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Key Input Module 1.30 [XP/VX/VXA]

Key Input Module
Author: Glitchfinder
Version: 1.30

    1 - Index
2 - Introduction
3 - Features
4 - Screenshots
5 - Script
6 - Instructions
7 - Method List
8 - Issues
9 - License


Glitchfinder's Key Input Module is an advanced scripting tool that provides full scripted access to to check any and all keys on the keyboard, along with the ability to check if a key has been released. It is useful in the sense that it will not break the default Input module, and because it allows far more use of the keyboard than you would get from default RMXP. It also does not need to be updated, aside from the default call to Input.update that is used in most cases. It also does not break default scripts or events that use key input.

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  • Check any key on the keyboard
  • Doesn't break the default Input module
  • Does not break events or scripts that call the default Input module
  • Automatically updated by the default Input module
  • Allows you to check to see if a key has been released
  • Doesn't use a .dll file
  • Works with foreign-language keyboards
  • Doesn't crash on F12
  • Has the unique Anykey function, not found in any other script
  • Can check a key's toggle state. (Not found in any other script)
  • Can check more than one key at a time!

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Since this script has no visual elements, a screenshot cannot be taken.

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# ** Glitchfinder's Key Input Module

#    Version 1.30


#  [RPG Maker XP] [RPG Maker VX] [RPG Maker VX Ace]


#  This script helps scripters to use the full range of keys on any keyboard,

#  without being limited by the default Input Module.


# * Version History


#   Version 1.00 ------------------------------------------------- (2010-03-18)

#     - Initial version

#     - Author: Glitchfinder

#    Version 1.10 ------------------------------------------------ (2010-08-20)

#      - Added the Keys.toggle? method

#      - Added the Keys.capslock? method

#      - Added the Keys.numlock? method

#      - Added the Keys.scroll? method

#      - Added the Keys.character_press method

#      - Added the Keys.character_trigger method

#      - Added the Keys.character_repeat method

#      - Added the Keys.get_character method

#      - Added the ANYKEY key constant

#      - Streamlined the script

#      - Patched various errors

#      - Author: Glitchfinder

#    Version 1.20 ------------------------------------------------ (2011-03-17)

#      - Added the Keys.array_press? method

#      - Added the Keys.array_trigger? method

#      - Added the Keys.array_repeat? method

#      - Added the Keys.array_release? method

#      - Added the Keys.array_toggle? method

#      - Modified the Keys.press? method for better error hendling

#      - Modified the Keys.trigger? method for better error hendling

#      - Modified the Keys.repeat? method for better error hendling

#      - Modified the Keys.release? method for better error hendling

#      - Modified the Keys.toggle? method for better error hendling

#      - Author: Glitchfinder

#    Version 1.30 ------------------------------------------------ (2014-02-07)

#      - Added the Keys.validate_key? method

#      - Modified the Keys.array_press? method for efficiency

#      - Modified the Keys.array_trigger? method for efficiency

#      - Modified the Keys.array_repeat? method for efficiency

#      - Modified the Keys.array_release? method for efficiency

#      - Modified the Keys.array_toggle? method for efficiency

#      - Modified the Keys.press? method to reduce unnecessary code

#      - Modified the Keys.trigger? method to reduce unnecessary code

#      - Modified the Keys.repeat? method to reduce unnecessary code

#      - Modified the Keys.release? method to reduce unnecessary code

#      - Modified the Keys.toggle? method to reduce unnecessary code

#      - Changed the license to be more open

#      - Author: Glitchfinder


# * Instructions


#  Place this script above Main, and below the default scripts. (I realize this

#  is obvious to most, but some people don't get it.)


#  This module is automatically updated by the default Input module, which

#  means that the only time you need to call the update method is in a scene

#  that does not update the default Input module.


#  This module does not break the functionality of the default Input module.


#  If you wish to read keys from a gamepad, you must still use the default

#  input module to do so.


#  To use this module, simply use one of the four methods (press?(key),

#  trigger?(key), repeat?(key), or release?(key)), where key is the index of

#  the key you want to check. Key may also be used as Keys::KEYNAME. For a list

#  of acceptable key names, look below the header.


#  There is a key named ANYKEY. This key can be used like any other key, with

#  the exception that, instead of corresponding to any one key, it reacts to

#  them all. If you use it, and any other key would cause the same method to

#  return true, then the ANYKEY will also return true.


# * Method List


#  Keys.update

#    Updates keyboard input. Calls to this method are not necessary unless the

#    default Input module is not being updated.


#  Keys.press?(key)

#    Determines whether the button determined by key is currently being

#    pressed. If the button is being pressed, returns true. If not, returns

#    false.


#  Keys.trigger?(key)

#    Determines whether the button determined by key is being pressed again.

#    "Pressed again" is seen as time having passed between the button being not

#    pressed and being pressed. If the button is being pressed, returns true.

#    If not, returns false.


#  Keys.repeat?(key)

#    Determines whether the button determined by key is being pressed again.

#    Unlike trigger?(), this takes into account the repeat input of a button

#    being held down continuously. If the button is being pressed, returns

#    true. If not, returns false.


#  Keys.release?(key)

#    Determines whether the button determined by key has just been released. If

#    the button has been released, returns true. If not, returns false.


#  Keys.toggle?(key)

#    Determines whether the button determined by key has been toggled. This

#    functions like Caps Lock, Number Lock, and Scroll Lock, only for all keys.


#  Keys.array_press?(keys)

#    Functions in the same manner as Keys.press?