rpgmaker xp
I give credit to Ccoa Universtal Message System.
Storyline (its kind of long)
April 7, 1630… The Republic of Epelia was celebrating the ending of the Great War. While the Kingdom Mondiale was grieving over their loss. During this time the King of Mondiale, Mark the Third, was confronted by a strange women. The women told the king her name was Elna and she was sent by the gods to grant him one wish, but at the cost of kingdom.
Mark didn’t think it over and in a second he had wish that Epelia would be punished for what they had done. It was then that the Republic of Epelia once tropical environment soon turned into a wasteland of sand and dust. This weakened Epelia but the Republic didn’t fall.
But Mondiale did, since the king went through with the wish his own kingdom fell into ruins. Civilians then held a public execution of the king in the ruins of the kingdom. The Family of the king where forever shunned from society. It has been said that they all committed suicide.
Years after the fall of Mondiale the North part had become a new kingdom under a new royal family, the Barras family. And the South part becomes another kingdom ruled by a new royal family, the Garnier family. For years these two kingdoms fought, while the Republic of Epelia refused to get in any other conflicts while it rebuilds itself.
Though they told this to both Kingdoms they still asked for the Republic’s aid. This was always denied. Resistance groups had been created in both of the Kingdoms to overthrow the royal families, but this groups where defeated.
No signs of the war ending. Both kingdoms corrupted, and one kingdom that refuses to do anything. Though the gods interfered with humans with the fall of Mondiale they now refuse to interfere any more. But the war isn’t the only problem. In a neighboring country a war ended and lead to the destruction of that country. Now all the people from the remains of the destroyed country fled to the Republic and the kingdoms.
Bandits also fled and now they rein terror all over the Republic and the kingdoms. And now Bandits, Overpopulation, and a War. But in the shadows of all of this a rumor that one of the sons of Mark the Third didn’t commit suicide and is planning the rebuilding of the Kingdom of Mondiale. He is the only one who knows what his father did to have Mondiale destroyed.
And that is the reason for Keuan to rebuild the Kingdom to not make the same mistake his father did. But with this supposed rumor flying around people are now on the hunt for him to stop him from doing what he wishes to do.
Mark didn’t think it over and in a second he had wish that Epelia would be punished for what they had done. It was then that the Republic of Epelia once tropical environment soon turned into a wasteland of sand and dust. This weakened Epelia but the Republic didn’t fall.
But Mondiale did, since the king went through with the wish his own kingdom fell into ruins. Civilians then held a public execution of the king in the ruins of the kingdom. The Family of the king where forever shunned from society. It has been said that they all committed suicide.
Years after the fall of Mondiale the North part had become a new kingdom under a new royal family, the Barras family. And the South part becomes another kingdom ruled by a new royal family, the Garnier family. For years these two kingdoms fought, while the Republic of Epelia refused to get in any other conflicts while it rebuilds itself.
Though they told this to both Kingdoms they still asked for the Republic’s aid. This was always denied. Resistance groups had been created in both of the Kingdoms to overthrow the royal families, but this groups where defeated.
No signs of the war ending. Both kingdoms corrupted, and one kingdom that refuses to do anything. Though the gods interfered with humans with the fall of Mondiale they now refuse to interfere any more. But the war isn’t the only problem. In a neighboring country a war ended and lead to the destruction of that country. Now all the people from the remains of the destroyed country fled to the Republic and the kingdoms.
Bandits also fled and now they rein terror all over the Republic and the kingdoms. And now Bandits, Overpopulation, and a War. But in the shadows of all of this a rumor that one of the sons of Mark the Third didn’t commit suicide and is planning the rebuilding of the Kingdom of Mondiale. He is the only one who knows what his father did to have Mondiale destroyed.
And that is the reason for Keuan to rebuild the Kingdom to not make the same mistake his father did. But with this supposed rumor flying around people are now on the hunt for him to stop him from doing what he wishes to do.
Keuan Nine
Age: 19
Bio: During the execution of his father, Mark. Keuan was Ten years old, with being so young while his family killed themselves he did not because he didn’t have the guts to and he didn’t want to die. He knew why this was all happening and he tried to convince them not to but they didn’t listen. Growing up all alone wasn’t terrible for him, he learned many things. It was at the age of Seventeen he decided to rebuild the kingdom of Mondiale, though no one found out he was doing this until two years later. Now he has set off to find people to help him achieve his dream.
Noble Margret Shale Reungo
Age: 19
Bio: At a young age, Margret always hated politics. She believed that it corrupted people, not that it had corrupted Epelia. But she always believed it was a possibility. With that she was always a pacifist. Since she was born into a Noble Family, to be more exact The Reungo Family. They owned a huge business that contributed a lot to Epelia after the climate change. Margret didn’t have to take over the business but she also didn’t know what she wanted to do. That’s when it hit her, why doesn’t she become one of the nobles who manage new district. Then at the age of 19 was elected. Though still on her mind not to let politics take over her. She joined for two simple reasons, one not to let any other council member become corrupt by politics, and two to help the common person.
More Info-
Barras family – Limited Monarch
Barras Family – A family that worked for the king of Mondiale, they were the generals for the army. During the war between Mondiale and Epelia, The king sent all the generals to aid in a battle that had been going on for days, it was a hopeless battle that Richard Barras found out that it was a set up from the King because he felt the Barras family was getting too much power in government. After the fall of Mondiale, the Barras family thought this would be a good time to start their own Kingdom. That’s when they took over the North part of Mondiale, and began new rule. They wanted to control the south before anyone else did, but they were too late. The Garnier family had taken over the South and became a corrupt absolute monarchy that wished for the destruction of the Barras Family.
