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Judgment Line

I'm requesting this for Abbey.

She said she wanted to know how to make her "judgment line" for her CBS. For those of you who didn't read her original request, she wants a rectangle with three different colors: Grey (Miss Area), Orange (Hit Area), and Red (Strike/Critical Area). A vertical line starts at the left and moves to the right. The judgment line is 160 by 32 and positioned above each character (she can do that part, but for testing purposes...). When the player hits space, the vertical line stops. When it stops, the x position (relative to the battler x position) is used to determine the outcome (Miss, Hit, or Strike). If the player doesn't hit space in time, the vertical bar stops on pixel 160, plays the cancel SE, and counts as a miss. Okay, to simplify it a bit, basically, she wants:
-1) To draw rectangles.
-2) To make a moving vertical bar (1 pixel thick) with speed based on 1000 - attacker.agi
-3) To make the vertical bar stop when
----a) The bar reaches the 160th pixel, or
----b) The player hits space
-4) Returning damage based on the x pixel in relation to the battler x (she can probably do this, but it would be nice)

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