(), only it takes an array of

#    keys as input.


#  Keys.array_trigger?(keys)

#    Functions in the same manner as Keys.trigger?(), only it takes an array of

#    keys as input.


#  Keys.array_repeat?(keys)

#    Functions in the same manner as Keys.repeat?(), only it takes an array of

#    keys as input.


#  Keys.array_release?(keys)

#    Functions in the same manner as Keys.release?(), only it takes an array of

#    keys as input.


#  Keys.array_toggle?(keys)

#    Functions in the same manner as Keys.toggle?(), only it takes an array of

#    keys as input.


#  Keys.capslock?

#    Determines whether the caps lock key is toggled on. This will always

#    return true when the corresponding keyboard light is lit, and false when

#    it is not.


#  Keys.numlock?

#    Determines whether the number lock key is toggled on. This will always

#    return true when the corresponding keyboard light is lit, and false when

#    it is not.


#  Keys.scroll?

#    Determines whether the scroll lock key is toggled on. This will always

#    return true when the corresponding keyboard light is lit, and false when

#    it is not.


#  Keys.character_press

#    Returns the currently pressed key, if it would generate text input. If no

#    such key would register as pressed, it returns an empty string.


#  Keys.character_trigger

#    Returns the currently triggered key, if it would generate text input. If

#    no such key would register as triggered, it returns an empty string.


#  Keys.character_repeat

#    Returns the currently repeated key, if it would generate text input. If no

#    such key would register as repeated, it returns an empty string.


#  Keys.get_character(key, scan_code)

#    Returns the character corresponding to the given key. If no character

#    is recognized by the system, it returns false instead. This method is

#    intended for internal use.


#  Keys.validate_key(key)

#    Checks the validity of a key. If a key variable can be used by this

#    module, it will return true. Otherwise, it will return false.


# * Known Issues


#  This script has trouble with certain foreign language keyboards, where dead

#  keys are shift sensitive. Dead keys are used to insert diacritical marks

#  such as an accent. However, the correct character can be generated with

#  creative use of shift and caps lock.


# * Glitchfinder's Advice


#  This script is meant for people with a medium or advanced level of scripting

#  knowledge and ability, or for those using scripts that require this module.


# * License


#  This script is licensed under the MIT License:


#  Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Sean Porter (Glitchfinder) <glitchkey@gmail.com>


#  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

#  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

#  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights

#  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell

#  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is

#  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:


#  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in

#  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.












# ** Keys


#  This module performs key input processing



module Keys


  # * Miscellaneous Keys


  CANCEL              = 0x03 # Control-Break Processing

  BACKSPACE           = 0x08 # Backspace Key

  TAB                 = 0x09 # Tab Key

  CLEAR               = 0x0C # Clear Key

  RETURN              = 0x0D # Enter Key

  SHIFT               = 0x10 # Shift Key

  CONTROL             = 0x11 # Ctrl Key

  MENU                = 0x12 # Alt Key

  PAUSE               = 0x13 # Pause Key

  ESCAPE              = 0x1B # Esc Key

  CONVERT             = 0x1C # IME Convert Key

  NONCONVERT          = 0x1D # IME Nonconvert Key

  ACCEPT              = 0x1E # IME Accept Key

  SPACE               = 0x20 # Space Bar Key (Space, usually blank)

  PRIOR               = 0x21 # Page Up Key

  NEXT                = 0x22 # Page Down Key

  ENDS                = 0x23 # End Key

  HOME                = 0x24 # Home Key

  LEFT                = 0x25 # Left Arrow Key

  UP                  = 0x26 # Up Arrow Key

  RIGHT               = 0x27 # Right Arrow Key

  DOWN                = 0x28 # Down Arrow Key

  SELECT              = 0x29 # Select Key

  PRINT               = 0x2A # Print Key

  EXECUTE             = 0x2B # Execute Key

  SNAPSHOT            = 0x2C # Print Screen Key

  DELETE              = 0x2E # Delete Key

  HELP                = 0x2F # Help Key

  LSHIFT              = 0xA0 # Left Shift Key

  RSHIFT              = 0xA1 # Right Shift Key

  LCONTROL            = 0xA2 # Left Control Key (Ctrl)

  RCONTROL            = 0xA3 # Right Control Key (Ctrl)

  LMENU               = 0xA4 # Left Menu Key (Alt)

  RMENU               = 0xA5 # Right Menu Key (Alt)

  PACKET              = 0xE7 # Used to Pass Unicode Characters as Keystrokes


  # * Number Keys


  N0                  = 0x30 # 0 Key

  N1                  = 0x31 # 1 Key

  N2                  = 0x32 # 2 Key

  N3                  = 0x33 # 3 Key

  N4                  = 0x34 # 4 Key

  N5                  = 0x35 # 5 Key

  N6                  = 0x36 # 6 Key

  N7                  = 0x37 # 7 Key

  N8                  = 0x38 # 8 Key

  N9                  = 0x39 # 9 Key


  # * Letter Keys


  A                   = 0x41 # A Key

  B                   = 0x42 # B Key

  C                   = 0x43 # C Key

  D                   = 0x44 # D Key

  E                   = 0x45 # E Key

  F                   = 0x46 # F Key

  G                   = 0x47 # G Key

  H                   = 0x48 # H Key

  I                   = 0x49 # I Key

  J                   = 0x4A # J Key

  K                   = 0x4B # K Key

  L                   = 0x4C # L Key

  M                   = 0x4D # M Key

  N                   = 0x4E # N Key

  O                   = 0x4F # O Key

  P                   = 0x50 # P Key

  Q                   = 0x51 # Q Key

  R                   = 0x52 # R Key

  S                   = 0x53 # S Key

  T                   = 0x54 # T Key

  U                   = 0x55 # U Key

  V                   = 0x56 # V Key

  W                   = 0x57 # W Key

  X                   = 0x58 # X Key

  Y                   = 0x59 # Y Key

  Z                   = 0x5A # Z Key


  # * Windows Keys


  LWIN                = 0x5B # Left Windows Key (Natural keyboard)

  RWIN                = 0x5C # Right Windows Key (Natural Keyboard)

  APPS                = 0x5D # Applications Key (Natural keyboard)

