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Kingdom of Auspiex Online -

Kingdom of Auspiex Online - Offical Website -




The beginning of this century was noted as the era of discovery, where technology, magic and cleric powers were at their zenith. For the most part people are happy and living the existence that they choose for themselves without fear. Ten years ago, a mysterious meteor struck the ocean, creating a mighty tidal wave destroying most of the cities that lay near the fringe of the ocean, as well as many of the small outlying islands. Since that fateful day, people started to change. It was first dismissed as a wasting, debilitating pestilence. However, as time passed, people started to twist and morph into things never seen before. Grown men grew long fangs, and lost all semblance of their humanity. Frail old ladies became driven by bloodthirsty frenzies, literally tearing their families apart. They became twisted shadows of their former selves, ostracized or driven out of their villages by the populace. Living in the wild, they began to terrorize the land, and more importantly, started to breed. Magic was then to blame, as people always look to deflect the blame on things other than themselves. Perhaps it was magic experiments that had gone awry or some mad conjurer summoning that was the catalyst for the mutations. At least publicly. This led to the first Great War to take place in over a thousand years. The magic guilds were driven out of populated city centers at great cost to life on both sides; mighty cities were laid to waste, great armies destroyed. Magic became outlawed in the coming years, all factions and users of the craft were required to register or face execution. Guilds retreated into the wilderness or to regions unable to be traversed by large armies.

In spite of the mages retreat dogs, cats, and all creatures large and small started to mutate as the people once did. People started to realize that maybe magic wasn’t to blame after all. However, as long as the propaganda machines of the large kingdoms were still rolling, the old power struggles proved to be stronger then the preservation of the peoples will and all of their pets and livestock were driven away.

The second magic war had begun; some just say it was a continuation of the first. The barely recovering magic guilds and cabals, whom primarily existed on the fringes of society, were now the most tangible targets as they were a collective group of people houses in one area. The soldiers moved in to eradicate the magic problem once and for all. While consolidating their own power, the Kingdoms grew and while magic now waned.

Sorcerers and wizards convened for the first time in history putting their differences aside. Leaders from the various magical factions deliberated on the future of magic in the world collectively discerning the true nature of the mutations. Up until this point, the guilds on their own accord sent their spies, wayfarers and investigators to various points in the world to gather information. The meeting of guilds paved the way for the assimilation of all magic traditions to be brought under one roof. Their goal was to preserve the future of organized magic, the training of future neophytes, the continuation of the grand tradition of spell weaving and their learned advisement to kings and queens. They abandoned their ornate guildhalls, and moved further into the furthest fringes of human society, some even moved high into the mountains. As the magic guilds faded from public sight many people anticipated the advent of a grand new age of freedom from the strangle hold of magic that almost brought civilization to its knees.

Welcome to the present day.

The Kingdom of Auspiex is an entire globe with varying climates, technological highs/lows, and civilizations that are both awe inspiring and in-depth. Social stature and different laws is a centerpiece to the Kingdom of Auspiex. We find Matriarchal societies coming into conflict with democracies, to feudal fiefdoms to theologian run cities. The grand capital city of Velprintalar is the crown and jewel of the Agalorod continent, ruled by a grand council of Lords representing various sociological and captains of industry. Magic is outlawed, and all things commercial reign paramount in the eyes of the ruling class for the long term sustainability of the major cities. The port district is the largest on the continent, where merchant fleets, and exotic items are bought to the mainland from various small islands and primitive cultures all over the globe. The general populace is all subject to serve under the grand army for no less than two years, to build community and to enforce the local laws and customs. This game world is for now very loosely based on the Forgotten Realms Game Setting.


Kingdom of Auspiex Online is a two dimensional massive multi-player role playing game.The project currently is in its Alpha stage of testing with over 30 hours of playable content already available for the public.
Kingdom of Auspiex Online features currently over three hundred non player characters and fifteen quests to contributetowards a long lasting player experience.

The demo we currently offer allows the player to select from eight starting professions with an average of fourteen selectable avatars to enter the world with. The core activity of the game play is basking in a fantastic multi user environment where you can adventure, converse and form various player driven and controlled societies. Individual players are encouraged to explore a wide expansive land, carving out their own private identity.

Our product is in essence an online persistent world that dynamically changes according to the action of players. This empowers the end user because for the first time they have the freedom to do virtually anything they want in the game. Such as setting Bank Interest rates for privately held money lending services which directly influence a Kingdoms overall Economy rating. The heavy emphasis on this game is letting the player determine their own experiences and direction of game play.

