what they tell you.

now for 2. im assuming youre referencing pure, undefiled, and unmixed.


1. free from anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind; free from extraneous matter: pure gold; pure water.
2. unmodified by an admixture; simple or homogeneous.
3. of unmixed descent or ancestry: a pure breed of dog.
4. free from foreign or inappropriate elements: pure Attic Greek.
5. clear; free from blemishes: pure skin.
6. (of literary style) straightforward; unaffected.
7. abstract or theoretical (opposed to applied): pure science.
8. without any discordant quality; clear and true: pure tones in music.
9. absolute; utter; sheer: to sing for pure joy.
10. being that and nothing else; mere: a pure accident.
11. clean, spotless, or unsullied: pure hands.
12. untainted with evil; innocent: pure in heart.
13. physically chaste; virgin.
14. ceremonially or ritually clean.
15. free of or without guilt; guiltless.
16. independent of sense or experience: pure knowledge.
17. Biology, Genetics.
a. homozygous.
b. containing only one characteristic for a trait.
18. Phonetics. monophthongal.

now for the parts of pure that make sense.

15. if you dont feel guilty, this doesnt apply.
13. once again, the hymen is intact.
12. as long as its not rape
4. the definition of inappropriate or foreign are at the discrection of said sex-doers.
1. different- sex organs are errogenous zones, and so is the anal/oral area, so theyre not different. inferior- this definition is once again up to the sex-doers. contaminating kind- just dont have any diseases.


–verb (used with object), -filed, -fil·ing.
1. to make foul, dirty, or unclean; pollute; taint; debase.
2. to violate the chastity of.
3. to make impure for ceremonial use; desecrate.
4. to sully, as a person's reputation.

1. foul and dirty are up to the sex-doers, unclean is the only thing that can apply here, but only after anal sex, and only if the receiver doesnt wipe, but would you have anal sex with someone who doesnt wipe?

Unmixed- its impossible not to mix the sex organs with anything. you wipe, and you scratch, and you wash and BAM! mixed with your hands, and whatever youre wiping, scratching, and washing with.



hmmm but it still brought up a good point: what exactly is the definition of virgin/virginity? is it something in accordance to the dictionary? or is it something that is left up to all of us to decide?because as you just saw, anybody nit-picking enough can challenge and overcome medical definitions with sound, logical argument.
If you could be a virgin after having anal sex then all gay men would be virgins. LOLZ.

The science is that beat competancy is correlated with reading ability. The misinterpretation is that practicing beat competancy will improve reading ability :p
SawIII was so bad that people threw up, ran screaming, and passed unconcious in cinemas. It would never have made it through censorship in more conservative times.
That movie was extremely violent, but this thread is about society's view of sexuality....and what made The Exorcist as distrubing as it is was the undercurrent of depraved sexuality, not the violence which is dated by today's standards. There's no shortage of gore-fests in today's era, but I still contend that no movie with that kind of perversity would get by with just an R in these times.
I think as far as movie comparisons go you should go watch Sixteen Candles, and keep in mind it's PG rating while doing so.
That's got nudity in it, right? I think I remember that. I think that movie was in the 80s before the advent of the PG-13 rating, back when it was either PG or R. By today's standards, it would have been an R unless it was an Oscar contender produced by a big studio. (i.e. Titanic) Then it would have gotten a PG-13.
Note to self: Watch the Exorcist.
I'm assuming the scenes are just disturbing and not like child porn or something right?

Roman Candle said:
If you could be a virgin after having anal sex then all gay men would be virgins. LOLZ.
You made me spit out my drink. :( :)

Best argument I've seen for that yet.
I've always been under the impression that a child who's more informed is less likely to go do something retarded. That is why we have schools right? So that we can learn not to do something dumb, right?


Implementing an educational program that encourages ignorance is, in my opinion, counterproductive. Knowing risks before taking them generally leads to people being a bit more careful and ~gasp!~ having less sex and using safe-sex practices when they do!

My dad put it rather eloquently: "Not teaching a teenager about the risks of sex and means of preventing them is like not teaching someone basic self-defense in hopes they never get into a fight."

Teenagers are going to have sex whether the government likes it or not. Better that they know what they're getting into before they wind up, quite literally, screwed.
sandgolem said:
Note to self: Watch the Exorcist.
I'm assuming the scenes are just disturbing and not like child porn or something right?

Oh, no. There were still SOME lines you couldn't cross, thankfully.

The mom comes in and hears these terrible noises. Regan's face is all nasty and covered with cuts, and you hear this demonic voice shout "Let Jesus Fuck you!" You see the crucifix swing down and a brief shot of it about to hit her dress. There's blood everywhere. The mom runs in and tries to wrestle it away from her, but the girl grabs her by the hair, shoves her face under the dress. The mom's face is covered with blood and Regan smacks her across the room. She lands hard and breaks her tailbone. After telekinetically throwing some shit around for a bit, her head spins completely around and this weird voice begins speaking with her. "Do you know what she did? Your cunting daughter?" The mom shrieks and the scene ends right there. There's no assurance that she even escaped that room.

So yeah, good luck finding that in an R-rated movie today.
I don't get it, I really don't.

What... Does abstinence only education seek to do? Do you gain anything by being celebit? Does anyone really expect the person they're marrying/dating is a virgin? And if so, how do they know they aren't just lying?

The only conclusion I can come to (other than the obvious religious one) is that parents simply don't like the idea of their children having sex. And yes, teen pregnancy is a problem, but abstinence only seems so... Back-asswards, y'know?

I truly feel sorry for whatever kids are subjected to abstinence only, or no sex-ed at all. At least my schools showed us practically everything (abstinence only and safe-sex seminars, as well as the basics in biology.)

Why is sex so friggen' important in our society anyways? It just boggles my mind. To quote Lewis Black, sex should be on our list of problems "right after: "are we eating too much garlic as a people?"
ixis;151444 said:
Does anyone really expect the person they're marrying/dating is a virgin? And if so, how do they know they aren't just lying?
That might be a problem if you're talking about a guy, but...
ther's nothing wrong with abstaining from sex until marraige. That is what i'm planning on doing, and i reckon it works. I'm still totally for Sex Ed, but i reckon if more people did try to stay a virgin until marraige it would stop unwanted pregnancies STI's etc. also, Ixis is right in saying the two options should be taught along side each other. It isn't really like that in england... Still, it is each persons opinion, and there is no way i would suggest forcing an abstinence program on anyone.

I'm a Christian, and I plan on marrying a christian, so the problem of them lying isn't quite as big. Also, people should be open with each other anyway, especially if they are going so far as the intimacy of sex.
Another thing to note is that most abstainers, christian or not, do not necessarily "expect" their spouses to be virgins when they marry. Not that that isn't the ideal, mainly due to perfectly understandable notions of monogamy and eternal exclusivity. The concept of saving ones self for marriage is a romantic notion, as is the effort to avoid adultery (which by some definitions includes having sex with anyone who is not your spouse, regardless of whether or not either of you are married at all). Even with all this though, would I turn away the woman I loved because she wasn't a virgin? No. Call it forgiveness or despairation, call it what you want.

Still I don't see how people could NOT want to pursue lasting exclusive relationships. Apart from the sterotypical concept that virgins are desirable, a pure marriage bed is hardly a bad thing, and from my point of view is ideal.

For the record, I'm not against traditional sex-ed, but I support the base philosophy of abstainance programs. Ideally they should find a happy medium if you ask me.

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