  SLEEP               = 0x5F # Computer Sleep Key

  BROWSER_BACK        = 0xA6 # Browser Back Key

  BROWSER_FORWARD     = 0xA7 # Browser Forward Key

  BROWSER_REFRESH     = 0xA8 # Browser Refresh Key

  BROWSER_STOP        = 0xA9 # Browser Stop Key

  BROWSER_SEARCH      = 0xAA # Browser Search Key

  BROWSER_FAVORITES   = 0xAB # Browser Favorites Key

  BROWSER_HOME        = 0xAC # Browser Start and Home Key

  VOLUME_MUTE         = 0xAD # Volume Mute Key

  VOLUME_DOWN         = 0xAE # Volume Down Key

  VOLUME_UP           = 0xAF # Volume Up Key

  MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK    = 0xB0 # Next Track Key

  MEDIA_PREV_TRACK    = 0xB1 # Previous Track Key

  MEDIA_STOP          = 0xB2 # Stop Media Key

  MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE    = 0xB3 # Play/Pause Media Key

  LAUNCH_MAIL         = 0xB4 # Start Mail Key

  LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT = 0xB5 # Select Media Key

  LAUNCH_APP1         = 0xB6 # Start Application 1 Key

  LAUNCH_APP2         = 0xB7 # Start Application 2 Key

  PROCESSKEY          = 0xE5 # IME Process Key

  ATTN                = 0xF6 # Attn Key

  CRSEL               = 0xF7 # CrSel Key

  EXSEL               = 0xF8 # ExSel Key

  EREOF               = 0xF9 # Erase EOF Key

  PLAY                = 0xFA # Play Key

  ZOOM                = 0xFB # Zoom Key

  PA1                 = 0xFD # PA1 Key


  # * Number Pad Keys


  NUMPAD0             = 0x60 # Numeric Keypad 0 Key

  NUMPAD1             = 0x61 # Numeric Keypad 1 Key

  NUMPAD2             = 0x62 # Numeric Keypad 2 Key

  NUMPAD3             = 0x63 # Numeric Keypad 3 Key

  NUMPAD4             = 0x64 # Numeric Keypad 4 Key

  NUMPAD5             = 0x65 # Numeric Keypad 5 Key

  NUMPAD6             = 0x66 # Numeric Keypad 6 Key

  NUMPAD7             = 0x67 # Numeric Keypad 7 Key

  NUMPAD8             = 0x68 # Numeric Keypad 8 Key

  NUMPAD9             = 0x69 # Numeric Keypad 9 Key

  MULTIPLY            = 0x6A # Multiply Key (*)

  ADD                 = 0x6B # Add Key (+)

  SEPARATOR           = 0x6C # Separator Key

  SUBTRACT            = 0x6D # Subtract Key (-)

  DECIMAL             = 0x6E # Decimal Key (.)

  DIVIDE              = 0x6F # Divide Key (/)


  # * Function Keys


  F1                  = 0x70 # F1 Key

  F2                  = 0x71 # F2 Key

  F3                  = 0x72 # F3 Key

  F4                  = 0x73 # F4 Key

  F5                  = 0x74 # F5 Key

  F6                  = 0x75 # F6 Key

  F7                  = 0x76 # F7 Key

  F8                  = 0x77 # F8 Key

  F9                  = 0x78 # F9 Key

  F10                 = 0x79 # F10 Key

  F11                 = 0x7A # F11 Key

  F12                 = 0x7B # F12 Key

  F13                 = 0x7C # F13 Key

  F14                 = 0x7D # F14 Key

  F15                 = 0x7E # F15 Key

  F16                 = 0x7F # F16 Key

  F17                 = 0x80 # F17 Key

  F18                 = 0x81 # F18 Key

  F19                 = 0x82 # F19 Key

  F20                 = 0x83 # F20 Key

  F21                 = 0x84 # F21 Key

  F22                 = 0x85 # F22 Key

  F23                 = 0x86 # F23 Key

  F24                 = 0x87 # F24 Key


  # * Toggle Keys


  CAPITAL             = 0x14 # Caps Lock Key

  KANA                = 0x15 # IME Kana Mode Key

  HANGUL              = 0x15 # IME Hangul Mode Key

  JUNJA               = 0x17 # IME Junja Mode Key

  FINAL               = 0x18 # IME Final Mode Key

  HANJA               = 0x19 # IME Hanja Mode Key

  KANJI               = 0x19 # IME Kanji Mode Key

  MODECHANGE          = 0x1F # IME Mode Change Request Key

  INSERT              = 0x2D # Insert Key

  NUMLOCK             = 0x90 # Num Lock Key

  SCROLL              = 0x91 # Scroll Lock Key


  # * OEM Keys (Vary by keyboard)


  OEM_1               = 0xBA # Misc Characters (; : in USA 101/102 Keyboards)

  OEM_PLUS            = 0xBB # + = Key

  OEM_COMMA           = 0xBC # , < Key

  OEM_MINUS           = 0xBD # - _ Key

  OEM_PERIOD          = 0xBE # . > Key

  OEM_2               = 0xBF # Misc Characters (/ ? in USA 101/102 Keyboards)

  OEM_3               = 0xC0 # Misc Characters (` ~ in USA 101/102 Keyboards)

  OEM_4               = 0xDB # Misc Characters ([ { in USA 101/102 Keyboards)

  OEM_5               = 0xDC # Misc Characters (\ | in USA 101/102 Keyboards)

  OEM_6               = 0xDD # Misc Characters (] } in USA 101/102 Keyboards)

  OEM_7               = 0xDE # Misc Characters (' " in USA 101/102 Keyboards)

  OEM_8               = 0xDF # Misc Characters (Varies by Keyboard)