Key Features

The ability to choose between eight initial player classes

Non combat specialists Cook, Armor smith, Dancer, Crafter and Creature Tamer
Pertistent 2D World in which players from all over the world can play together
Player driven politics between cities, villages and kingdoms
Choosing between twelve different epic professions
Over seventy five starting skills and eight four magic spells
Fully animated two dimensional real time battle system
World Transportation for players; Horses, Sea vessels and Airships
Extensive Player vs. Player system
Player Ranking system; Alignment, Honor and Guild Ranks
Day and night system
Wide range of Sounds and Effects
Multi-class and class specialization system
Epic level zones for large groups and guilds
Justice is Towns that respond to Players Actions via allignment

Kingdom of Auspiex Online has been a product in development for near to four years and is a product of the orginal mnetplay code developed by goldenaura, destined and co. It is one of the few mmorpgs that has been in a constant state of development since the orginal code was developed. I work on this project at least four hours a day and am looking for assistance in programming. I am looking for a RGSS scripter and a ruby developer that has knowledge of tcp/ip protocals. I am in a position to lend a little bit of cash for developed content but moreso looking for uber commited people that love RPGS and espially have a discerning eye on what consitutes a truly dynamic and interested RPG. I have been playing RPGS since the commodore 64 days and have seen the rise of online gaming from old BBS door games all the way to the next gen of MMORPG 3D. I have a vision on how eventually 2D rpgs can cornerstone the market currently held by TIBIA, RUNESCAPE to incorporate better final art, more dynamic game play, a greater selection of epic skills, specializations and multiclass, as well as guilds, allignment based PVP and a large story arc.

If you are interested in helping out and joining the team feel free to visit the forums listed on my webpage on email me at admin@koarpg.com. I am in a position to pay coders via PAYPAL for specific tasks done. Please consult with me for a up to date task list on specific items that need augmenting. Nothing needs to be made from scratch, just tweaked.

Primarily the big concerns i have, is a better and more intuitive HUD/Menu Design and in game help and support so if a player hovers a mouse over something, a help file dialog box pops up saying "Click on Exit to Exit" on the Exit option etc. Also to help me iron out of bugs with char gen, and implement new scripts like the crafting line/mining/swimming/transportation.. All these scripts exist, but need to be tweaked a fair bit to account for other Actors running around and intereacting with them.

Feel free to visit LINK REMOVEDand download a fully playable build with servers available 24/7.

This project is still considered alpha version but has about 30 hours of playable content and profession based quests and player housing.


Offical Credit List

Note from the Admins -

Kingdom of Auspiex Online is an developmental concept project
maintained and the Game Design by Kozmonautix Inc.

This project would not be possible in this stage of development
without the help of the NETPLAY, Creation Asylum, RPGNET community.
Countless people have provided feedback, donated art assets,
took the time to troubleshoot code, and provide comprehensive
scripting service and suport.

If you notice a script or a placeholder art asset with the
orginal Artist or Programmer not credited. Please Take the time to
E-mail the developers at admin@koarpg.com.

The Absence of credit is not intentional nor is meant as a personal
slander for their respective hard-work and effort.
This project is four years into development. Simply some scripts had no credit listed at the time of implementation.

The Admins would like to give props to the orginal Netplay and
METPLAY code and server pioneers such as Destined, Goldenaura,
Suicide Maniac,and Meâ„¢.

Also very special shoutout to loyal RUBY ON RAILS and RGSS scripters
that constantly refine code and support entire communites
of players such as Meâ„¢ Dubeleax, Near Fantasia, Jobberwocky,
Seperoth-spawn, Prexus and more! Without you guys, there would not be
hardly any game focased RUBY programmeing.

The admins would like to thank everyone for their continued support
on Kingdom of Auspiex Online - Resurgence and encourage everyone
to check this product out from time to time to gander at the updates.

