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and KSkills BS Add-Ons
Version 1.0.7
by Kyonides-Arkanthos


Let me see... Well, it'd let you learn skills from equipment while not impeding you from learning them by leveling up.

IDK if this is revolutionary or not or just one of a thousands of scripts that let you learn skills in unusual ways for the RM, but I don't care. The point is this one shows you how I'd make it possible.

Now you can also learn skills by accumulating points every time you use a skill during battle!

This is available for the standard battle system, ParaDog's CTB (Sideview Battle) and XAS 3.8.

Now you can also increase your stats by using skills! Check the examples to learn how to configure it.

BTW, you'd also forget skills depending on your current level if you level down...


Just copy and paste and then edit the Constants in KSkillsDB module. I left 1 or 2 examples of how this script is supposed to be configured by users.

RAW Version
[rgss]#  KSkills - RAW
#  by Kyonides-Arkanthos
#  v 1.0.7 - 09.11.2010
#  v 1.0.0 - 08.30.2010
#  Instructions
#    Heroes can learn new skills by equipping weapons, armor, accessories...
#    If you want your heroes to learn skills by using other weaker skills, you
#    should paste the right KSkills battle system add-on below this script
#  Skill ID used => Requirement type, Req type ID to be learned, Minimum Quota
#  Basic Stats like STR, AGI, INT should include a 4th option
#    ** Single Arrays **, those only enclosed by a single pair of [],
#    will provide your hero with a single benefit per skill use.
#    ** Nested Arrays **, those enclosed by multiple sets of [],
#    will provide your hero with multiple benefits per skill use.
module KSkillsDB
  SKILLS_1 = {
  # Skill 58 allows you to learn Skill 62 if used at least 15 times
    58 => [[:skill, 62, 15], [:str, 1, 18, true]],
    59 => [:skill, 63, 20],
  # Skill 60 allows you to increase your agility by 5 if used at least 20 times
  # AGI will increase more than once if the 4th option is set to true
    60 => [:agi, 5, 20, true],
  SKILLS_8 = {
    7 => [[:skill, 8, 15], [:agi, 1, 15, true]],
    8 => [:skill, 9, 20],
  # Skill 9 allows you to increase your intel. by 5 if used at least 15 times
  # INT will increase more than once if the 4th option is set to true
    9 => [:int, 2, 10, true],
  # Weapon ID => Skills IDs (Numbers or 1 Range) of skills the hero'd learn
  WEAPONS_1 = {
    1  => [57],
    2  => [57, 58],
    3  => [57..59],
    4  => [58..60],
  WEAPONS_8 = {
  # Actor ID => Ways to learn other skills :
  #   (Skill Quotas, Equipped Weapons, Shields, Helmets, Armors, Accessories)
  ACTORS = {
    1 => [SKILLS_1, WEAPONS_1, nil, nil, nil, nil],
    8 => [SKILLS_8, WEAPONS_8, nil, nil, nil, nil],
  @new_skills, @window_enabled = [], false
  TABS = ['tabdisabled', 'tabnormal', 'tabhover']
  LABELS = ['Level UP', 'Equipment', 'Skills']
  ALL_SKILLS = load_data('Data/Skills.rxdata')
  def self.skills_window_enabled=(state) @window_enabled = state end
  def self.skills_window_enabled?; @window_enabled end
  def self.lvlup_skills; @new_skills end
module RPG::Cache
  def self.face(filename) load_bitmap('Graphics/Faces/', filename) end
class Game_Actor
  attr_reader :quotas, :lvlup_skills, :equip_skills
  def initialize(actor_id)
    @equip_skills, @high_lvl_skills = [], []
    @lvlup_skills = @skills.dup
    equip = [@weapon_id, @armor1_id, @armor2_id, @armor3_id, @armor4_id]
    5.times {|n| skills_for_current_equipment(n, equip)}
  def create_skills_quotas
    @quotas = {}
    return unless KSkillsDB::ACTORS.keys.include?(@actor_id)
    skills = KSkillsDB::ACTORS[@actor_id][0]
    skills.keys.sort.each {|skill_id|
      quotas = skills[skill_id]
      value = skills[skill_id][0].is_a?(Array)? Array.new(quotas.size, 0) : 0
      @quotas[skill_id] = value
  def check_skill_quotas(skill_id)
    return unless KSkillsDB::ACTORS.keys.include?(@actor_id)
    conditions = KSkillsDB::ACTORS[@actor_id][0].fetch(skill_id)
    return if conditions.nil?
    check_conditions(skill_id, conditions) if @quotas[skill_id].is_a?(Integer)
    conditions.size.times do |n|
      check_conditions(skill_id, conditions[n], n)
    end if @quotas[skill_id].is_a?(Array)
  def check_conditions(skill_id, condition, index=nil)
    quota = update_skill_quota(skill_id, condition[2], index)
    return unless quota == condition[2]
    case condition[0]
    when :skill; learn_skill(condition[1]); learned_new_skills(condition[1])
    when :hp;    @maxhp_plus += condition[1]
    when :sp;    @maxsp_plus += condition[1]
    when :str;   @str_plus += condition[1]
    when :dex;   @dex_plus += condition[1]
    when :agi;   @agi_plus += condition[1]