  OEM_9               = 0xE1 # OEM Specific

  OEM_10              = 0x92 # OEM Specific

  OEM_11              = 0x93 # OEM Specific

  OEM_12              = 0x94 # OEM Specific

  OEM_13              = 0x95 # OEM Specific

  OEM_14              = 0x96 # OEM Specific

  OEM_15              = 0xE3 # OEM Specific

  OEM_16              = 0xE4 # OEM Specific

  OEM_17              = 0xE6 # OEM Specific

  OEM_18              = 0xE9 # OEM Specific

  OEM_19              = 0xEA # OEM Specific

  OEM_20              = 0xEB # OEM Specific

  OEM_21              = 0xEC # OEM Specific

  OEM_22              = 0xED # OEM Specific

  OEM_23              = 0xEE # OEM Specific

  OEM_24              = 0xEF # OEM Specific

  OEM_25              = 0xF1 # OEM Specific

  OEM_26              = 0xF2 # OEM Specific

  OEM_27              = 0xF3 # OEM Specific

  OEM_28              = 0xF4 # OEM Specific

  OEM_29              = 0xF5 # OEM Specific

  OEM_102             = 0xE2 # Angle Bracket or Backslash on RT-102 Keyboards

  OEM_CLEAR           = 0xFE # Clear Key


  # * Special Keys


  ANYKEY              = 0x100 # Any Key


  # * Declare Module Variables



    # Create strings for unpacking input

    @unpack_string = 'B' * 256

    @toggle_unpack_string = 'b' * 256

    # Generate blank input arrays

    @last_array = '0' * 256

    @press   = Array.new(256, false) # Key currently pressed

    @trigger = Array.new(256, false) # Key initially pressed

    @repeat  = Array.new(256, false) # Key being held

    @release = Array.new(256, false) # Key being released

    @toggle  = Array.new(256, false) # Key currently toggled

    # Generate blank counter array

    @repeat_counter = Array.new(256, 0)

    # Declare keyboard API

    @getKeyboardState = Win32API.new('user32.dll', 'GetKeyboardState', 'P', 'V')

    @getAsyncKeyState = Win32API.new('user32.dll', 'GetAsyncKeyState', 'I', 'I')

    @getKeyState = Win32API.new('user32.dll', 'GetKeyState', 'I', 'I')

    @getKeyboardLayoutName = Win32API.new('user32.dll', 'GetKeyboardLayoutName',

      'P', 'I')

    @loadKeyboardLayout = Win32API.new('user32.dll', 'LoadKeyboardLayout', 'PI',


    @mapVirtualKeyEx = Win32API.new('user32.dll', 'MapVirtualKeyEx', 'III', 'I')

    @toUnicodeEx = Win32API.new('user32.dll', 'ToUnicodeEx', 'IIPPIII', 'I')

    # Call current keyboard state


    # Set previous keyboard state

    @last_array = @last_array.unpack(@unpack_string)

    # Set a blank keyboard state

    @keyboard_state = '0'*256

    # Set array to input character list

    @input_characters = [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S,

      T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, OEM_MINUS,


      OEM_7, OEM_8, OEM_9, OEM_10, OEM_11, OEM_12, OEM_13, OEM_14, OEM_15,

      OEM_16, OEM_17, OEM_18, OEM_19, OEM_20, OEM_21, OEM_22, OEM_23, OEM_24,

      OEM_25, OEM_26, OEM_27, OEM_28, OEM_29, OEM_102, NUMPAD0, NUMPAD1, NUMPAD2,



    # Create a keyboard layout buffer

    layout_name = '0' * 8

    # Get the keyboard name

    success = @getKeyboardLayoutName.call(layout_name)

    # Set the layout to US 101 if no name was obtained

    layout_name = '00000409' if success == 0

    # Save the keyboard layout

    @layout = @loadKeyboardLayout.call(layout_name, 0x00000001)

    # Create an empty array to store mapped virtual keys

    @mapped_keys = []

    # Iterate through the input character list

    for key in @input_characters

      # Insert the mapped virtual key into the array

      @mapped_keys.push(@mapVirtualKeyEx.call(key, 0, @layout))


    # create blank input array

    @keyboard_state = '0'*256

    # Call current keyboard state


    # Create an array to detect dead keys

    @dead_keys = []

    # Iterate through the input character array

    for key in 0...256

      # Find the key's current scan code

      scan_code = @mapVirtualKeyEx.call(key, 0, @layout)

      # Skip if there is no scan code for the current layout

      next if scan_code == 0

      # Create a character buffer

      buffer = '0' * 10

      # Test the key

      dead_key = @toUnicodeEx.call(key, scan_code, @keyboard_state, buffer, 5, 0,


      # if the key is a dead key

      if dead_key == -1

        # Add the key to the dead key array


        # Create a character buffer

        buffer = '0' * 10

        # Clear the input queue

        dead_key = @toUnicodeEx.call(@input_characters[-1], @mapped_keys[-1],

          @keyboard_state, buffer, 5, 0, @layout)



   # Set the dead keys to off

   @dead_key_on = false



  # * Frame Update


  def self.update

    # Clear input arrays

    @trigger = Array.new(256, false)

    @repeat = Array.new(256, false)

    @release = Array.new(256, false)

    # create blank input array

    @keyboard_state = '0' * 256

    # Call current keyboard state


    # unpack toggle array

    toggle = @keyboard_state.unpack(@toggle_unpack_string)

    # Unpack key array

    array = @keyboard_state.unpack(@unpack_string)

    # Cycle through all keys

    for i in 0...array.size

      # Set the current key state

      @press[i] = (array[i].to_i != 0)

      # Set the current toggle unpack state

      @toggle[i] = (toggle[i].to_i != 0)

      # If the current key state does not match the previous state

      if array[i] != @last_array[i]

        # If the repeat counter is at 0

        if @repeat_counter[i] <= 0 && @press[i]

          # Set the key to repeat

          @repeat[i] = true

          # Set the repeat counter to 15 frames

          @repeat_counter[i] = 15


        # If the key is not being pressed

        if !@press[i]

