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June Art Workshop

Monthly Art Workshop: June

The objective of this contest is for the artist to try something new and different. These are meant to be niche challenges that will hopefully improve your abilities. Its easy to join; I post some sort of criteria and you draw it. Simple!


Rules are simple. I am going to post some sort of criteria and you follow it. The idea is to challenge yourself and explore new boundaries. What you post doesn't have to be a masterpiece! Once you finish your final art (and mark it so), just post it in this thread and you are submitted to win. What can you win?! Some cool game that's what!

  • You have one week (June 27th) to post you piece
  • You must post your finished product in this thread
  • You may ask for outside help! The idea is to learn and grow. So post in this thread for advice or in your own art thread!
  • You can use any medium!
  • You can submit multiple pieces


At the end of the week, all art will be posted. Sometimes there will be a poll other times I will just decide. The decision is based on risk and improvement. If you have the best piece (or best critique), you win something equal or less than 20$. I can buy you something but i need a shipping address. Or i can buy you steam game things. This contest also takes place across another forum (RRR) so there is some stiff competition. Hopefully we can unify our artists!

Monthly Criteria

Draw conflict. It can be any type of conflict and it can be expressed in numerous ways. Feel free to make comics, sketches, gestures, landscapes, etc. Explore and try something new! Be creative!

No that's not my entry lol

Do competitors have to be forum members? I know an artist friend who I can share this contest info with, although she's not a member of neither forum, nor is she a game maker.
No. I dont care if you are a forum member or not. The idea is to inspire and create.

Also FYI, you don't have to have the best piece. If you are going around to different boards and giving good, solid critique and then submit something that might not be as good as the rest you still have a really good shit at winning. This contest is meant to bring the community together and have a bit of fun. Don't take this as like an official CONTEST, play around and have enjoy yourselves.~



Great, motivation for art (for me anyways) I've been trying to find a reason to draw lately cause when I don't have a reason the best I can do is a crippled stick figure, so expect me to post some things... But when we enter our piece, do we just post it in this thread?

Darn it. I really should be more active here.

Pipe, this is a fantastic idea, and I really hope you keep the monthly comp going - even if you don't offer prizes beyond a simple "congratulations!"

I'll try to remember to check back here on a daily basis over the next week, crossing my fingers that you start another criteria for August. I promise I'll upload something!
yeah i ran out of money to do one in july but im definitely going to do one in august (hopefully)
just in case anyone was wondering Zchin did win and i def spent money on him because he did something!

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