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Legionwood 2: Revolution In Taltarus

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Apologies for the missing sound file in the Trial Edition!

The Trial Edition of Legionwood 2 which I released yesterday was causing errors due to an old event command referencing a sound file that no longer exists. I've now fixed this. It's about 2 or 3 hours into the game when it occurs. If you redownload the game, you can continue playing where you left off by simply copying and pasting your save files (questxx.rvdata and questxx.bmp) into the new game's folder.
Hi everyone!

Legionwood 2 desperately needs feedback! I'm committed to making this game even better than its prequel, but I need the help of you, the players, to achieve this goal.

As of yet, the demo version of Legionwood 2 is not comparable to the completed version of Legionwood. It's unpolished, unbalanced and isn't at all what I intend the final game to be. However, it does serve a purpose - it's to show you how Legionwood 2 is coming along so that I can take whatever suggestions you may have on board to, in the end, give you a better game.

So, if you're a fan of the original Legionwood or are just looking to help a developer out, give the demo version of Legionwood 2 a go, and tell me what you think. Did you like it? What did you like about it? What didn't you like? What could I have done better?

I need your help!
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