Script and Programming Credits
* Credit Lists are In-Complete

- Mr.Mo'
- Destined
- Goldenaura3
- Near Fantastica
- Astro_Mech
- CyberSam
- SuicideManic
- SephirothSpawn
- Wachunga
- Prexus -
- Jimme Reashu
- Trickster
- Dubealex
- Shark_Tooth
- Poppler
- ShadowClan Technologies
- MeisMe
- SlipKnot
- Freakboy
- ZeldaX
- Glows
- S1m0n3
- Meâ„¢
- Geso Chisku
- Selwyn
- Dr DJ
- DarkSchneider
- Tibuda
- Blue Elf
- Darklord
- Guillaume777
- Icedmetal57
- ZeroTheQueen
- ScriptKitty
- Draycos Goldaryn
- Aleworks
- Eilei
- Moghunter
- GoldenShadow
- Zeriab

Art Assets

- Gamerage
- psgels
- anti-camper
- insomiacag
- script_kittay
- erk
- satana_81
- Cloud_Ravenix
- Poyzinblud
- Zabby
- Diago
- sithjester

Quality Assurence Testers

- Hilling Ezack
- GoulJusan

Previous Hosters

- Dovoto from #gamedev.net
- Paul from Hostdime
- Kacak

Wish List
There is a few, and very feasible, but don't want to give any ideas away. PM me if serious on working on the project. There is money available for a PRO scripter (there is about 9 of them whom I'd consider) , to help augment some code and/or if their desire to work on the project for the long term is strong some orginal scripts that are storyboarded out, to their design and application. PM me for more info.
Thanks everyone for your interest and support.
Thanks Mista Mo! Been deving this since the old irc days with suicide and kev and daniel and zelda etc. Stil going strong, in the last phase of my application for 25,000$ from a canadian new media grant agency! If it comes through, ill actually be able to hire good people to get this developed faster!
I went to your site - looks like a cool game, btw, I'll definately play it - but I noticed that you didn't credit sithjester for his sprites. Please credit him, because he quit spriting because he never got credit.
The tree art (the large trees) is property of Electronic Arts from Ultima Online.  You might want to credit them. 

I wish I could try an online game... but sadly I barely have enough time for a single player game.

Good work if you ever finish and it's stable.
baniff":3rt3uvcr said:
...but I noticed that you didn't credit sithjester for his sprites.
Sithjester is not a "he".

Besides that though, this game looks really good! I can't even configure Netplay, much less make an online game.
re: chad there is alot of placeholder art in the game, that will be taken out when the title reaches a beta phase. Right now the game is stil in Alpha which means there is alot of place holder art in which its there for pure reference only for size and scale. The artists I credited are community based and private artists whom art is also serving as place holder for now, and with their permission will be used in the end product. If any artist or coder does not want their scripts/art in a commericalised version please let me know so i can compinsate for this factor. Thanks :)

You have a link and lots of details, but I'd like you to add some screenshots to the post itself. Members here shouldn't have to dig through your website to see a sample of what the game looks like.
"The Kingdom of Auspiex is an entire globe with varying climates, technological highs/lows, and civilizations that are both awe inspiring and in-depth. Social stature and different laws is a centerpiece to the Kingdom of Auspiex. We find Matriarchal societies coming into conflict with democracies, to feudal fiefdoms to theocorcies run by the might of their clerics.
I am taking the game down for awhile. Apparently, and I forgot the link at work.. Someone else took my game, all my scripts, all my art, storyline, maps , and everything and is claiming it as its own.
So taking the DL down for awile until i program a better authentication method, as this guy is even using my own server to connect. How he got access I will never know, he even calls the game "Kingdom of Auspiex Online - Resurgence.. Gives no credits to anyone like I do and this makes me really mad.. I Will post this links forum and link and user name so maybe someone can do something. Now i have builds that are 4 years old on this game. There is no question in the commity that I have been the one to make "Kingdom of Auspiex Online - Resurgence" Of course, I give all the credit in the world to the scripters, artists, and designers that have worked on the project, but this dude, stole everything and is making money off of it, giving no credit to anyone.. This makes me very upset.
Sorry to all that are enjoying the game so far, but I am taking everything done for awhile, until encryption, and server has changed..


That quote didn't mean a thing, ya know?
Auspiex = Whole World?
Kingdom = Land With A King Ruling It.
Am I bursting your bubble?
Hey Cip, thanks for your kind message. Since the game is in Alpha, Kingdom of Auspiex - Online is the working title. It sounds to me like you dont like it, and thats ok.

Yeah orginally my plan was just to have basicly an entire populated continent, where a single king ruled everything with his nobles. But then the plan was to have many continents, and more of a dynamic political spheres of thought and influence. So the name will change to reflect on where the game world. If you picture forgotten realms setting, like menzobrazin and ched nessun are matrical societies where say Waterdeep is ruled by the Lords of Waterdeep. Etc.
Happy Holidays everyone from Kingdom of Auspiex Online to all you guys!! Some big changes comming in 2008! And a new build will be released shortly. The download section on my webpage works again.. So you all can download the client and play.. This is the final Alpha build before a closed beta is developed.

Thank you for viewing

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