          # Set the key to released

          @release[i] = true

        # If the key is being pressed


          # Set the key to triggered

          @trigger[i] = true


      # If the key state is the same


        # If the repeat counter is greater than 0 and the key is pressed

        if @repeat_counter[i] > 0 && @press[i]

          # Cycle the repeat counter down one frame

          @repeat_counter[i] -= 1

        # If the repeat counter is 0 or less and the key is pressed

        elsif @repeat_counter[i] <= 0 && @press[i]

          # Set the key to repeat

          @repeat[i] = true

          # Set the repeat counter to 15 frames

          @repeat_counter[i] = 3

        # If the repeat counter does not equal 0

        elsif @repeat_counter[i] != 0 && !@press[i]

          # Set the repeat counter to 0

          @repeat_counter[i] = 0




    # Set the previous keyboard state

    @last_array = array



  # * Get Key Pressed State

  #     key : key index


  def self.press?(key)

    # Return the array state if key is an array

    return array_press?(key) if (Array == key.class)

    # Return false if key is invalid

    return false if !validate_key(key)

    # Return for any key

    return @press.include?(true) if key == 0x100

    # Return key pressed state

    return @press[key]



  # * Get Key Triggered State

  #     key : key index


  def self.trigger?(key)

    # Return the array state if key is an array

    return array_trigger?(key) if (Array == key.class)

    # Return false if key is invalid

    return false if !validate_key(key)

    # Return for any key

    return @trigger.include?(true) if key == 0x100

    # Return key triggered state

    return @trigger[key]



  # * Get Key Repeated State

  #     key : key index


  def self.repeat?(key)

    # Return the array state if key is an array

    return array_repeat?(key) if (Array == key.class)

    # Return false if key is invalid

    return false if !validate_key(key)

    # Return for any key

    return @repeat.include?(true) if key == 0x100

    # Return key repeated state

    return @repeat[key]



  # * Get Key Released State

  #     key : key index


  def self.release?(key)

    # Return the array state if key is an array

    return array_release?(key) if (Array == key.class)

    # Return false if key is invalid

    return false if !validate_key(key)

    # Return for any key

    return @release.include?(true) if key == 0x100

    # Return key released state

    return @release[key]



  # * Get Key Toggled State

  #     key : key index


  def self.toggle?(key)

    # Return the array state if key is an array

    return array_toggle?(key) if (Array == key.class)

    # Return false if key is invalid

    return false if !validate_key(key)

    # Return for any key

    return @toggle.include?(true) if key == 0x100

    # Return key toggled state

    return @toggle[key]



  # * Get Key Pressed State (array)

  #     keys : array of key indices


  def self.array_press?(keys)

    # Return as a key if the input is not an array

    return press?(keys) if (Array != keys.class)

    # Create a temporary array to store key states

    states = [false]

    # Iterate through the keys array

    for key in keys

      # Add the key state to the array

      states << press?(key)


    # Return true if any of the keys were pressed

    return states.include?(true)



  # * Get Key Triggered State (array)

  #     keys : array of key indices


  def self.array_trigger?(keys)

    # Return as a key if the input is not an array

    return trigger?(keys.to_i) if (Array != keys.class)

    # Create a temporary array to store key states

    states = [false]

    # Iterate through the keys array

    for key in keys

      # Add the key state to the array

      states << trigger?(key)


    # Return true if any of the keys were pressed

    return states.include?(true)



  # * Get Key Repeated State (array)

  #     keys : array of key indices


  def self.array_repeat?(keys)

    # Return as a key if the input is not an array

    return repeat?(keys.to_i) if (Array != keys.class)

    # Create a temporary array to store key states

    states = [false]

    # Iterate through the keys array

    for key in keys

      # Add the key state to the array

      states << repeat?(key)


    # Return true if any of the keys were pressed

    return states.include?(true)



  # * Get Key Released State (array)

  #     keys : array of key indices


  def self.array_release?(keys)

    # Return as a key if the input is not an array

    return release?(keys.to_i) if (Array != keys.class)

    # Create a temporary array to store key states

    states = [false]

    # Iterate through the keys array

    for key in keys

      # Add the key state to the array

      states << release?(key)


    # Return true if any of the keys were pressed

    return states.include?(true)



  # * Get Key Toggled State (array)

  #     keys : array of key indices


  def self.array_toggle?(keys)

    # Return as a key if the input is not an array

    return toggle?(keys.to_i) if (Array != keys.class)

    # Create a temporary array to store key states

    states = [false]

    # Iterate through the keys array

    for key in keys

      # Add the key state to the array

      states << toggle?(key)


    # Return true if any of the keys were pressed

    return states.include?(true)



  # * Get Caps Lock State


  def self.capslock?

    # Return the current toggle state of Caps Lock

    return @toggle[CAPITAL]



  # * Get Number Lock State


  def self.numlock?

    # Return the current toggle state of Num Lock

    return @toggle[NUMLOCK]



  # * Get Scroll Lock State


  def self.scroll?

    # Return the current toggle state of Scroll Lock

    return @toggle[SCROLL]



  # * Return Current Key Character Pressed


  def self.character_press

    # Iterate through the list of input characters

    for i in 0...@input_characters.size

      # Set a temporary variable to the value of the current key

      key = @input_characters[i]

      # Skip if the character is not currently pressed

      next unless self.press?(key)

      # Get the current key's scan code

      scan_code = @mapped_keys[i]

      # Get the specified character

      character = get_character(key, scan_code)

      # Skip if there was no translation for the character

      next if !character || character == -1

      # Return the translated character

      return character


    # Return blank if no characters were returned

    return ""



  # * Return Current Key Character Triggered


  def self.character_trigger

    # Iterate through the list of input characters

    for i in 0...@input_characters.size

      # Set a temporary variable to the value of the current key

      key = @input_characters[i]

      # Skip if the character is not currently triggered

      next unless self.trigger?(key)

      # Get the current key's scan code

      scan_code = @mapped_keys[i]

      # Get the specified character

      character = get_character(key, scan_code)