Garnier Family – Corrupt Absolute Monarch.
Garnier Family – A family that was hated by all of Mondiale, twenty years before the war between Mondiale and Epelia, the Garnier Family leader Keith Garnier attacked Mondiale as a coup d’état, it was a failure, but if Garnier accomplished anything it was getting the people of Mondiale to hate them even more. The Garnier family burned and held public executions every day, to civilians of Mondiale and to anyone they felt was a traitor even if they weren’t really, sometimes they would do it for the heck of it. Truly an insane and cruel family. After the fall of Mondiale they quickly took seize of south Mondiale. In order to show their power to the rest of the world. When the Barras family arrived in the South Mondiale, they quickly saw the horrors of the Garnier family; it was for certain they need to stop them. They attacked the main city of the Garnier family and since then a war between the families has been raging. The Garnier family has also made some attempts to take over the Republic of Epelia, which almost led to another war, but the Republic stopped the attempts and instead of declaring war, they added hundreds of more soldiers to their border to stop any attacks.
Republic of Epelia – Republic that is supported by a town assembly.
Epelia – One of the oldest Republics in the entire world. It has been said to be also the most peaceful nations, they tried to prevent the war between them and Mondiale but it was futile. The Republic of Epelia is also sometimes referred as the Holy Country. Epelia is separated into Four Districts. Old, Rain, Cloud, and New District. Once the war ended and Mark the Third made his wish. The nation changed, many towns and farms had to be abandoned. This was an economic turmoil. Many things the country had to be changed. Many people died, but two years after the change the Republic was once more in peace, and prosperity. But even then work needed to be done such as the making of New District. So once they found out the two Royal families had begun a war, they quickly stated a new law to not get involved.
More info on Epelia---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
– Each District is ruled by two people, one male and one female, to keep a balance of power. They are elected by only the people of that District. Every week the eight elected rulers of Epelia Districts meet, and discuss new ideas and problems they have. Once elected they are in office for six years. If they are not doing their job they can be kicked out of office. Then a month later new people will run. Also District leaders also meet up with random townsfolk that are chosen in their district and also discuss with them every other week.
The Army – The army of Epelia is one of the biggest armies in the whole world, even with being a peaceful nation. In the total of twenty thousand years since the Republic was founded it has only gone into five wars and each war the Republic won. The wars only lasted about one to two years. Once they win a war, they do not conquer their enemies’ nation. Due to the fear of those people rising up once more against Epelia.
End of info for Epelia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Continent of Kuelpe – This is the continent that hosts all of the forces. Ever since people came over from the continent Inro. Settling on Kuelpe was difficult, many monsters, and unfertile land. Though the settlers didn’t stop and pushed through. Kuelpe is surrounded by many islands with Kuelpe in the middle. At ever edge of the continent you see little islands. Researchers have estimated that Kuelpe is only 37% fertile. That is why when the climate changed for The Republic of Epelia this was very serious because it changed the 37% into a 27%.
The Settlers – Though many call them pioneers. Their official name is the Settlers. They are the people who first colonized the un-touched Kuelpe. Inro settlers were sent by the elders of Kingdom of Siloea to find new places to live for their country was dying. Now this wasn’t a mission to breed new kingdoms to help the dying one, no this was a mission to start over. Though the ideas of the elders where lost during the colonization. Main reason why the ideas of the elders where lost was because of inner disputes between the Settlers. They broke up and that was how the Republic of Epelia and the many kingdoms to fall and rise where started.
The Kingdom of Siloea – Siloea was a noble kingdom that was somewhat peaceful. But when war begun, they instantly became war demon’s slaying every enemy they saw. On the battlefield there was no surrender it was always a battle to the end whether they liked it or not. Siloea conquered 70% of the Continent of Inro. But after a long thousand year war, the kingdom had finally fallen. Bandits and other kingdoms took over what Siloea had ruled.
“Fall of a kingdom, rise from the ashes.” – Siloea once a powerful kingdom now in ruins. Even though the kingdom had fallen, the elders who ruled the kingdom with an iron fist had not lost their honor. They tried and tried to rebuild the kingdom. It was all futile. Then they knew it was truly over. That’s when they picked many noble people who could get the job done, to go and settle on new land. It took months and months but they succeeded and got to Kuelpe. When they got their they first stated the new kingdom to be named New Siloea.
“Rose from the ashes, destroyed by the ashes.” – Though New Siloea had begun to be built, many settles after a while of thinking didn’t want the nation to called New Siloea and that they shouldn’t re-build a fallen kingdom that led to own demise. Fights began to break out. Until it was over, both sides of the Settlers broke. And then even New Siloea had been abandon.
“One of its kind.” - Epelia had been founded. It was settled by the settlers who believed they shouldn’t re-build Siloea. They formed Epelia to be different from all others that is why they chose a Republic instead of Monarch. When news got to the others settlers who founded the Kingdom of Marevale, they where speechless. A Republic had always been theorized but never had been done. War broke out; it ended with Marevale at its knees in surrender and soon to the Kingdom being broken up.

-As the game progress, if you return to past towns that you have gone to the people in the town won’t say the same things over and over, they will be talking about current events or random events that are going on in their community.
-Character progression will be apparent, so the characters will have different relationships by the end of the game.
-Expansive world that will have many places to explore, and many characters to meet.
-Extra content so after the ending of the game there will be much to do.