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[LEGION] Joe's Sprite Workshop


Please give Critique


The Coming of the Legions is closer than you'd expect...
A Mossy Mushroom?

My Retinal/Key Code Scanner (Tileset)
There isn't much to comment on.

I would recommend the following...

  • Change the palette to something less boring and better colours.
  • The pants are SKIN-TIGHT, don't be afraid to stray from the template. after all that's all it is, a guide for anatomy and size, not a restriction.
  • The Shirt is pillow shaded. Meaning you just shaded around the edges without putting thought into light source and highlights. Also add some detail, like maybe folds in the clothing, designs.
  • I don't know what the thing on the head is supposed to be, its just a straight shade.
  • USE IMGZOOM tags!!

that's is enough for now. didn't mean to discourage you, I am only commenting for YOUR BEST INTERESTS! The only way for you to get better is to accept your flaws and continue to better yourself.

this is hit and miss, the retinal scanner looks pretty good. You've got a good start on that dress thing, i can't tell what the hell the second WIP even is... and that mushroom looks fine except I'd say it looks more like a greenish cauliflower.

Thank you for viewing

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