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Karma Variable



Right im new to RMXP no big problems so far but i need help with one thing well two.

1. I have a Karma variable set up in the game to have points added or taken away when doing certain things in game, is there an easy way printing the number in a message rather than lots of conditional branches saying = a certain number display message because i planned to be able to be able to get 100 or more points so this would be rather difficult to do aswell as as extreamly time consuming,

2. On a similar but not entierly the same matter is there a code i can use to print one of the hero's names in a message because i have made it so the hero name can be changed.
1.) In a Message type '\v[VariableID]' where VariableID is the ID of the Variable.

2.) To print the Hero Name in a message, I am fairly sure you will need an Advanced Message System. I believe Slipknots AMS is one of the more popular ones.

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