      # Skip if there was no translation for the character

      next if !character || character == -1

      # Return the translated character

      return character


    # Return blank if no characters were returned

    return ""



  # * Return Current Key Character Repeated


  def self.character_repeat

    # Iterate through the list of input characters

    for i in 0...@input_characters.size

      # Set a temporary variable to the value of the current key

      key = @input_characters[i]

      # Skip if the character is not currently repeated

      next unless self.repeat?(key)

      # Get the current key's scan code

      scan_code = @mapped_keys[i]

      # Get the specified character

      character = get_character(key, scan_code)

      # Skip if there was no translation for the character

      next if !character || character == -1

      # Return the translated character

      return character


    # Return blank if no characters were returned

    return ""



  # * Get Character from Key


  def self.get_character(key, scan_code)

    # Create a character buffer

    buffer = '0' * 10

    # Translate the current key to Unicode

    success = @toUnicodeEx.call(key, scan_code, @keyboard_state, buffer, 5, 0,


    # Return false there was no translation for the character

    return false if success == 0

    # Iterate through the dead keys

    for dead_key in @dead_keys

      # If the dead key was pressed

      if @getAsyncKeyState.call(dead_key) != 0

        # Map the dead key scan code

        dead_scan =  @mapVirtualKeyEx.call(dead_key, 0, @layout)

        # Recreate a character buffer

        buffer = '0' * 10

        # Translate the current key to Unicode

        success = @toUnicodeEx.call(dead_key, dead_scan, @keyboard_state,

          buffer, 5, 0, @layout)

        # If it returns as a dead key

        if success == -1

          # Recreate a character buffer

          buffer = '0' * 10

          # Translate the current key to Unicode

          success = @toUnicodeEx.call(key, scan_code, @keyboard_state, buffer,

          5, 0, @layout)


        # Return false there was no translation for the character

        return false if success == 0



    # Translate the characters to Ruby encoding

    characters = buffer.unpack('C*').pack('U*')

    # Create the return character

    array = []

    # Iterate through the character buffer

    for i in 0...(success * 2)

      # Add characters to the character array

      array.push(characters[i]) unless array.include?(characters[i])


    # If a dead key was pressed

    if success == -1

      # Iterate through the character buffer

      for i in 0...2

        # Add characters to the character array

        array.push(characters[i]) unless array.include?(characters[i])



    # Delete null characters

    array.delete_if {|byte| byte == 0}

    # Create an empty string for the return character

    character = ' ' * array.size

    # Iterate through the character array

    for i in 0...array.size

      # Add the character to the string

      character[i] = array[i]


    # Return the translated character

    return character



  # * Validate Key


  def self.validate_key(key)

    # Return false if key is not a number

    return false if !(key.is_a?(Numeric))

    # Force key into the integer class

    key = key.to_i

    # Return false if the key does not exist or is not an integer

    return false if ((key < 0x01) || (key > 0x100) || !(key == key.to_i))

    # Return that the key is valid

    return true





# ** Input


#  This module performs key input processing



module Input

  # Add class data

  class << self


    # * Alias Methods


    # If the update method has not been aliased

    unless method_defined?(:keyinputmodule_input_update)

      # Alias the update method

      alias keyinputmodule_input_update update



    # * Frame Update


    def update

      # Call original method


      # Update Keys module





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  • Place this script above Main, and below the default scripts. (I realize this is obvious to most, but some people don't get it.)
  • This module is automatically updated by the default Input module, which means that the only time you need to call the update method is in a scene that does not update the default Input module.
  • This module does not break the functionality of the default Input module.
  • If you wish to read keys from a gamepad, you must still use the default input module to do so.
  • To use this module, simply use one of the four methods (press?(key), trigger?(key), repeat?(key), or release?(key)), where key is the index of the key you want to check. Key may also be used as Keys::KEYNAME. For a list of acceptable key names, look below the header.
  • There is a key named ANYKEY. This key can be used like any other key, with the exception that, instead of corresponding to any one key, it reacts to them all. If you use it, and any other key would cause the same method to return true, then the ANYKEY will also return true.

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Method List

Updates keyboard input. Calls to this method are not necessary unless the
default Input module is not being updated.

Determines whether the button determined by key is currently being
pressed. If the button is being pressed, returns true. If not, returns false.

Determines whether the button determined by key is being pressed again.
"Pressed again" is seen as time having passed between the button being
not pressed and being pressed. If the button is being pressed, returns true.
If not, returns false.

Determines whether the button determined by key is being pressed again.
Unlike trigger?(), this takes into account the repeat input of a button being
held down continuously. If the button is being pressed, returns true. If not,
returns false.

Determines whether the button determined by key has just been released. If
the button has been released, returns true. If not, returns false.

Determines whether the button determined by key has been toggled. This
functions like Caps Lock, Number Lock, and Scroll Lock, only for all keys.

Functions in the same manner as Keys.press?(), only it takes an array of
keys as input.

Functions in the same manner as Keys.trigger?(), only it takes an array of
keys as input.

Functions in the same manner as Keys.repeat?(), only it takes an array of
keys as input.

Functions in the same manner as Keys.release?(), only it takes an array of
keys as input.

Functions in the same manner as Keys.toggle?(), only it takes an array of
keys as input.

Determines whether the caps lock key is toggled on. This will always return
true when the corresponding keyboard light is lit, and false when it is not.

Determines whether the number lock key is toggled on. This will always
return true when the corresponding keyboard light is lit, and false when it is

Determines whether the scroll lock key is toggled on. This will always return
true when the corresponding keyboard light is lit, and false when it is not.

Returns the currently pressed key, if it would generate text input. If no such
key would register as pressed, it returns an empty string.

Returns the currently triggered key, if it would generate text input. If no such
key would register as triggered, it returns an empty string.

Returns the currently repeated key, if it would generate text input. If no such
key would register as repeated, it returns an empty string.

Keys.get_character(key, scan_code)
Returns the character forresponding to the given key. If no character is
recognized by the system, it returns false instead. This method is intended
for internal use.

Checks the validity of a key. If a key variable can be used by this module, it
will return true. Otherwise, it will return false.

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Known Issues

This script has trouble with certain foreign language keyboards, where dead keys are shift sensitive. Dead keys are used to insert diacritical marks such as an accent. However, the correct character can be generated with creative use of shift and caps lock.

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This script is licensed under the MIT License:

The License":1mt7scds said:
Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Sean Porter (Glitchfinder) <glitchkey@gmail.com>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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I haven't really had the chance to mess with this yet, but skimming through it, appears you've done an excellent job! What I like about this script is it's compact (compared to Aleworks/AWorks) but is down to the point, and the coding is very clean and easy to read. More importantly, as this is what I've stressed over with other input modules, you say that it doesn't interfere with gamepad functionality or default inputs, just gives you full keyboard support, which I like the most about this!

I plan to deticate a few days to test this script, and evaluate it against others of its kind. When I get a chance, I'll let you know if I've encountered any bugs (with yours) or if there is any functions that others' have which your's doesn't.

I think AWorks supported multiple simultaneous key presses/triggers/repeats, etc while the default Input module alone doesn't. Since I don't have RM on this particular computer, I haven't been able to test with your's yet, but now I'm curious if yours will allow me to.

ie, with my Run/Jump scripts, I can press [Run] + [Direction] then trigger [Jump] in that sequence with AWorks, but triggering [Jump] without AWorks doesn't respond very well if at all (although Run == Input::C and Jump == Input::A, both native to RM, so thats not the issue)

Until I can get to it, you should see what holding Input::A, any of the directional buttons, and then triggering Input::C do. Perhaps I was just having a bad day or something. Its been awhile since I've used RM, nonetheless without AWorks, that I forget what the default Input system is like compared to it.

Anyways, I'll be sure to check this out when I have a chance, I'm already excited you've went through with finishing and releasing this :thumb:
Thanks for the great comment! Regarding multiple key presses, it should support as many as your keyboard does. This script reads the state of the entire keyboard, instead of simply reading keys one by one. So, in theory, there shouldn't be a problem with more than one key at once.
Nice, but I think your update method is complex. First your are initializing 3 new arrays each frame. You should create a class variable you clear on the update.
No credits for original creators ? Cybersam or NearFantastica I think.
berka":138qorfl said:
Nice, but I think your update method is complex. First your are initializing 3 new arrays each frame. You should create a class variable you clear on the update.
No credits for original creators ? Cybersam or NearFantastica I think.
Clearing the arrays would take just as long or longer than simply making a new array. The update method is complex because the Win32API I used doesn't actually give the current key state, but instead will change each key from a 0 to a 1 and vice-versa when it gets pressed. (As opposed to having a 0 when not pressed, and a 1 when currently pressed)

As for credits, why would they be needed? I coded this script from scratch, and the only similarities would be in the key numbers, which are determined by Microsoft, and were taken from the MSDN database. Admittedly, I'm not the first one to come up with the idea for adding the key.released method, but, once again, I coded mine from scratch, instead of relying on somebody else's code.

Edit: I just looked up both CyberSam's and Near Fantastica's Keyboard Input Modules. They are both wildly different from mine, and apparently both have well known problems that I have yet to see in my module. (For example, CyberSam's module has trouble reading the keys that default RMXP Input module can read) The closest module to mine, function-wise, is AWorks, but that uses a .dll file to accomplish all of this, and it breaks the default Input module, requiring fixes to events and other scripts.

Edit: I just tested this in RMVX, and, to the best of my knowledge, it works perfectly in both VX and XP. I have changed the script header and post icon to reflect this.
I just took a more in-depth look at it, and well... I really like what I see ^^ Despite the large introduction block I don't really see a necessity for (not saying it's not helpful, but compared to the additional filesize of your Scripts.rxvdata files, keeping the instructions in the topic or on the webpage would've been enough... that's only an opinion, though), I don't really see much going the wrong way... your documentation is quite exhaustive (maybe a bit too much... talking specifically about the 'return key state' comments - in my opinion, putting the 'return' in there is enough information on what's happening, and whoever reads that and doesn't understand it won't be too happy with the given comment either... too much commenting kills readability again), your coding is clean, the functionality is great (talking about non-DLL-requiring, however I think you also have some keys in there that aren't too usuable; for example the varying-by-keyboard ones... it's very minor though).
The only problem I really see is performance, as with that giant update method and the multiple arrays there, the Interpreter really has to take a punch on each keypress... now for the code I see, that shouldn't be too heavy, as you're not drawing stufff or anything, but I can imagine some input processing errors on an already exhausted Interpreter from processing other scripts... haven't tested this, though.

Keep up the good work! ...while I take a look at your Mouse Input script...
Thanks for the great reply, BlueScope! Regarding the header for my script, I will admit that it's probably too much. (Except the license. That bit's essential, in my opinion) However, it will soon be dwindling in comparison to the size of the script itself, once I get around to adding a few planned methods and releasing the next update.

As for the unusable keys, it's because they do exist on at least some keyboards, and a game will generally be localized to a specific keyboard, which means that the person using the script will be the one to determine what those keys do if they're not using a US 101/102 keyboard. (Note that most of those keys are labeled as OEM keys, because they vary from location to location. The keys specifically designated by name should always have the same ID, regardless of keyboard origin)

And finally, your comment regarding processing time. Believe it or not, pressing a key, ten keys, or no keys will not make a difference to this script. Specifically, this is due to the Win32API method I called. What it does is give me a map of all keys on the keyboard, by ID. I then go through the map, and use it to fill several arrays. And while some values do depend on recent actions, it won't make a difference because it checks the action for every key, regardless of whether it actually happened. I've tested for lag as best I could, however, my computer is far too powerful for me to test properly. (Which is one reason I like it when theory is active. He has several computers, including a couple at just the right power to be good for testing lag)
Your syntax, commenting, and overall neatness is (in my opinion) excellent! I really appreciate commenting such as what can be found in your script... It greatly helps us beginning scripters learn more as we go along with ease. Please, keep it up!