    when :int;   @int_plus += condition[1]
    return if condition[0] == :skill
    update_skill_quota(skill_id, condition[2], index, condition[3])
  def update_skill_quota(id, minimum, index, clear=nil)
    if !index and @quotas[id] < minimum
      @quotas[id] = clear ? 0 : @quotas[id] + 1
    elsif index and @quotas[id][index] < minimum
      @quotas[id][index] = clear ? 0 : @quotas[id][index] + 1
  def learned_new_skills(id)
    skill = [@name, $data_skills[id].name, id]
    KSkillsDB.lvlup_skills << skill if !KSkillsDB.lvlup_skills.include?(skill)
  def equip(equip_type, id)
    equip = [@weapon_id, @armor1_id, @armor2_id, @armor3_id, @armor4_id]
    case equip_type
    when 0 # Weapon
      if id == 0 or $game_party.weapon_number(id) > 0
        $game_party.gain_weapon(equip[equip_type], 1)
        $game_party.lose_weapon(equip[equip_type] = id, 1)
        skills_for_current_equipment(equip_type, equip)
    when 1..4 # Shield Head Body Accessory
      if id == 0 or $game_party.armor_number(id) > 0
        update_auto_state($data_armors[equip[equip_type]], $data_armors[id])
        $game_party.gain_armor(equip[equip_type], 1)
        $game_party.lose_armor(equip[equip_type] = id, 1)
        skills_for_current_equipment(equip_type, equip)
    @weapon_id, @armor1_id, @armor2_id, @armor3_id, @armor4_id = equip
  def skills_for_current_equipment(kind, equip)
    # Return if actor is not included
    return if KSkillsDB::ACTORS[@class_id].nil?
    # Weapon Shield Head Body or Accessory
    equipment = KSkillsDB::ACTORS[@class_id][kind+1]
    # Return if equipment type for this actor is not included or is empty
    return if equipment.nil? or equipment.empty?
    equip_ids = equipment.keys
    # Iterate through all skills the actor may learn from this equipment
    # type and delete those the actor did not also learn in any other way
    equip_ids.each {|current_id|
      skillset = equipment[current_id]
      skillset = skillset[0] if skillset[0].is_a?(Range)
      skillset.each {|id|
        @equip_skills.delete id
        forget_skill(id) if !(@lvlup_skills+@high_lvl_skills).include?(id)
    } unless @skills.empty?
    # Return if the actor did not equip a new weapon or armor, etc.
    return if equip[kind] == 0
    skills = equipment[equip[kind]]
    skills = skills[0] if !skills[0].is_a?(Integer)
    skills.each {|id|
      learn_skill id
      @equip_skills << id if !@equip_skills.include?(id)
    } if !skills.nil?
  def exp=(exp)
    @exp = [[exp, 9999999].min, 0].max
    lvlup, equip, high = @lvlup_skills, @equip_skills, @high_lvl_skills
    while @exp >= @exp_list[@level+1] and @exp_list[@level+1] > 0
      @level += 1
      $data_classes[@class_id].learnings.each {|skill|
        level, id = skill.level, skill.skill_id
        next if level != @level or @lvlup_skills.include?(id)
        learn_skill id
        @lvlup_skills << id
        learned_new_skills id
    equip, high = @equip_skills, @high_lvl_skills
    while @exp < @exp_list[@level]
      @level -= 1
      $data_classes[@class_id].learnings.each {|skill|
        level, id = skill.level, skill.skill_id
        @lvlup_skills.delete(id) if @lvlup_skills.include?(id)
        @skills.delete(id) if level > @level and !(equip+high).include?(id)
    @hp = [@hp, self.maxhp].min
    @sp = [@sp, self.maxsp].min
# Modification for Ruby Hash class
class Hash
  alias kyon_hash_fetch fetch
  def fetch(key) !self[key].nil? ? kyon_hash_fetch(key) : nil end
# Modifications for Scene_Equip (default script)
class Scene_Equip
  def refresh
    @item_window1.visible = (@right_window.index == 0)
    @item_window2.visible = (@right_window.index == 1)
    @item_window3.visible = (@right_window.index == 2)
    @item_window4.visible = (@right_window.index == 3)
    @item_window5.visible = (@right_window.index == 4)
    item1 = @right_window.item
    case @right_window.index
    when 0; @item_window = @item_window1
    when 1; @item_window = @item_window2
    when 2; @item_window = @item_window3
    when 3; @item_window = @item_window4
    when 4; @item_window = @item_window5
    @left_window.set_new_parameters(nil, nil, nil) if @right_window.active
    if @item_window.active
      item2 = @item_window.item
      # Change equipment & Duplicate actor - Actor won't learn skills if the
      # player moves the cursor in the item window or cancels the selection
      actor_dup = @actor.dup
      actor_dup.equip(@right_window.index, item2.nil? ? 0 : item2.id)
      new_atk = actor_dup.atk
      new_pdef = actor_dup.pdef
      new_mdef = actor_dup.mdef
      actor_dup.equip(@right_window.index, item1.nil? ? 0 : item1.id)
      @left_window.set_new_parameters(new_atk, new_pdef, new_mdef)

