Yup, alot of good knowledge resource sites have been stickied for general Ruby, courtesy of smiling snail! Before you can get anywhere, I'd suggest checking everything out on basic syntax... all the boring stuff, manipluating Strings (""), Arrays ([...]), Integers (12345...), Floats (123.45...), utilizing operators (+, +=, -, -=, and, or, &&, ||...), etc. This is all stuff you should know before starting, is what the very basic of the basics do then move your way up. Start reading default scriptures, see if you can make sense of them, then jump onto more advanced stuff.
Scripting is really a personal journey, when I say "I learned from SephirothSpawn and Zeriab" they didn't actually sit down and teach me nothing, it took hours of reading over their code and seeing what it did, and screwing with it to change its output... then finally, adding my own methods and "BAM!" I started to learn, and alot of my learning was trial and error before I started knowing what I was actually doing, and how to start from a blank page.
One of the most important things to learn in RGSS though, is how to use an "alias" or "alias_method", seeing as how you're usually modifying an existing RGSS class/module. I wish the scripting academy was still open, I'd be glad to help alot of people like you learn but maybe if I find time I can start my own tutorial I'll send to you. If you ever have a general question like "How do I [ do something ] ?" then feel free open a new topic and ask us, we'll usually come up with a solution, but the best thing to do is read and experiment. We'll help you as much as we can, good luck learning dude :thumb: