Just a tip. Whenever your making a map which is outside , make sure the entry and exit to the map as a conditional branch. So whenever the player walks on the event , he has to be pressng down at the south end of the map , or left and the west end of the map, to progress into the next one , so this clears up a few weird stuff , (Like whenever you appear in a room , hit right , and go outside again?)
Now , when you play it , it seems more professional , doesn't it?
If this is in the wrong place , move it please!
Edit: Instead of the button comand , just do "if player is facing" comand. Thanks for pointing that out ,missingno.
Now , when you play it , it seems more professional , doesn't it?
If this is in the wrong place , move it please!
Edit: Instead of the button comand , just do "if player is facing" comand. Thanks for pointing that out ,missingno.