If you don't know what Left4Dead is (God help your soul), it's a FPS action team based zombie horror game by Valve. It uses similar team-based mechanics as TF2 (i.e. if you wander away from the group and do stupid things by yourself you-will-die.) However, the game also features an A.I. director that changes the difficulty and nature of the game depending on if your team is doing well or not so well. Also, should you die you'll come back as a zombie mid-boss and can wreak havok on your friends.
The demo is up on 360, but it's a heavy 1.21 gigs in size. If you've got the HD space I'm up for co-op if I happen to be around, handle: Ixis Rex
The demo is up on 360, but it's a heavy 1.21 gigs in size. If you've got the HD space I'm up for co-op if I happen to be around, handle: Ixis Rex