Default Add-On
[rgss]#  KSkills - Default Add-On
#  for KSkills v 1.0.7 - 09.05.2010
#  For XP Battle System & ParaDog's CTB (Sideview Battle)
#    This add-on will let you learn skills by using other skills on the map.
#    A help window with a skill icon will appear on screen if one hero or more
#    learned skills.
class Scene_Battle
  alias kyon_kskills_scn_battle_msar make_skill_action_result
  alias kyon_kskills_scn_battle_sp5 start_phase5
  alias kyon_kskills_scn_battle_up_ph5 update_phase5
  def make_skill_action_result
    return if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
    return if @active_battler.quotas.empty?
  def start_phase5
    @skills_wait_count = 80
  def update_phase5
    # If results window is visible and skills wait counter is not zero
    if @phase5_wait_count == 0 and @skills_wait_count > 0
      @skills_wait_count -= 1
      if @skills_wait_count == 0 and !KSkillsDB.lvlup_skills.empty?
        # Get Actor & Skill Name at index 0 (first position)
        name, skill, id = KSkillsDB.lvlup_skills[0]
        @help_window.set_text(name + ' has learned ' + skill, 1)
        @help_window.draw_skill_icon(KSkillsDB::ALL_SKILLS[id], 4, 0)
        @help_window.draw_skill_icon(KSkillsDB::ALL_SKILLS[id], 584, 0)
        @help_window.visible = true
        @skills_wait_count = 80
      @help_window.visible = false if @skills_wait_count == 0
class Window_Help
  def draw_skill_icon(skill, x, y)
    return if skill.nil?
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(skill.icon_name)
    self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24))

XAS 3.8 Add-On
[rgss]#  KSkills - XAS 3.8 Add-On
#  for KSkills v 1.0.5-7 - 09.05.2010
#    This add-on will let you learn skills by using other skills on the map.
#    An icon will appear on top of your hero if he or she learns a skill.
class Game_Player
  alias kyon_kskills_gm_player_shoot shoot
  def shoot(action_id)
    return if $game_party.actors[0].quotas.empty?
class Spriteset_Map
  alias kyon_kskills_gm_player_init initialize
  alias kyon_kskills_gm_player_update update
  def initialize
    @frames = 0
  def update
    if !KSkillsDB.lvlup_skills.empty?
      skill, @frames = $data_skills[KSkillsDB.lvlup_skills[0][2]], 80
      @skill_sprite = Sprite.new
      @skill_sprite.x = ($game_player.x + 0.125) * 32
      @skill_sprite.y = ($game_player.y - 1.5) * 32
      @skill_sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon skill.icon_name
      @skill_sprite.visible = true
    elsif KSkillsDB.lvlup_skills.empty? and @frames > 0
      @frames -= 1
      @skill_sprite.x = ($game_player.x + 0.125) * 32
      @skill_sprite.y = ($game_player.y - 1.25) * 32
    elsif @frames == 0 and !@skill_sprite.nil?
      @skill_sprite.visible = false
      @skill_sprite = nil

Terms & Conditions

For Non Commercial Use and you should include me in your game credits if you use this script there.
How weird! I never read or found those request topics... I was also thinking about including other features like skill quotas but I'm not sure if I'm capable of doing that without getting bored he he he. Besides it'd depend on what kind of BS people are using it in.
KSkills was updated!

Now it also lets you learn skills by accumulating points during battle by using specific skills (those you included in KSkillsDB Constants). The aftermath screen will show you a help window telling you which new skills you've learned by leveling up or by reaching a minimum quota.

I also added a few comments to the script explaining how it should be configured.

This will only work with the Default Battle System but you can disable those features. (Please read my first post to learn how you can do it.)



Just curious... how do we config this? The configurations aren't too intuitive, and there's no coment about what ecach value means.
Even with the examples, it's hard to guess what each number stands for.
Script Updated!

Now you can also increase your stats by using skills! Check the examples to learn how to configure it.

I also think it'd be easier to configure the script from now on.

(Remember this will only work with the Default Battle System but you can disable those features. Please read my first post to learn how you can do it.)
Script Updated!

Minor Bug FIX.

Remember this will only work with the Default Battle System AND ParaDog's CTB or SideView Battle but you can disable those features if you use another battle system. Please read my first post to learn how you can do it.
Script Updated!

Now the script consists of 2 parts, the Raw Version and one of the BS Add-Ons!

Remember this will work with the Default Battle System, ParaDog's CTB or SideView Battle AND XAS 3.8.
Script Updated!

New Version 1.0.6 Available!

Now your heroes can also learn more than one skill by using another one or learn a skill and get some stats bonus by using the same skill. Your heroes won't forget a skill learned by leveling down if they a equipped weapon or piece of armor also let them use it.

Next Version To Do List:

Include a custom menu that will show you all this information.
Script Updated!

New Version 1.0.7 Available!

Includes some bug fixes and some minor code rewrite.

KSKills menu wasn't included with the script but is still on development...

Thank you for viewing

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