I've used your KIM script in my game and it's helpful.. but i still confused in using it. I'm not very good in scripting. When i used it in my game then i created an event to input the player's name (i set the ID is 1). So far so good. but after that when i called the name of player in text command with \n[1] it showed nothing.. just blank text. Can you help me?
My guess is that you didn't save the name properly... it's meant to replace the @name variable in $game_actor, meaning to change the first (database-wise) actor's name, you'd have to set $game_actors[1].name, to set the first (party-wise) actor's name, you' have to use $game_party.actors[0].name or $game_party.members[0].name (depending on your RPG Maker version).

Either way, this won't be affected by the Keyboard module unless you did something unexpected... if you share your code, we can help you further (along with the RPG Maker version you're using).



Ah yes.. i'm using RPG Maker VX. After adding KIM to the script editor i created an event to input character name, i just using 'name input processing' command where i set the actor ID to '001' with max character was 6. Here's the screenshot:

The KIM has completely replace the default keyboard input, but the actor name is still not initialized yet after the command above was called. Is there something i miss?
I'm pretty sure that my script wouldn't be causing the problem, since it never modified Scene_Name, which is the portion of the default scripts that control the actor renaming process. However, I'll edit this post as soon as I've tested to make sure.

All right, I just tested, and the name input processing works like it normally does, so it shouldn't be my script that was keeping it from working properly. Have you tried removing other scripts to see if they were the cause?

I just took a closer look at your event, and realized that you were initializing the actor when you added him to your party. That would reset the actor to the state he's in in your database, including resetting his name to a blank name.



Yeah, you're right. I write the initializing actor command before name input command, and it's working. Thanks for your help.
All right. Gu574v0 forced my hand on this one, but I've had an update for this sitting around waiting for me to finish the header and post it. Has quite a bit in the way of new features, including the ones mostly superseded by Gu574v0's. My favorite is the Anykey. (For reasons obvious to any who hang out with me in IRC)



Glitchfinder":3b3f48mc said:
All right. Gu574v0 forced my hand on this one, but I've had an update for this sitting around waiting for me to finish the header and post it. Has quite a bit in the way of new features, including the ones mostly superseded by Gu574v0's. My favorite is the Anykey. (For reasons obvious to any who hang out with me in IRC)

Hey Glitch, your input module is my favorite. Nice work with the update. Yet, it ignored one key on my keyboard, with the ? and / characters, and it doesn't put together the accents with the letters (pressing ~ and A should type Ã). I should forgive you since English doesn't have any accents, but I have to show people my script isn't completely useless XD
Gu574v0":1k5k78z0 said:
Glitchfinder":1k5k78z0 said:
All right. Gu574v0 forced my hand on this one, but I've had an update for this sitting around waiting for me to finish the header and post it. Has quite a bit in the way of new features, including the ones mostly superseded by Gu574v0's. My favorite is the Anykey. (For reasons obvious to any who hang out with me in IRC)

Hey Glitch, your input module is my favorite. Nice work with the update. Yet, it ignored one key on my keyboard, with the ? and / characters, and it doesn't put together the accents with the letters (pressing ~ and A should type Ã). I should forgive you since English doesn't have any accents, but I have to show people my script isn't completely useless XD

Odd. I know it handles the ´, `, and ^ characters in a German keyboard, and I set it to check for dead keys. I'll have to test further. As for the key it ignored, can you tell me what key it is, in my list of constants?



Glitchfinder":1nm6qkve said:
Odd. I know it handles the ´, `, and ^ characters in a German keyboard, and I set it to check for dead keys. I'll have to test further. As for the key it ignored, can you tell me what key it is, in my list of constants?

It's the 0xC1 key. It's not on your list of constants. The trigger/press/repeat methods all react to it, though (I found the value of the key by making ANYKEY return the index of the pressed key).
My Keyboard layout is "Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT)".
Gu574v0":1aqjj76z said:
It's the 0xC1 key. It's not on your list of constants. The trigger/press/repeat methods all react to it, though (I found the value of the key by making ANYKEY return the index of the pressed key).
My Keyboard layout is "Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT)".

Interesting. The reason it's not on my list of constants is because it's in a series of keys that Microsoft marked as Reserved. I'll add those keys to the list of constants, as well as the array to check for input. As for the ~ key, what does that respond to? (Note that you have to press a dead key twice to get it to print anything.) Also, is that key shift sensitive, or simply unresponsive?



Glitchfinder":1ddrjhpz said:
Gu574v0":1ddrjhpz said:
It's the 0xC1 key. It's not on your list of constants. The trigger/press/repeat methods all react to it, though (I found the value of the key by making ANYKEY return the index of the pressed key).
My Keyboard layout is "Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT)".

Interesting. The reason it's not on my list of constants is because it's in a series of keys that Microsoft marked as Reserved. I'll add those keys to the list of constants, as well as the array to check for input. As for the ~ key, what does that respond to? (Note that you have to press a dead key twice to get it to print anything.) Also, is that key shift sensitive, or simply unresponsive?

The ?/ key doesn't respond to the "character" methods any way, with or without shift and Alt-gr.
The all the accents key [~ ^], key [´ `] and key [6 ¨] give me the accent character (the shift status is taken into accout correctly), when pressed once, as if I have pressed the accent and then space.
Gu574v0":3f1b9dv8 said:
The all the accents (...) give me the accent character (the shift status is taken into accout correctly), when pressed once, as if I have pressed the accent and then space.
Same for German keyboard mapping, however it does work when you press them at the very same frame (or very shortly after, resulting in , for example) for me. As you have different keys on your keyboard, would you mind testing that?

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